Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Revelation 4   John is invited to visit heaven.  To do so, he leaves his body behind and goes through an open door "in the spirit".  The description that John writes is similar to that of Ezekiel.  His testimony of this shows that heaven is a real place; it is completely different than earth; it contains real things and real creatures; and it is filled with real worship centered around the "One sitting on the throne".  

I can't begin to grasp the significance of all that John sees.  I won't even try.  I'm interested in hearing the voice of the Shepherd through these revealed truths.

There are two songs recorded for us in this chapter.  The first is the song of the four living creatures:
"Holy, holy, holy,
is the Lord God, 
the Almighty, 
who was and who is and who is to come." 
( v8)
We are told that this song is song without ceasing.  It is a song to give "glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, to Him who lives forever and ever." 

The second song is from the 24 elders:

"Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, 
To receive glory and honor and power;
For Thou didst create all things, 
and because of Thy will they
existed and were created." 
( v11)

This song is delivered as the elders fall before Him worshiping and casting their crowns before the throne. 

John's description of heaven gives us a mental picture of a place beyond anything we can imagine.  The words of the songs he records for us give us a true picture of what it means to worship... 

We can learn from this... worship is about the holiness and worthiness of the One and only God.  It is about His sovereignty, His glory, His power, His will, and His eternal existence.  

It is not about us... 

Father in heaven, Eternal, Almighty God, You alone are worthy of praise and honor and thanksgiving. 
We are so ignorant of Your Majesty and Greatness.. it is unsearchable and far above our comprehension.  May we learn to worship in spirit and in truth. May we truly honor You for who You are and not our small and pitiful thoughts about You.. Forgive us and help us we pray.  In Jesus' name. amen. 

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