Monday, September 9, 2019

Mark 9:1-13  We call this section "the transfiguration"..  for Peter, James, and John accompany Jesus up a high mountain where He is "transfigured" before them.  His garments change.. and Matthew writes that His "face shone like the sun".  Elijah and Moses appeared.  The three disciples were stunned.. "terrified".  This encounter may be the thing that Jesus was talking about when He said that some of them would "see the kingdom of God.. "  Not only that but they also heard the voice of God, "This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him!"

Makes me think of heaven.  We cannot begin to imagine what we will encounter on that day when God calls us home.  Oh, may we be ready!  For the day is coming soon.

Father in heaven, keep working on me.  Purify my heart and my mind and my whole being that I may stand firm in Christ Jesus until that day when I see Him in His glory!  Be glorified in my every thought and action.  Fill me with the light of Your grace that Jesus will shine through my life, amen.

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