Thursday, February 28, 2019

Hebrews 11   In chapter 10 the writer has encouraged us to ".. not throw away our confidence..", to
have "endurance"  and to "..not shrink back to destruction".  We need to have faith "to the preserving of the soul."  Now, he reminds us that faith is "the assurance of things hope for, the conviction of things not seen.."  

This is how "men of old gained approval".  They believed God and they acted accordingly.  This "great cloud of witnesses".. have gone before us, examples of what it means to live by faith.

Abel is an example of living by faith, for he listened to God's voice and offered an acceptable sacrifice.  For this God considered him righteous and even though he was murdered by his own brother, his testimony still encourages us.

Enoch walked by faith.. pleasing God, so much so that God took him straight to heaven!

Noah walked by faith, building an" ark for the salvation of his household".  He left behind all that would not believe to follow the Lord.

Abraham also left behind all that he knew.. to go where God would send him.  He lived by faith in a land that was foreign, believing the promises of God.

On and on the list goes.  Men and women who simply obeyed God because they believed He is and that He is "a rewarder of those who seek Him."   Their faith in God was not just for the promise of this world... for "they desire a better country, that is a heavenly one." 

Some received much for their faith.. kingdoms and miracles and healing.. but some did not.  Some were mocked, scourged, and martyred.  Even our Savior, who endured the cross..  But, they are all a witness to us.. giving us the sure and certain testimony that it is worth it!

".. let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." ( 12:1) Let us not "shrink back to destruction" but let us "who have faith"  persevere... no matter what.   Jesus, our great High Priest is at the right hand of our God.. and we fix our eyes on Him, " the author and perfecter of faith." He is our primary example and our only hope.

Jesus, you are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.. You are the beginning of faith and the completer.. the finisher also.  It is all in You... through You and for You.  As we consider Your great example and sacrifice, may we "not grow weary and lose heart"..  Strengthen us with the power of Your might by Your Spirit, to the honor and glory of the Majesty on high.. our Great God and King forever. Amen.

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