Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Hebrews 5   Aaron was the first man called by God to be a "high priest".  In Exodus 28 we read how Aaron and his sons were set apart to "minister as priest to " God.  Special garments were made for them.  Aaron was given a robe, a breastplate, and ephod, a tunic, a turban, and a sash.  The materials used were the finest linen, dyed blue, purple, and scarlet.  Gold and gems adorned breastplate and ephod.  Everything had meaning... everything was consecrated and holy.. "for glory and beauty".

Yet, we know that Aaron and every priest and high priest after him were sinners. They had to offer sacrifices for their own sins as  well as for the sins of the people. They were supposed to be able to "deal gently with the ignorant and misguided" since they had the same weaknesses.  They were not chosen because they were perfect, but because of God's grace and wisdom. They failed miserably.

Jesus Christ "did not glorify Himself so as to become a high priest..."  but was called by the same One who called Him "Son"... saying, " Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Mechizedek".  
He did not have special garments.. but was clothed in humility and grace.
He had no gems or gold, but was completely righteous.
He came to offer up one sacrifice... Himself.
Christ offered up prayers and supplications.
He learned obedience from His suffering.
He was made perfect so that to "all those who obey Him"  He has become the "source of eternal salvation". 

There is much more to come about this priesthood in chapter 7,  but like the readers of this letter, we must be ready for "solid food".  We need to go beyond the basics of our faith and ready to go deeper, pressing on to "maturity."  The writer of Hebrews takes a moment to speak about this in what we call chapter 6...

Father, Your perfect plans for humanity have been and will continue to be worked out through Christ, the Eternal High Priest and only Begotten Son.  He is the heir of all things.  He is the radiance of Your glory .  He is the exact representation of Your nature.  He is the One who upholds all things by the word of His power.  He is the One who sits at Your right hand.. and the One who mediates for us..Hallelujah!   Help us, Lord God, to keep pressing on to maturity, to know You more and to love You with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength.  In Jesus' name we draw near to Your throne of grace to ask this.  Amen.

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