Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Revelation 2: 18-29  The letter to Thyatira

In this letter Jesus is introduced as the "Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire and His feet are like burnished bronze".  In verse 23 He reminds them that " I am He who searches the minds and hearts and I will give to each one of you according to your deeds."  In verse 27 He tells them that " I also have received authority from My Father; ". 

Fiery eyes and glowing feet... The Son of God, who searches minds and hearts, and has the authority to judge and rule. The Bible Knowledge Commentary suggests that the eyes of fire and bronzed feet represent indignation and righteous judgement.  His message to the church is one of severe rebuke for their immorality which has been allowed by a Jezebel.. a false prophetess who was allowed to lead many of the church into idolatry.

Jesus calls us into purity.. " hold fast until I come".. keep "My deeds".   Each individual is judged on their own deeds, we are reminded.  But, the church leaders are held responsible for the teaching that is allowed.  Repentance is needed when corruption has made its way into the church which is the Body of Christ.  He will not allow any impurity to remain.  Judgement will come from the hand of the One who has been given all authority.

To the overcomers, Jesus promises an amazing thing.. we will rule with Him! We will be given authority over nations.. and He will give us "the morning star".  

Father in heaven,  You are light and in You there is no darkness at all.  You call us out of darkness and into the Kingdom of Your Beloved Son.  You call us to complete holiness.. purity and righteousness .
We desire nothing less than this.  Yet we are weak and vulnerable.  Keep us in Your grace. May Your refining fire purge out all impurities..   Fill us with Your Spirit.  May are hearts and minds be fixed on Jesus, our Righteous Redeemer.  In His name we pray, Amen.

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