Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I John 1:17-29  Abide- to stay ( in a given place, state, relation, or expectancy) - continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand, tarry;

John calls us to abide - by doing "the will of God" ( v17)
We must let the Word abide in us, so that we can abide "in the Son and in the Father." ( v24)
If we "abide in Him" John writes, "we may confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming." 

We either abide in the Truth.. or we abide in the lies..

The enemy seeks to deceive.  He speaks lies. He denies that Jesus is the Christ.

But, we have " an anointing".  We have been given the Holy Spirit.. so that we can "know the truth". 
The Spirit teaches us all things.
We need no other to teach us, because He does, and His teaching is Truth.
The truth is God keeps His promises. ( v25)
The truth is that we have eternal life in Christ. ( v25)
The truth will keep us walking in righteousness.  ( v29)
The truth is that we must stay.. continually.. dwelling in the Word so that we can abide in Him and He in us.

Father in heaven, You are the One True God and there is no other.  You are great and greatly to be praised.  You are the Majesty on High, and we desire to abide in You.. to dwell in Your Presence always.  May we do Your will.  May we abide in Your Truth.  Abide in us, Lord God.. abide in me today.  It is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom I live,  that we pray.  Amen.

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