Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hebrews 10:26-39  After showing how the second covenant is so much greater than the first.. and that the sacrifice that Jesus provided ( Himself) is so much greater than the sacrifices of bulls and goats, etc... the writer takes us into a very difficult truth, with eternal consequences.

"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain terrifying expectation of judgement... " 

Those who violated the covenant of Law were judged accordingly and the result was death.
How much worse are the consequences of trampling "underfoot the Son of God.."
To regard His precious blood as "unclean" is to insult "the Spirit of grace". 

It is not enough to say you are a believer.. even to suffer.. or to do good works.. if you don't persevere in faith.  "Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward". 

The promises of God are worth everything!
Living by faith, continually, is vital.
He is coming again.. and we must remain faithful and confident until that day.

Let us not "shrink back to destruction"... the writer tells us, for "those who have faith" preserve their souls.

Father in heaven, You are our shelter and salvation.  It is in You that we find truth and life.  Help us to walk in faith, the only way that is worthy of Your great grace and mercy.   Our hope is in Christ alone, the eternal King, the High Priest, and the heir of every thing in heaven and on the earth.  We want to walk in faith, to persevere until the coming of our Lord.  Fill us Spirit of God, with Your power to keep learning and growing and loving our Lord.  Help us in our doubts and fears, in our weaknesses and failures, that we might remain faithful until the end.. never falling back into destruction . You are our only Helper and our wonderful, living Hope. How wonderful that we have a Savior who does not forsake us!  Amen!

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