Monday, May 29, 2017

Matthew 19 : 1-12  When the Pharisees question Jesus about the law regarding divorce, Jesus begins with the foundational truth, " Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ' For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?'"   The Pharisees could have no argument over this, for they knew the Word.  Their argument would come from the conclusion that Jesus draws, "Consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh.  What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate. "

Putting aside the debate about divorce for the moment... just think about God's view of marriage here... "..two.. become one".   God, Himself "has joined together "  a man and a woman.  It is a divine act of co-joining, yoking, uniting 2 people together in a unique way that is altogether different than any other relationship.  Brothers and sisters, parents and children.. even these precious relationships are not like a marriage which makes two people - one.

And yet the people, God's people, wanted to be able to separate themselves from their wives for any reason at all. They wanted to take them... what was really part of themselves by God's design... and throw them out of their homes and their lives. They wanted to rip themselves in two on a whim...

Yes, Moses had made provision for divorce, "because of.. hardness of heart" .  But, this was meant to be a protection for the divorced woman. Otherwise she was without any hope, unable to remarry or without means of support.

Even the disciples were surprised by Jesus' statements. They wondered if it was worth getting married at all.  The alternative is not easy to handle either, Jesus tells them. To become a eunuch..whether castrated or simply unmarried for the rest of your life... is not for everyone.  In fact, Jesus says, ".. but only those to whom it has been given."

Verse 9 has been used as the excepting cause - ".. whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality and marries another woman commits adultery. "   When the unity of the two, who have become one flesh,  becomes broken due to the immorality of either partner, then it has already separated that which God had joined. They are no longer yoked together.  They have joined themselves to another.

This same word " immorality"  is also used for idolatry.  Those who belong to God, joined together with Him, yoked with Him.. and then separate themselves to worship another god... are committing the same sin as the one who commits adultery, but on an even more devastating level.

Father in heaven, Your ways are perfect.  Your plans for us are perfect.  But, we are far from being perfect.. we are weak and flawed beings. We lack the ability to see as You see.  We hurt ourselves and our loved ones... missing the mark that You have offered to us in Your Word - that which is wonderful and blessed and holy.  O bless You, Lord, for You have pardoned our iniquities and healed our diseases!  You have given us mercy and forgiven our debts.  You have redeemed us and set us free.  Amen!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Matthew 18: 15 - 35  Jesus is teaching His disciples that greatness is not about power or position when it comes to the Kingdom of heaven... but about humbly serving others...the little ones and the lost.  Jesus goes on to teach them about forgiveness.

Verses 15-20  reveal God's plan for helping each other when one falls away due to sin.   We are, first of all, told to go privately to our "brother".  "... if he listens to you, you have won your brother."  
If that does not work, then 2 or 3 brothers are to go together and speak to him.  It is important that the facts are confirmed.  Only then, if the person refuses to listen or repent, does the matter go before the church as a whole.  Finally, if the person won't turn from their sin, are they removed from the church.

Jesus gives the disciples a powerful responsibility here. " Truly I say to you, whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "  From what I have read, this idea of binding and loosing has to do with condemning or forgiving.  The Holman Bible Dictionary states that "Heaven sets the standard and earth follows heaven's lead."  The church either "binds" or condemns the sinner... or it "looses" or forgives him... based on the sinner's response when reproved.  This gives us a different perspective to the next 2 verses, " Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven .  For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst."   

Perhaps we have been misusing this verse?  In this context, the agreement is about binding or loosing... not about asking for things.  It is about condemning the sin... of an unrepentant individual, or forgiving and restoring into fellowship one who has listened and repented of their sins.  It is a decision that must be based on Heaven's standards.  It must be decided in agreement and unity with the Lord Himself. This is a serious and sacred situation.  It is truly life or death... for the soul of a brother is at stake.

(Verses 21-35)  Peter's question about forgiveness takes on a deeper meaning in light of the above thoughts... If the one who sins does repent and is forgiven... what happens if he sins again?  " ... how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?"   No, Jesus says, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven." 

Again, Jesus goes deeper... He  teaches a totally different idea about forgiveness... that goes beyond numbers, beyond the surface.. " The kingdom of heaven" ... looks at forgiveness in this way... like
a king  who is settling accounts with his slaves and one comes before him owing ten thousand talents. This is an astronomical debt - $10,000,000 worth of silver.  The man could never in his lifetime pay this back.  When he begs for the king to have "patience" and to not sell him and his family, the lord "felt compassion and released him and forgave him the debt."  He was free from the debt and from the punishment.  "Loosed"!

However, that is not the end of the story.  The slave goes out from the king's presence and finds a fellow slave who owed him a "hundred denarii" - one day's wages.  He chokes the man.  He refuses to listen to his plea for patience. He throws him into prison.  He will let the man stay there until somehow he is repaid.  He "binds" his fellow servant.

