Monday, February 18, 2019

Hebrews 4 The unbelieving and disobedient Israelites were not able to  enter God's rest.  This chapter explains that God's rest is not the promised land of Israel.  Those who finally entered the promised land with Joshua were not entering His Rest... they were only entering the land.  There is only one "rest" and that is reserved for those who believe... to those who hear His voice and do not harden their  hearts.

What do we know about this "rest"?

The Greek word  is "katapausis" - to settle down, to colonize, an abode.  "Kata"  means down.. or among, against.. touching;  The second part of the word "pauo"  is a verb that means to stop, quit, cease.. come to an end.   The Hebrew word is "shabath" - to repose, to desist from exertion, to cease,  to put away.. or down.

In Genesis 2:2 we are told that " God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made."  It wasn't God taking a nap because He was tired.. it was God saying.. "I'm done! "

Because of this, God commanded His people to observe the Sabbath, the seventh day, as a day of rest.. a day to cease working. It was meant to be a gift for them and a reminder of Who He is.

There is a "Sabbath rest for the people of God" ( 4:9). "...the one who has entered His rest".. is the one who has "rested from his works, as God did from His." ( v10)

Those who are unable to enter this rest are those who do not receive the Word with faith. ( v2) They heard the "good news", but "failed to enter because of disobedience." (v6)

Those who believe.. "enter that rest".(v3)
Yet there are 2 warnings given here..
v1 ".. let us fear lest .. any one of you should seem to have come short of it." 
v11 "Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall through following the example of disobedience. "

Disbelief.. failure to believe God's word.. is disobedience that will bar anyone from entering God's rest.. His abode... where all work is done.

Verse 12 tells us that God's Word is "living and active".. it judges "the thoughts and intentions of the heart."  V13 tells us that nothing is "hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do."   God knows those who are receiving His word by faith and those who are living in disobedience and unbelief.  In order to enter His rest, we need to take heed of His word and be diligent to believe and obey.

We cannot do this on our own.. but we have a "great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God.... "  He knows our weaknesses.  He understands the temptations.  He calls us His brothers and sisters.. and because of Who He is and what He has done, we have this wonderful truth and we can.. " ..therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need." 

Thank You Jesus! We rest.. cease working.. from self-righteous and rebellious attitudes that are disobedient to the Truth and we place our full trust in You, our Great High Priest, who alone can save us, sanctify us and heal us.  O, Lord help us as we draw near to Your Throne.. that by Your mercy and grace we will enter fully into Your rest.. for eternity.  Praise to our God and Father, for You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.. amen.

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