Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mark 12   A parable; A inquisition ; and An example.   Three different passages in one chapter that give us more insight into the Kingdom of God.

Verses 1-12  Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard.  The vineyard belonged to the one who planted it, built a wall around it, and prepared the wine press, the tower, and the vat.  When this was completed he rented it to some vine-growers and went on a journey.  But, when it was harvest time, the owner expected a part of the produce. It was his, after all. The renters, however, were unwilling to pay and proceeded to beat, wound, and mistreat all of the servants sent to receive what should have been given.  When the "beloved son" was sent, they not only failed to respect him, they killed him.  They falsely believed that they would keep the vineyard as their inheritance.. They were deceived by their own greedy desires.  Their end would be destruction.   Jesus explained that this is what is happening and the Pharisees and chief priests knew that He was talking about them. What should have brought them to their knees in repentance, only led them to more anger and a stronger desire to do away with the Son.

What does this teach us about God's Kingdom?

 First of all, it tells us that it belongs to God. He is the Creator and He provided all that was needed.  It tells us that the fruit belongs to Him.  It tells us that the servants of God.. the prophets were sent for this very reason.  It tells us the Jesus, the Beloved Son, also came for this.. for God wants His own.. His people.  It tells us that, every part of the gospel narrative was known from eternity past.. and that Jesus would be rejected and killed. And that God's Kingdom would be taken away from those who could have been part of it... but they chose their own greed instead.

We have a choice also.. to choose Christ or to choose destruction.  As believers it is "black and white".. a clear choice!  But, to those filled with the world's desires... they are deceived into thinking they can have it all.. not knowing they will end up with nothing.

Father in heaven,  we desire Your Kingdom, the reign and rule of our God and King and of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son.  Keep our eyes fixed on the glory and greatness of the Savior.  Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear the Truth.  Remind us again that everything on earth will pass away... not one thing that we see or touch or think we know.. will remain.  It is the unseen.. the wonderful and glorious, eternal dwelling place of God that will never pass away.  That is our home forever, and we long for it, praying" Thy Kingdom come".  Amen.

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