Friday, April 26, 2019

Revelation 6 Jesus takes the scroll and begins to open it, each seal broken one by one.  Each broken seal is accompanied by a devastating judgement on the earth.
1 A conqueror on a white horse sets out to conquer the earth.
2 A warrior on a red horse is given a great sword to "take peace from the earth".
3 One on a black horse brings famine.
4 One on an ashen horse is called Death and is given authority to kill "a fourth of the earth"
5 The martyrs cry out and are given white robes and told to rest until their numbers are complete.
6 An earthquake, the blackening of the sun, the changing of the moon, and the sky is torn apart.

All those remaining on earth at that time will try to hide from the judgement of God and the "wrath of the Lamb".  They rightly admit that no one is able to stand on that great day.

The reality is that God is the Judge.  He is just and He is merciful. But, ultimately those who refuse the salvation offered through Jesus Christ, will be left behind to experience the wrath to come.

As much as we long to see Jesus and to be with Him in heaven, we dread the finality of His judgement upon the earth.. for we know many of our own families who are headed for that day of wrath unless the Lord shows mercy and brings them to repentance and faith in Christ.

I hear the Shepherd calling us to pray..

Father in heaven,  You are the Almighty God and only Savior.  In Christ we have life and hope and salvation.  We give You thanks and praise.  Father, our loved ones are still lost.  We know You love them and do not want them to perish but to have life in Jesus.  Once again we bring our requests to You, in the name of the Lamb, that You would bring them to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior too.
Thank You Lord.  We praise You, the God of Love and Grace. Amen.

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