Thursday, April 25, 2019

Revelation 5  John witnesses an amazing event in his visit to heaven.  The One on the throne has a scroll in His hands and the angel calls for the One who is worthy to open it.  It is clear that no one on earth or in heaven is considered worthy, except for the Lamb...He takes the book  and all begin to worship and sing:
 " Worthy art Thou to take the book and to break its seals;
 For Thou wast slain and didst purchase for God with Thy blood
 men from every tongue and people and nation. 
 And Thou hast made them to be a kingdom
 and priest to our God; 
and they will reign upon the earth."

All the elders, all the angels, and all the living creatures worship the Lamb that was slain.  All of creation "in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them.."  will worship.. "To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever." 

This book, that is about to be opened, contains judgements.. fierce and terrible judgements that will be poured out upon the earth.  As the seals are opened there will be war and famine and death... It is a mystery to me that John would weep for the book to be opened....  Yet it is the worthiness of the Lamb that is emphasized here.  He is the heir of all things.  He is the One who upholds all things.  His sacrifice purchased us and He has made us His own. The judgements that He unleashes will wipe away all that is false and evil.  Then the righteous alone will be with Him forever.  Ultimately it is a wonderful thing.. for we long for that day when we will be with Him forever... we wait and watch for His coming.  Yet, it is  His coming that will bring final judgement on all who do not bow before Him, all those who will not believe and will not repent.  He alone is worthy to bring this final chapter to be completed. 

Father in heaven,  we put our trust in Your Beloved Son, the Lamb who was slain so that we might receive forgiveness for our sins.  Blessing and honor and glory and dominion to You forever and ever. 
Father we pray for those who are still walking the path to judgement.. Change their hearts, Lord, bring them to faith in Jesus Christ.    You are merciful and patient. Thank You .  Worthy is the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen. 

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