When the other slaves witness this, they are "deeply grieved".  They report to the king about what has happened. The king calls the  first slave back in and this time he is condemned... not for his debt, but for his unforgiveness and lack of mercy. " And his lord, moved with anger, handed him over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed him. " The debt that had been forgiven was now owed once again.  The man was "bound" because of his failure to "loose" his brother.

Jesus says " So shall My heavenly Father also do to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart." 

To forgive - to send away, separate , lay aside, yield up - the debt, the sin, or the trespass of another.
This is such an important part of what Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of heaven.  In Matthew 6 Jesus taught His disciples to pray, " And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."
 ( v12)  He went on to say, " For if you forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions." (v14-15)  This is perfectly illustrated in the parable of Matthew 18.

Father in heaven, You alone are worthy of all glory and praise.  You are faithful and You are willing to forgive us the great debt that we owe and can never pay on our own.  Thank You that Jesus has paid it all!  What marvelous grace and mercy You have lavished upon us!  I choose now to forgive every debt and trespass that has been done to me and release them into Your hands.  May Your will be done and Your Kingdom come Lord! Amen!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Matthew 18: 1-14   The disciples ask Jesus a question.  " Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"  In Mark's ( 9:33-37) and Luke's ( 9:46-48) gospels we read that they were actually arguing among themselves.. as to which of them was the greatest.  In all three accounts we find that Jesus takes a child and sets him before them. Mark tells us that He holds the child in His arms, so it was a small child, perhaps a toddler.

The lesson is clear in all three accounts... the question should not be who is greatest, but who is humblest, who is least, who is the servant... who is like Jesus? ( Luke 22:24-27) 

Who is willing to receive a little child in His name?   Jesus is revealing a total opposite meaning to the idea of greatness in His Kingdom, as opposed to the cultural and religious ideas of that time (and ours too).  Greatness is found in receiving a child in Christ's Name... which Jesus says is the same as receiving Him and receiving the Father in Heaven also.  Greatness in God's eyes is determined by : 

the attitude of humility
the heart of a servant
the absence of pride over one's position

Matthew continues with what Jesus chose to focus on as more important than one's position in the Kingdom.. becoming a stumbling block, causing another... even  one little child, to stumble. This is what is most important in God's Kingdom!

A stumbling block - a trap, a snare, an offense; causing one to fall  or to sin;
Jesus says, "Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks." ( v7)
If your hand, your foot, or your eyes causes you to stumble... then "cut it off", Jesus says.  "See that you do not despise one of these little ones..."  The Father sent the Son to "save that which was lost". He is not willing "that one of these little ones perish." 

Do we, like the disciples, ask ourselves the wrong question?  Do we worry that we aren't great enough ... aren't religious enough.. aren't wise or knowledgeable or strong enough in the faith?
Be like a little child?  Are we content to trust Jesus.. to come when He calls.. to sit on His lap?
Can we count ourselves as less than others?
Can we serve instead of expecting others to serve us?
Can we take time from our busyness to touch the life of one small child?
Are we diligent and careful to make sure we are not causing a child to sin?

Father in Heaven, we need You to sanctify us through and through that we might be blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus. Forgive us for the times that we have been stumbling blocks. Forgive us for times when we focus on ourselves and our positions instead of on those who are lost and perishing and in need of the Name of Jesus.  Fill us with your Holy Spirit and lead us in Your paths today, we pray.  In the Name of our Gentle Savior,  Jesus. Amen.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Matthew 17  I remember once hearing a Bible teacher talk about the transfiguration of Jesus, saying that it fulfilled what Jesus had said in Matt. 16:28, that " there are some of those who are standing here who shall not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."   I think of that every time I read this passage, although I'm not sure that this is true.   However, Peter, James, and John experienced something mysterious and majestic up on the mountain with Jesus that day:

Jesus was changed before their eyes - revealing Himself in glorious Light.
Elijah and Moses appeared - physically present, amazingly real!
Then, they heard the voice of the Father speaking to them, " This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him." 

The disciple 's next question reveals what they were thinking, " Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?"   They were so confused!  In their minds, since they had seen Elijah, then Jesus should be taking the throne.. now!  But, Jesus was telling them that He was going to suffer first, and they couldn't even tell what they had seen until after He was raised from the dead.

God's plans are so much greater and wonderful than anything we can comprehend.  The men that walked alongside of Jesus and knew Him best, couldn't begin to understand what was about to happen.  Even with the hindsight that we have from the recorded Word of God, we do no better at grasping the infinite mind of the Holy One.   Once again, I am reminded of  Tozer's words about how God reveals Himself to us, not to our ability to reason, but to our exercise of faith.

