Friday, April 19, 2019

Revelation 3:7-13  The letter to Philadelphia.

Jesus introduces Himself here as the One "who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens.. "   Jesus, the Son of David, is the fulfillment of God's promises to David.  The Kingdom belongs to Him.  He has the key.  It is interesting that the Hebrew word used in Isaiah 22:22 about this key means to open.. to break forth, let go free, loose. While the Greek word kleis primarily speaks of shutting a lock.   Both aspects of the key of David are under the authority of Jesus Christ.   In Matthew 16:19  Jesus tells Peter that He will  give him "the keys of the kingdom of heaven;".   These keys allow things on earth to be bound or loosed with a corresponding result in heaven.

 Jesus tells the church that He is opening a door for them and no one can shut it.  He knows that they have kept His Word and they have not denied His name.  He is going to humble their enemy.  He is going to come for them.  He has a crown for them that none can take away.

Oh the glory of a church that perseveres and overcomes!  Jesus says He will make them "a pillar in the temple of My God".  They will have the name of God written on them.. "and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name." 

There is a future that we can't even begin to imagine, awaiting the day when Christ returns.  That day is coming and we must be like the church in Philadelphia.. faithful, true, holy, and keeping His Word.

Father, we look to You, for this is Your Word and You will fulfill it completely.  All praise and glory and thanksgiving we bring to You.  May Your great Kingdom come!  May Your will be done. May Your Name be lifted up in all the earth.  May Christ be glorified! Amen.

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