Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Revelation 3:14-22  The letter to Laodicea.  

Jesus describes Himself here as "The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God..."  The Amen- the trustworthy and true;  the faithful - trustworthy;  the true Witness - the One who speaks truth... Three expressions with one point - He is Truth.. and we can trust Him fully.   He is also the Beginning - the chief, the first; the foremost.  As written in Hebrews 1 - Jesus is the One THROUGH whom all things are made and FOR whom all things are made.  He is the heir of all things and the One who upholds all things by the word of His power.   This is who is speaking to the churches.. and what He says is vital.

Once again, Jesus points out that He knows the deeds of the church....
Their deeds were "lukewarm"... neither cold nor hot.. and Jesus was ready to spit them out.
What exactly was the problem?  Well, they were rich and thought they needed nothing else, not realizing that they were spiritually "wretched and miserable, and poor and blind and naked. "
They needed to come to Jesus...  they needed to receive from Him what they really needed - " gold refined by fire... white garments.. eye salve.. " They needed to humble themselves and  repent.  

Jesus will reprove and discipline His church to bring them to repentance.
"Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to  him and will dine with him, and he with Me." We need to open the door!

The seven letters to the seven churches are for all who have "an ear to hear what the Spirit says to the churches."  We are the church and we need to listen to the voice of our Shepherd.  These passages can help us to pray for our own community of faith as well as the church universal..

Let us pray that our church will persevere and not grow weary, that we will do the deeds of passionate love for our Savior who walks among us.
Let us pray that we will not fear suffering but be faithful unto death because we have a living Savior who is the first and the last.
Let us pray that we will never deny His name but hold fast to the Truth - His Word.
Let us pray that we will recognize and remove all false teachers, remaining pure and unstained by the lies of this world, for our Lord "searches the minds and hearts".  And He will "give to each one of you according to your deeds." 
Let us pray that we will be alive, that we will wake up and complete the deeds that God has called us to do.
Let us pray for open doors for the Word that "no one can shut", remembering that the keys are His!
And let us remember that He is coming quickly.. and we need to hold fast to all He has given us.
Let us pray that we will not be lukewarm, but be refined as gold, covered by His garments, and healed of our blindness.. by the One who is Trustworthy and True.

Father in heaven, You are our God and we are Your people . Your Word is Truth and we seek to know You and to do all these things by the power of Your Spirit in us, through Christ Jesus, our Lord and King. It is in His name that we come before You and ask.. Your will be done. Amen.

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