As Jesus and the three disciples come down the mountain they are confronted by a man with a demon-possessed son, and the inability of the other 9 disciples to help him.  Unbelief and puny faith cannot do the impossible, Jesus tells them.  True faith, even if it is as small as a mustard seed - can move mountains though!

Again, Jesus tries to prepare His disciples for the future, for His death and resurrection. This time the response is grief.

Father in heaven,  let our faith be true and growing.  Open our eyes to know Your great power, Your great love, and Your infinite wisdom.  All things are in Your hands.  You know us, intimately and completely.  There is nothing impossible for You. Thanksgiving and praise belong to You !  Lead us in Your paths and let Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Matthew 16  Once again the Pharisees and Sadducees come to Jesus seeking a sign.  Once again He refuses to be manipulated and repeats His answer that they will only be given the "sign of Jonah".

Jesus tells his disciples to "Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees."  The disciples get distracted by the fact that they forget to bring bread with them.  Jesus considers this a lack of faith and understanding.  They worried about bread when they had witnessed Him feed the multitudes with a few loaves!  What was more important than bread?  Truth!  The religious leaders were missing the Word of Life... and we must all beware of being led astray by those who speak falsely.

Jesus goes further into this with His question about who people say that He is.  Others were saying that He was a prophet.. a reincarnation, if you will, of Elijah or Jeremiah, or even John the Baptist.
But, when He asks, " But who do you say I am?"  Peter gets it right, " Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."  Only by the revelation of the Father could Peter know this, Jesus tells them...
"Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven."  

In Matthew 11 Jesus had taught them this truth, " All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son, except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father, except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him."  Finally, Peter understood.  It was a step in the right direction.  He wouldn't truly get it until later, but it was enough for Jesus to declare him to be a "rock".... bedrock, a foundation, for the building of His church.

Jesus then begins to set the stage for another Truth that the disciples would need to grasp - that He would be crucified, buried, and raised again.  Peter takes 2 steps back it appears.  He had just been given the  keys of the kingdom... and the first thing he wants to do is stop what God had planned since before the foundation of the world!

Discipleship is hard.. it is costly, Jesus tells His followers.  It means denying yourself and what you want.  It means taking up a cross, losing your life, and putting it all on the line for Jesus.  All the world offers is not as valuable as the soul, Jesus reveals.  To stand before the Throne of God on that great day, nothing else will matter except this... did we give Him our life?

Father in heaven, open our eyes to see and hearts to receive Your Word of life.  Let us not be distracted by the cares of this world.  Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God - who alone can reveal the Father to us - come and draw us nearer.  Reveal Yourself to us in new ways, that we might worship You more and give You glory and praise with all our hearts and minds and strength. Amen.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Matthew 15 :1-20   The Pharisees were more concerned with their traditions than they were about the Truth .  They were teaching their own "doctrines and precepts" instead of the Word.  "Hear and understand", Jesus says to the crowd and to us.  It is not about what we eat and how we eat that is important .. it is what goes on in our hearts that concerns God.  If our hearts are far from Him, if it is defiled with thoughts that are evil, with murder and adultery, with theft and slander... it won't matter how religious we act, how much money we give, or how pious we appear.. for God looks at the heart.

Jesus saw the heart of the Canaanite woman.  She came in faith and asked Jesus to heal her daughter.
Jesus saw the hearts of the multitude who brought broken and needy loved ones to Him on the mountain. With great compassion He healed them all.
Jesus saw the need of the multitude who remained with Him three days with no food left.  He took the 7 loaves and broke it, feeding the 4000 men and their families.

Jesus sees my heart.  He knows my need.  He heals my hurts.
He ministers to a single woman and to a great multitude.
He ministers to the "lost sheep of Israel" and to the Gentile woman.

Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever!  His compassion and kindness are the same for us as for the multitudes.  Praise His holy Name!

Thank You Father in heaven, for Your great faithfulness and love. Work in our hearts today to root out all that might defile us. Cleanse, pardon, and fill us once again with Your Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Matthew 14

Jesus would not have been surprised at the news of John the Baptist's death, yet He withdrew from the crowds in grief.
He would not have been unaware of the multitudes who would follow Him, nor would He be worried about their need for food, yet they took along only 5 loaves and 2 fish.
Jesus was not concerned about how He would meet up with His disciples in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, in the middle of a storm.  The water, the wind, and the storm were not obstacles to Him, but vehicles under His control, for His use.

All of creation... made by Him, for Him, and under His command.  In this passage the power and greatness of God is revealed.  But, beyond that, His compassion and kindness are made known too.

