Monday, February 11, 2019

Philemon  This short letter is a personal appeal from Paul for the sake of a slave named Onesimus.
This man belonged to Philemon, but had come to Paul while he was a Roman prisoner.  Onesimus had become a believer and Paul sent him back to Philemon to make things right.

Paul had great respect and love for both Philemon and Onesimus.  He considered them both brothers in Christ.  In reconciliation there would be a benefit to all three of these men.  Paul was willing to take upon himself any debts that Onesimus owed to Philemon.   He even considers this a benefit that would "refresh my heart in Christ".

Philemon had a reputation as a man of love and faith.  He had ministered to others who came through his town.  He offered a "fellowship of faith" to other believers. Because of this, Paul was confident that sending Onesimus back to Philemon would result in a wonderful reconciliation .

What are we willing to do to help others to make things right?
Do we offer a fellowship of faith.. an unconditional love to those who serve us.. or to the ones we serve?

Father, in heaven, help us to walk in ways that glorify You and honor Your name always. May we act with patience and love, with gentleness and consideration for all men.. just as Your Word has directed us.  Remind us again of the kindness of our Savior, who loved us and died for us that we might become the children of God.. Oh thank You for this great salvation!  We desire to walk in a manner worthy of such amazing grace.. Help us we pray..   Amen.

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