Monday, April 15, 2019

Revelation 2:8-11    I love how each of these 7 letters begins with Jesus... each different, specific, and deliberate..  

This letter to the church at Smyrna reminds us that Jesus is "the first and the last"; that He  "was dead and has come to life".    First - prōtôs - foremost; ( in time, place, order,  or importance) before; at the beginning, best, chief, first of all.   Last - êschatôs - farthest; final ( of place or time) ends of; last; lowest, uttermost;    From the foremost to the uttermost!   The definition ( of eschatos ) suggests the idea of "contiguity" - from contiguous - in physical contact; nearness; touching; next.. unbroken connections..   Jesus has touched and continues to touch EVERYTHING!
From before the beginning of creation until after the end of this world... Jesus is...

Jesus also reminds the church that He "was dead"  but is alive!  Death is not the end.. He IS!
Death seems near.. touching everything and everyone.. but it will not have the final word.  For Jesus is alive!

These words are vital in light of the message for Smyrna - more tribulation is coming.  He knows what they have already suffered, yet more suffering is coming.. suffering that will test them.  Suffering that leads to death.  "Be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life. "  He tells them..  " He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death." 

Don't be afraid and don't give up your faith, even unto death... Jesus tells us.  And He is our example. He has suffered and He experienced death for us all.  We listen to Him.. because He is here.. touching it all.  He touches our suffering and understand our fear.  He knows what we are going through and He will not leave us or forsake us, for He is the Foremost and the Uttermost!

Praise to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb.  Glory and honor and power and praise to our God and to our Savior, Jesus Christ who lives forever! He IS with us even now!  Amen.

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