Monday, April 1, 2019

I John 2  Our faith is often tested.. questioned.. doubted.. and that is not actually a bad thing, for as Peter wrote, " In this you greatly rejoice.. that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold.. may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."  

I read a quotation recently that said, "A faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted."  John seems to want to make sure that we have the kind of faith that will be able to keep standing in the midst of trials, doubts, and questions...  It must be faith in the God who "is light", Who knows that we are sinners and wants us to know it, confess it, and find forgiveness for it, in Jesus Christ.. the only One who can forgive us from all sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

This Advocate is ".. Himself the propitiations for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world."  When we let that sink in fully.. we are overwhelmed, humbled,, so, so thankful..

But, John gives us more.. " And by this we know that we have come to know Him.. ."  To know that we know..  Him.. Jesus, our only Hope, our only Savior, our only Life-giver... This is really, really important.. we don't want to be fooled into thinking we are ok with the Lord.. and have Him say, "I never knew you.. " ( Matthew 7:23)  So, how do we examine ourselves so that we know that we know?

John says that if we know Him, we will keep His commandments.  
If we don't keep His commandments.. we are liars when we say that we know Him.
If we truly know Him, we will keep His Word and "the love of God" will be "perfected" in us.  
If God's love is in us, we will abide in Him and we will walk "in the same manner as He walked".  
( v3-6-)

As the Light shines in us more and more "the darkness is passing away".. John writes.  The more we walk in that light, the more we will love.  If we are still hating our brothers, then we know we are still in darkness, which means we are not obeying His commands and we don't even begin to know Him.

John does not want us to be discouraged though!  He wants us to remember that we have an Advocate.. the One who will forgive us when we ask.. .. the One who HAS forgiven us for "His name's sake"! 
John wants us to remember that we do "Know Him who has been from the beginning.." 
He wants us to remember that we have "overcome the evil one".  
He wants us to remember that we "are strong and the word of God abides in [us].. " 

Walk in the Light, in these truths, in the Word.. know that you know Him.. grow in the knowledge of God's love and allow it to be perfected.. completed in You. Walk as Jesus walked, keeping His commandment.. to love.. . this is God's will for us..

Father in Heaven, we bow before You, the King of heaven and earth, the One and only God, the Majesty on High, and we praise You. You have given us life and salvation in Jesus Christ, the Begotten Son of God, who is the propitiation for our sins.  May Your Kingdom come to earth, that the whole world will know that Jesus died for all sins.. and all who will come to Him and confess their sins, will find forgiveness in Him. You are not willing that any should perish  but that all will come to repentance.. and find true life in the Light of Your Son.  May Your will be done. Amen.

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