Jesus has great compassion on those who are sick.
He has compassion on those who are weak and in need.
When Peter began to sink, Jesus reached out and took hold of him,  He rescues even those who doubt.
 In Tozer's book, The Knowledge of the Holy, about the immutability of God.... I read this , " Today, this moment, He feels toward His creatures, toward babies, toward the sick, the fallen, the sinful, exactly as He did when He sent His only-begotten Son into the world to die for mankind."

Just the same as Jesus revealed to us when He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and rescued the drowning man. He feels the same toward us.  I just need to meditate on that thought for a while. What wonderful truth!

Father in heaven, all that is within me blesses Your holy Name.  You are great and greatly to be praised.  Your greatness is unsearchable.. infinite and unchanging.  Thank You for revealing Yourself to us through Your Word and through Your Son.  To once again, be reminded that all of creation is at Your beck and call.. and that You love us with such mercy and compassion... brings me to my knees in worship and thanksgiving.   I love You Lord and I lift my heart to You.  You are God and there is none like You!  Keep changing me... from glory unto glory, growing me in the knowledge of Christ my Lord. In His name I ask this, amen.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Matthew 13 The next 6 parables recorded here all focus on the "kingdom of heaven",  revealing truths that have been "hidden since the foundation of the world."

Verses24-30; 36-43  The parable of the tares and wheat.   In this world there are two kinds of people - sons of the kingdom and sons of the evil one.  Both remain until the harvest, until the day comes when Christ sends His angels.  Then, "they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth," 

The last parable in this chapter, verses 47-50, is similar.  The dragnet is thrown into the water and gathers all kinds of fish.  The good fish are retained, the bad fish are thrown away.  Jesus says that at the "end of the age" His angels will come and "take out the wicked from among the righteous." 

The parable of the mustard seed, verses 31-32, reveals that the kingdom begins small, but grows.  When it is fully grown it is larger than the other plants.  It is like a tree, where the birds can come and build their nests.

The parable of leaven, verse 33, simply reveals that the influence of the kingdom is not always overt, but the effect will definitely be noticed.

Both the parable of the hidden treasure and the pearl, ( verses 44-46), reveal the great value of the Kingdom.  The kingdom is worth selling all other things of value in order to purchase this one thing.

To become a "son of the kingdom" is to be one who will " shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." ( v43)  Good seed or good fish are chosen, kept, valued by the owner.  Only those who have received the Word, who have heard and understood the Truth with ears that hear... are chosen to be kept... spared, saved.

In verse 52 Jesus says this to His disciples, " Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of household, who brings forth out of his treasure things new and old. "  This statement is puzzling to me.  The Bible Knowledge Commentary suggests that Jesus is telling them that some of these things are new, but some they have known all along.  For example, the writer suggests that the hidden treasure speaks of Israel while the pearl of great price speaks of the church.  It also suggests that the parable of the mustard seed teaches that once the kingdom started it will continue to grow without stopping until it is fully grown.  These may have been new thoughts for the disciples.

So, what is the Lord revealing to me about Himself through these parables?  
He is the One who has planted me here, in His field.
He is the One who will keep me, even when there is evil all around.
He considers me worth His time and effort.
He makes me to be like the leaven... perhaps hidden from view, but effective for what He desires to do in this world.

Father, thank You for giving such grace to us, that You sow Your word in our hearts and make us sons and daughters of Your kingdom.  Accomplish all You desire in us today.  I am where You have placed me today.  You are keeping me in Your Hands.  You have loved me and cared for me and will never leave me or forsake me.  I will give You all my heart and soul and strength, Lord, to love You and with Your help to love others as myself.  May Your kingdom come!  Amen.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Matthew 13   Jesus goes outside to sit on the beach.  What a lovely thought that is to me. It is so... human!  Did He enjoy the sound of the waves and the wind on His face?  Did the sun shine on Him and the waves lap at His feet?  I don't know, but it makes me smile to think of Him doing this.

But, then the people begin to gather. Multitudes of people. So many that He had to get on a boat to speak to them.  Matthew records 8 parables that Jesus shared with the people.  When asked by His disciples why He was speaking in parables now, Jesus revealed an important truth using the prophecy of Isaiah.  " For the heart of the people has become dull. and with their ears they scarcely hear, and they have closed their eyes, lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts and return , and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear." ( v15-16)

The parables that Jesus spoke all point out the fact that not everyone has ears to hear.  Not everyone will be saved.  Not everyone desires the kingdom of heaven and not everyone will enter it.

Verses 3-9 and 18-23 record the parable of the sower and Jesus' explanation of it to His disciples.

The Word "of the kingdom"  is like seed that is sowed.  The seeds are scattered freely.  But, not all of the seed will fulfill its purpose.
Some  seeds/words fall on hard ground.  Unprepared ground.  The birds come and eat the seeds; Satan comes and snatches away the word.  In either case there is no germination.  It is gone.

