Thursday, September 5, 2019

Mark 7-8 Jesus did a remarkable amount of traveling here - He went to Tyre, then back to the Decapolis, then to Dalmanutha on the west side of the Galilee, leaves by boat again, going to Bethsaida, on the north point of the Galilee, and the way north to Caesarea Philippi.

Not only did Jesus have mercy on the Syrophoenician woman.. but He fed 4000 plus in the desolate countryside of the Decapolis.. an entirely Gentile area.  He healed a deaf/dumb man by putting His fingers in his ears and touching his tongue with His saliva.  He healed a blind man by using saliva on his eyes.  The message of the kingdom of God was taking an unexpected turn and the disciples were a bit confused by all of it.

When Jesus talked about the leaven of the Pharisees, the disciples thought about the lack of bread.
"Do you not yet see and understand? Do you have a hardened heart? Having eyes do you not see?
And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?"   They had 12 baskets of bread left over from 5 loaves!  They had 7 baskets left over from 7 loaves!  They saw it for themselves and yet they were still not understanding..

Perhaps this is why Jesus takes them on the long walk to Caesarea Philippi.  They needed to talk!
Jesus starts the conversation with a question, " Who do people say that I am?"  After they answered that some thought He was John the Baptist or one of the prophets, Jesus asks the vital question - "But who do you say that I am?"  Peter responds, " Thou art the Christ."  Finally, the Truth has come to Peter's heart. Matthew writes, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven,"  

Who do we say that Jesus is?  We can only say what the Father has revealed to us.  We say that He is the Lord, the Messiah, the Chosen and Sent One, the Lamb of God, the Coming King.. the Savior and the Sanctifier, the Healer, and the Beloved Son of God.  And we say these things because our Heavenly Father has revealed this to us!  Praise the Lord!

The unsaved cannot say this. They may respect Him. They may call Him a great teacher.  They may even use religious words to say He was a prophet.. but they cannot say that He is the Christ, the Son of God and really mean it. Our answer to this question matters! Who do you say that Jesus is?

Now that this is known.. Jesus begins to tell His disciples the Father's full plan -  He will suffer, He will be rejected, He will die, and He will rise again.  But, Peter doesn't like this plan at all and tells Jesus so... and is rebuked, " Get behind Me , Satan; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests but man's."  Peter goes from being the rock, the foundation of the church.. to being called out for having Satan's thoughts!  "God's interests" - so much higher  and deeper and greater than man's best plans!

Jesus also begins to teach about the cost of discipleship.. the cost of following Him.
And the cost is great :
It begins with denying oneself - to disown oneself.
It includes a willingness to take up a cross - to take a stand - to die for Him.
It means following Jesus - walking the same road with Him.
It means losing your life so you can save it.
It means giving everything,  for nothing can be exchanged for your soul.
It means not being ashamed of the name of Jesus in the midst of adulterous and sinful people.

Father in heaven, thank You for giving us such a Savior, Jesus Christ, who walks with us and leads us in Your ways. How wonderful are Your plans, Lord God! How great is Your Word, revealing to us all Truth and bring us to know Jesus.  Deepen our walk with You.. draw us ever nearer we pray. And as we count the cost of following Jesus, strengthen us by Your Spirit so that we can remain steadfast in Him.. Amen.

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