Friday, September 13, 2019

Mark 10

The Kingdom of God is made known through Jesus - in all He did and all He said while He walked on earth.  In this chapter we learn that:

God's plan for mankind includes marriage that unites a man and a woman into one flesh. This unity creates a family... they are kindred.. not meant to become separate again. Divorce breaks this family unit and God's law was given to protect that.  But, because of "hardness of heart" Moses permitted them to give a "certificate of divorce".  This was meant as a protection for the woman, sent away from her family, who may have no other home.

Jesus loves the little children.  Over and over we find that He would take them in His arms and bless them.  These were the examples for all who wanted to come into God's kingdom.  They came with no doubt, no fear, and no hesitation ... and were welcomed by Jesus Himself!

The "rich young ruler"... came to Jesus, but he had not learned the lesson of coming like a child.  He came with his own expectations.. his own pedigree.. his own ideas.  We are told that Jesus "felt a love for him."  Yet, when Jesus told him to sell all he had and come walk with Him, the man could not do it.  A child would have abandoned it all to run into the arms of Jesus, but a man with many world goods and responsibilities .. finds it impossible.  Oh the wonderful truth that Jesus shares here.."With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." 

The disciples had given up much to follow Jesus and He assures them that it has been and will be worth it all.  In the end.. "eternal life". 

Once again the disciples are talking about who is greater.. with James and John asking for thrones.. and once again Jesus talks about serving.. and giving.. and dying.

Bartimaeus called out to Jesus and wouldn't stop.. until Jesus called him to come.  Up he jumped and made his way to the Lord.  "What do you want Me to do for you?"  Jesus asked him.  It was obvious, I'm sure, that he was blind.. but Jesus asked this question. "Rabboni, I want to regain my sight!" Bartimaeus replies and it was granted.. because of his faith.  And by faith, Bartimaeus followed Jesus.

Father in heaven,  teach me the way in which I should walk, for to You I lift up my soul.  Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May Your Spirit lead me on Your good paths.  May we come like children and jump into the arms of Jesus without hesitation.  May we leave all things behind and run the race that You have for each of us.  Do the impossible in each of us.. so that we can be true servants, even to the day of our deaths.  We pray this in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Savior. Amen.

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