Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Hebrews 1  If our goal is to know and love Jesus more and more.. here is the book that will help us tremendously !   The writer may be Paul or Apollos or someone else entirely.. but whoever it was, they wrote this masterpiece that takes us deep into the Truth of exactly Who Jesus is!

It is Jesus.. God's Son who now speaks, the writer tells us... better, more important  than all the prophets... Because:
It is Jesus Who is the "appointed heir of all things." 
It is Jesus, "through whom also He made the world." 
It is Jesus who is the "radiance of His glory".
It is Jesus who is the "exact representation of His nature." 
It is Jesus who "upholds all things by the word of His power."
It is Jesus.. who has "made purification of sins" .. for us;
It is Jesus who has "sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high".
It is Jesus who is "much better than the angels as He has inherited a more excellent name than they." 

That excellent name is "My Son".

Verse 5a is a quotation from Psalm 2:7 and 5b is from God's covenant with David found in II Samuel 7.  The first establishes the truth that God has "begotten" His Son. No angel could claim that title or that status.  The second quote establishes that God is fulfilling His covenant with David.. providing a descendant of his who will reign forever on His throne.

Verses 5-14 use a series of quotations from the Psalms to establish the uniqueness and supremacy of Christ the Son.
He is the "first-born" who is to be worshiped by "all the angels". 
He is the Master who sends the angels as "winds" and "flames of fire" .
He is the Ruler whose throne is forever.
He is the One who holds the "righteous scepter" of God's Kingdom.
He is the "anointed" One of God for He "loved righteousness and hated lawlessness"
He laid "the foundation of the earth". 
He established the heavens.
He will remain... even when all of creation becomes old.
He will change the earth and heavens.. like a man changes his old clothes.
He has no end and He never changes!
He sits at the right hand of God the Father.
God will bring His enemies under His feet.

The angels are His servants, sent to serve the redeemed.
Jesus is the Begotten Son who has come to bring us this great salvation!

Father in heaven, Majesty on high, we exalt in Your great wisdom and understand.. in Your power and great glory!  You are the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the anointed One, who has become our Redeemer.  All praise and thanksgiving we offer to You and to the Son who reigns forevermore.
Fill us with  these great truths.. that we might know and love You more!  Help us to grasp the height and depth and width and length of Your greatness, Your power, and Your love for us.
In the name of the Son, we pray.

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