Some seeds/words fall on rocky grounds.  The seeds spring up, but have no room to put down good roots.  In the case of a man.. he hears the word, receives it, but falls away easily.

Some seeds/words fall on thorny ground.  Again it springs up, but is choked off by the thorns.  The word in a man's heart is choked off by " the worry of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches."  It never bears fruit.

Finally, some seeds/words fall on the good soil.  It produces a crop. It fulfills its purpose.  To hear the word and to "understand" it.. this is what produces fruit.

Ears to hear and eyes to see.  Without these we will not understand.  We must open our eyes to the things of the Lord and listen carefully to His word.  We must want to understand.  We must desire it like the hidden treasure or the costly pearl. Understanding does not come without some effort on our part.  We are told to ask, to seek, and to knock. We are told to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness."  We are told, " He who has ears, let him hear."   Once again, Jesus is calling us through the narrow gate to the narrow path.  We must consciously and diligently be determined to listen to our Shepherd's voice and to follow Him.

Father in heaven and Wonderful Savior,  how blessed and holy.. how kind and how mighty you are.
Satan desires to blind our eyes, but You desire for us to see.  You desire for us to listen carefully and receive all that You have spoken.  We are listening!  Fill us Holy Spirit and teach us all these Words that been given throughout the ages, so that we can know You more. Thank You for giving us all that we need for life and for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord,  amen.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Matthew 12: 38-50

They wanted a sign.  They had seen Him heal the sick and cast out demons from many. He gave sight to the blind and restored a withered hand right in front of them... but they wanted a sign.   Jesus had told John's disciples to tell John what they saw and heard.  The same things that they witnessed, were witnessed first hand by the Pharisees and scribes... but they wanted a sign.

No wonder Jesus called them "an evil and adulterous generation".  They wanted God, the Mighty Creator to prove Himself to them... His creation.  They refused to acknowledge the good that Jesus did and wanted to control Him., to have authority over Him.   Jesus gives them a mysterious word that they would not have understood until after His death and resurrection. " sign shall be given to [it] but the sign of Jonah the prophet."   Three days and nights "in the heart of the earth" -  a sign above any other ... and even then they would not believe.

Again Jesus makes some strong statements about Himself;
V41 ".. behold something greater than Jonah is here." 
V42 ".. behold something greater than Solomon is here."
Those who had heard Jonah had repented.
Those who had heard Solomon had learned from his wisdom.

But those who had been given the opportunity to stand in the Presence of God, in the Person of Jesus Christ... did not repent and did not learn.  Again and again Jesus had said, " He who has ears, let him hear." (Matt. 13:9)  Their hard hearts brought about closed ears. It is only by His grace do we "hear" and by hearing do we have faith.

Father in heaven and Christ our Lord,  open our ears to hear what You are speaking to our hearts today. You are greater than we can think or imagine!  You are holy and perfect and greatly to be praised.  All things are in Your hands.  We are in Your hands.  Nothing we have and nothing we are comes from our own will.. but from You, our Creator and King. May Your will be done and Your Kingdom come.  May Your Name be praised in all the earth! Shake away our complacency, do away with our ignorance and give us Your Truth.. filling us with Your Spirit.  Oh may we see You more clearly and worship You more devotedly.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Matthew 12 - continued...

As Jesus continues to interact with the scribes and Pharisees, He reveals more important truths that we need to consider and meditate on so that we can know Him better.

The Pharisees accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul or Satan.  Jesus gives them basic truth to show them the error of their thinking:
 First, a divided kingdom, city, or house will fall.
So, if Satan casts out himself, he will fall.
If it were true that Jesus was using the authority of Satan to cast him out, then what authority were they using?  Wouldn't it have to be the same?
In accusing Jesus of such a thing, they were actually accusing their selves/sons too.

Then, Jesus gives them a tremendously important truth:  " But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you."   The only One who can cast out Satan is the One who is greater than him - and that is God Himself.  Since Jesus is doing this, with the power and authority of God, then, He is God and King.  Thus the kingdom has come! "The strong man"  is bound and his house is plundered!

Jesus offers a stern warning to the Pharisees about their accusations.  To speak against Him, to sin against Him, or blaspheme Him  - are actions that He will forgive.  But, to speak against, sin against, or blaspheme the Holy Spirit of God are actions that are unforgivable. ( v30-32)  Jesus gives no further explanation of this.  But we are left with a truth that is vital to our understanding of what it means to fear God.

Jesus goes on to say that these words - indeed all words - reveal what "fills the heart".   If we have a good heart... filled with a good treasure, we will speak what is good and will be justified by those words.   But, if our hearts are evil, filled with evil, then what we say will be evil and we will be condemned by our own words.

