Monday, September 23, 2019

Mark 12:18-27  The second question was brought by the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection. It was a story about a woman who was married and without children... seven times! It was an exaggerated example making the point that this could not possibly be resolved in heaven.. so how could there be a heaven?   Jesus is very pointed in His reply... " Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scripture, or the power of God?"

Indeed.. is this not the problem with all those who would deny Christ.. deny heaven.. deny truth..
They do not understand Scripture and they do not know the power of God.

Jesus gives us two revealing truths in His conversation with the Sadducees:

First, in the resurrection, there will be no marriage...
Second, God is "not the God of the dead but of the living;.."

The first truth takes us aback.. no marriage?  What happens to us...  to our years of being united with our spouses.. of being "one flesh"?   Yet, the fact that we will be "like angels in heaven".. not that we become angels.. for that is a false belief that our world likes to spout when they lose a loved one.. especially a child... but that in the resurrection bodies..  it will all be different.  We can't even imagine but believe that "Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered into the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him." ( I Corinthians 2:9)

All will be glorious beyond anything we could ask or imagine!  Knowing our Lord... we can rest assured that whatever He has for us in eternity will be perfect.. and our loved ones will be perfected too.. We will have a greater depth of love than we can ever know in this lifetime.  We need not fear, but trust that God's glory will cover all our concerns, needs, and desires.

The second answer that Jesus gives is so powerful and encouraging!  He is the God of "Abraham and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.."  They were long gone from their earthly bodies.. but they were not gone from the Presence of God. I like the way Luke writes this, " Now He is not the God of the dead but of the living for all live to Him."  The Old Testament is full of truth about this.. yet the Sadducees missed it.   Let us not miss it too!

Heaven is a real and wonderful place that God has prepared for those who belong to Him.  The world has foolish and stupid things to say about heaven, but we know that the Bible reveals the truth.  There will be a resurrection.  There will also be a judgement.  Those who belong to God have a glorious future and hope.  Those who do not belong to Him.. will never see the glory of heaven. We are called to live this life in light of eternity. We never know when that day will come so it is vital that we are alert and ready.

A book I recently read says this.. " Live in the light of forever. Choose and think and act now in the light, not of what was, not of what is, but of what is to come.  Our future - who we are becoming, where we are going - matters more than our past - where and who we have been.  Our future has more power to name us and define us than our past...  in God's economy the person we become, not the person we have been, is the person we truly are."  (Things Unseen by Mark Buchanan)   He also says this, " Don't let an event as important as death take you by surprise." ( A quote from Jeremy Taylor)

Father in heaven,  there is a day coming soon when we will finally meet You face to face.  How marvelous is that very thought.  Like Moses we pray.. help us to number our days.  Help us to be aware and alert and awake!  Help us to live holy and blameless lives that are consecrated to You.
Help us to love like You love. Help us to walk in truth and righteousness and grace.  Deliver us from evil and lead us in Your ways.  We ask this in the name of Jesus, waiting on Your gracious Hand. amen.

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