Monday, September 16, 2019

Mark 11 tells of the palm Sunday entrance into Jerusalem, the cursing of the fig tree, the cleansing of the temple, and the question of authority from the chief priests and elders.

The "triumphal entry" is a fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, humble and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey."

Yet, even in the shouts of "Hosanna!"  The people were looking for the "kingdom of our father David"..  Jesus came as the King of heaven and earth, but He was not what they wanted.

Jesus looked for fruit on a tree that was out of season.  And then He cursed it and it withered.  Was it just a demonstration?  Or an illustration?  Or both?  When the disciples saw the result and mentioned it to Jesus, He spoke to them on the power of prayer.  But, some have said that it was about Israel. The nation was without fruit.  They rejected the One who could change all that.. and so they were cursed to not bear fruit again.

Jesus had cleansed the temple once before, at the beginning of His ministry.  Now, at the end, He once again throws out those who were using it for their own gains and declared that it was only meant to be for "a house of prayer for all the nations."   It was meant to be the place where God's Name would be honored and the Presence of God would be found. A Holy place...   Instead, they used it for "buying and selling.. " a marketplace, a common and unholy place...  How far they had fallen.

The leaders tried every way possible to discredit Jesus.  He blocked every challenge.  The only thing left for them was to lie.. and so they would.. in just a few more days.

The kingdom of God is all about the King.  The King that came was not the king expected.  Yet, He was the King that was revealed to the prophets and anticipated by the saints who had gone before.
The King demonstrated His power and authority.  He demonstrated His humility and obedience to the Father's Word.  He demonstrated His love for the Father's House.  And He would ultimately demonstrate His love for us.

Father in heaven, how wonderful is the gospel of Jesus Christ, our King forever.  Thank You for Your lovingkindness and mercy. Once again, I bow before You and give You all of my heart and soul and body.. I am Your servant.  Lead me in Your ways and may Your will be done.  In the name and authority of Jesus Christ the Lord I pray. Amen.

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