Words of love, peace, gentleness, kindness, self-controlled, patient, joy filled, and pleasing to the Lord will be evidence of a heart, a life, filled with the Holy Spirit.

Words that hurt, slander, discourage, hate, or rage out of control - are evidence of an evil heart and an evil life.

We will render account for "every careless word" that we speak, Jesus warns us.  How vital it is that we store up spiritual treasures in our hearts - God's Word, God's Spirit, and God's Kingdom, His rule and reign over our whole being - mind, body, and spirit - so that what comes out of our mouths will be to His glory.  Only then will be justified - before Him.  As we read in Proverbs over and over again, and as James also wrote - the tongue, the mouth, is the most dangerous part of us.  It is " a fire, the very world of iniquity;"  it  is "a restless evil and full of deadly poison." ( James 3:6,8)

Father in heaven, You have shown us that we are in desperate need of our Savior.  We repent of using careless, sinful words, Lord.  We surrender our tongues and hearts to You. You are Lord alone, the Creator and Owner of all things - take our mouths, our tongues, our words - and make them always only Your own.  Come Holy Spirit and fill us now.  Teach us and help us to teach our children and grandchildren these vital truths.  In the Name of our Great Savior, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Matthew 12  As Matthew records the words and actions of the Lord, he is proclaiming the superiority and the authority that He has, which also reveals His deity.

In verses 1-21 Jesus reveals Himself as the "Lord of the Sabbath".   The Law of God clearly taught that the Sabbath was to be kept holy.  There was to be rest on the Sabbath.   In Exodus 31: 13 the Lord told Moses to tell Israel, " You shall surely observe My sabbaths; for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations that you may know that I am the Lord who sanctifies you."  It was a gift to Israel.  "So the sons of Israel shall observe the Sabbath, to celebrate the sabbath..."  The sabbath was to remind Israel that the Lord created the earth in 6 days and rested from that work on the 7th day.  It was a sign of their relationship with their God, Yahweh.

The Jews in Jesus' day had forgotten the real meaning and purpose of the sabbath.
Instead of celebrating, they were criticizing.
Instead of resting, they were were condemning.
Instead of remembering the greatness of the Creator, they were proclaiming their own positions.
Instead of setting it apart as a holy, consecrated day to worship God, they were enforcing their own opinions.

Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath,  did not condemn his disciples for taking grain and eating it.
He did not allow the man with the withered hand to suffer one moment more.
He freed the demon-possessed man so that he could see and speak.
He healed all who came to Him.

" But if you had known what this means, ' I desire compassion and not a sacrifice' you would not have condemned the innocent."  ( v7) Jesus tells us.
 He reveals  Himself to us as:
Greater than the Law.  (v8)
Greater than the temple. (v6)
Greater than the Pharisees. (v11-12)
And greater than Satan. (v28-29)

As the Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus reveals that our God, who has shown us such compassion, desires for us to be compassionate people.  He shows us that all of His creation matters to Him more than religious piety.  He shows us His patience and gentleness toward us... knowing our frailty and weakness.  What a wonderful Savior!

Father in heaven, Lord of all,  how we wonder at the mystery of Your greatness and majesty!  How thankful we are for Your patience with us.  Thank You for the Word that You have given to us that we might come to know You more and more. Help us to be people of true compassion for others.  Help us to honor You in all we do and say.  Transform us by renewing our minds by Your Word and Your Spirit, to think and act as Your children.  Your will be done and Your kingdom come! In the name of Jesus we rest and abide and pray. Amen.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Matthew 11

In his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, Tozer writes, " In Christ and by Christ, God effects complete self-disclosure, although He shows Himself not to reason but to faith and love. Faith is an organ of knowledge, and love an organ of experience. God came to us in the incarnation; in atonement He reconciled us to Himself, and by faith and love we enter and lay hold of Him." 

We can only know Him as,  Jesus tells us here in Matthew, He reveals Himself:  ".. and no one knows the Son, except the Father, nor does anyone know the Father , except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." ( v27)

If our aim, as a disciple of Christ, is to follow Him and to become like Him, then we need to grow in our knowledge of Him.  But, as Tozer writes, we cannot do this by reason, but only by faith and love.

So then, as I think about this passage,  I pray:  Jesus, reveal the Father to us through Your Word today.

John the Baptist had been taken into custody by Herod.  He sends his disciples to Jesus to ask the most important question at this point in his life, " Are You the Expected One... ?"   John, who had proclaimed, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." ( John 1:29) And the one who was a witness to Christ's anointing by the Holy Spirit after He was baptized... needed to know more...

Jesus gave John the only answer that would satisfy him, " Go and report to John what you hear and see; the blind receive sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me." ( v4-6)   Jesus is referring to Isaiah 35 here.   It is a prophecy about the future of Zion, when God's glory returns.  Isaiah goes on to say, " And  a highway will be there, a roadway, and it will be called the Highway of Holiness. "  It is not for the unclean or the fool.  There will be no lions or wild beasts. "But the redeemed will walk there, and the ransomed of the Lord will return, and come with joyful shouting to Zion.."    Even John must go through the narrow gate and walk on the narrow path.. by faith in Jesus Christ the Lord.

Jesus calls John greater than any born of women.. yet less than those " in the kingdom of heaven".  John had an important ministry as a prophet, proclaiming the coming of the Messiah.  But there was more for him to learn about Jesus. He had to have faith in the One who had come. He had to know Him more.

Jesus also addressed the cities to which He had ministered and performed miracles.  Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum, were in danger of severe judgement due to their lack of repentance and faith.  Tyre and Sidon, and Sodom - all cities destroyed because of great sinfulness - would have repented and been saved, had they witnessed what these other cities were witnessing.

The last section in this chapter begins with an interesting prayer, " I praise Thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou didst hide these things from the wise and intelligent and didst reveal them to babes.  Yes, Father, for thus it was well-pleasing in Thy sight." 

Jesus is revealing Himself and His Father to us here.  He is showing us that He is the way, the truth, and the life.  We can't gain His salvation by our own intellect or understanding, but by the simple faith of a child.  He chooses to reveal the Father to those who come to Him.   He chooses to show us that He is our rest... if we are "weary and heavy-laden" we can bring it all to Him. If we take His yoke.. we can "learn from" Him.  He reveals to us that He is " gentle and humble in heart" and that His "yoke is easy "and His "load is light. " 

The wise and intelligent unbelievers saw John as a demon-possessed crazy man and Jesus as a drunkard and glutton.  But, the simple, humble, and hurting ones saw the Father, revealed by the Son. They heard the witness of John and the good news of the coming of the Kingdom.  They found rest in the One who had come to rescue the world.

Jesus revealed to John that He was indeed, the "Expected One."
He revealed to the cities that they should repent and believe or face judgement.
He reveals to us that we can come in child-like faith and simplicity to our humble and gentle Savior and find rest.

Father in heaven, holy and blessed is Your Name in all the earth. Thank You for revealing Yourself to us in Your creation and in your Word, and especially in Your Son.  Help us to know You more in faith and in love we pray, in Jesus' name. amen.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Matthew 10
The "hard road" of being a disciple of Jesus...

They are like "sheep in the midst of wolves", Jesus tells His disciples.  This is not an easy road.  It is not a safe road.  The journey of a disciple will cost us.. in fact it will cost us our lives.   Jesus gives His disciples some wise counsel that we would also benefit from:

v16  "Be shrewd" - be thoughtful, discreet, cautious; yet be "innocent" - harmless, simple;
v17-18 "Beware of men..." take caution and pay close attention to the evil intentions of others,  yet know that even their bad intentions will end up being used for good - as a "testimony to them and to the Gentiles." 
v19-20  Don't become "anxious".  Trust the Lord!  "For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you."  What a wonderful promise!
v21-23  Don't count on everyone to love you - they won't.  Family members won't always support you. Some will even hate you.  Many face persecution. The most important thing to do is - endure to the end!

v23-27 Just as Jesus, our Teacher and Master, lived, suffered, and overcame - we should expect to be treated the same.  " .. it is enough for the disciple that he become as his teacher.."  Here is our aim.
Jesus did not fear what man could do to Him.  We do not need to fear either.
Jesus trusted that light would overcome darkness;  we can believe that too.

There are great benefits to being one of His disciples,  Jesus continues:
You are of great value to the Father.  He knows  the number of "the very hairs of your head".
It is better to fear God than man. God has us in His hands.
It is better to confess Jesus, for then He will acknowledge you before the Father.
When we receive Jesus - to accept what has been offered - is accepting the Father also.

One of the most important statements that we must grasp is this, " And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life shall lose it, and he who has lost his life for my sake shall find it."  ( v38-39)

To follow Jesus,  to walk with Him and become like Him, will require a sacrifice - a willingness to lay aside all else for His sake.  We lay aside our lives, our families, our security, our fears, our anxiety, and anything else that He requires.

Father, only by Your grace can we come in this way.  We present our bodies as living sacrifices and we choose to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we can discern Your good and perfect and acceptable will.  We want to be found worthy of Christ.  We want to be made in His likeness.  We want to completely trust You and lay down our lives for You.  Help us to stop being afraid of doing that and to fear only You who holds us, body and soul, in Your hands.   It is in the Name of Jesus that we pray. Amen.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Matthew 10  Jesus instructs his 12 chosen apostles before sending them out to proclaim the kingdom. He also equips them with authority over unclean spirits and sickness.  

Verses 5-8 Jesus specifies where the disciples were to go - go to the lost sheep - go to the  ones that the Shepherd is looking for; the ones valued and loved by the Father; the ones who belong to Him.  And as you go, " preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'"   This is still the message that we have to share.. as we "go" through our lives journeys... as we encounter those who are lost sheep. We proclaim,  "Come home!  Come to the kingdom, where the Shepherd reigns, where you belong.... where there is healing and cleansing, life and deliverance. "

"..freely you received, freely give."  (v8b) This sentence is included in the instructions to heal the sick, raise the dead.. etc.  It is not about money.   It is about mercy and compassion. It is about the ministry to the physical and spiritual needs of those who we meet along the way.  What has been gifted to us-  we gift to others.

So, we are to seek those who are lost, tell them to come home, and give them what we have received and they desperately need.

Verses 9-15  Jesus sends out His disciples without any extra money, clothes, or reservations.  They go out on faith alone.  They are to be  workers "worthy" of their support; stay with those who are "worthy"; and leave peace upon those houses that are "worthy".   They were to "shake off the dust of your feet" when leaving a house or a city that would not heed the words offered.  Not all will receive the truth of the Gospel.  Not all will receive what we have to give.  It is still our responsibility to live a worthy life and offer the gift.

 Father in heaven,  may we be true disciples of Christ our Lord.  May we have open eyes to see those who are Your lost sheep and may we be diligent to give them the good news, that they can come home to You.  May we be worthy workers, giving out the grace and mercy You have gifted us with.
Lead us Shepherd, even  as You send us out.. whether that is near or far, for You know those who need to hear Your word today.  amen.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Matthew 9

A paralyzed man.
A dead daughter.
A bleeding woman.
Two blind men.
A demon-possessed, dumb man.

Jesus tells the critics, " But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins... " 

He heals.
He raises the dead.
He restores sight.
He casts out the demons.

Good news!
Forgiveness of sins is possible because Jesus has the authority to do so!
Healing of every disease is possible because Jesus has the power to do it!
Freedom from Satan's power is possible because Jesus is greater!
Life is possible because Jesus has overcome death!

Tozer wrote: " The Church has surrendered her once lofty concept of God and has substituted for it one so low, so ignoble, as to be utterly unworthy of thinking, worshiping men."   As a current Christian song says, " How could I make You so small, when You're the One Who holds it all?"

Jesus has all authority !  He does not change. He still has the authority to forgive us our sins and to heal our diseases.  Thanks and praise to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!

Father in Heaven, open our eyes to see You in all truth... to see Your glory and majesty.  To know the superiority, the eternal authority, the sovereignty and glory of Jesus Christ the Lord.  Forgive us for thinking of You as small and low.  Be magnified!  You are big enough for the whole world's problems.  You are big enough for my hurts and pains, my life and family!  Thank You for being patient with us. Thank You for loving us and saving us!  Amen and amen!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Matthew 8:14-17

The 3rd person who is healed by Jesus in this narrative is Peter's mother-in-law.  In this case we see the great compassion and grace of Jesus:
He saw her.
He knew her need.
He touched her hand.
She was healed immediately.

I wonder what Peter's wife was like and why she is never revealed. She traveled with Peter later according to Paul ( I Corinthians 9:5).  This indicates that she was also a believer in Jesus.  Perhaps this incident, witnessing the healing of her mother by the touch of His hand, brought her to a lasting faith.  Was she one of the women at His crucifixion ?  Was she at the tomb?  Was she in the upper room when the Holy Spirit came?  I would love to hear her story!

All evening the people came to Peter's house.  They brought those who were ill and those who were demon-possessed.  Jesus healed many.  There came a point when the crowd was so overwhelming that Jesus commanded His disciples to  ready a boat that they might leave.  Matthew tells us that some who wanted to come were not allowed.  A scribe vowed to follow Jesus "wherever" He went, but was told that there was not an easy destination ahead.  Another wanted to bury his father first, but Jesus told him that He must be the first priority.

They finally get on the boat and head across the lake. Jesus lays down and falls asleep. A terrible storm comes up and the boat "was covered with the waves".  Even so, the disciples had to wake Jesus up !  He rebukes the wind and waves and all is calm.  "What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him ?"   

Without the storm they would not have known Him as the One who rules over all the earth, the skies and the sea.  They needed to see Him this way.  We need to see Him this way.  In all of His glory and power and majesty!

The final story in this chapter is about the demon-possessed men on the other side of the Galilee.  Jesus seems to come to that area just for them.  So violent that no one could even come near to them, these men were at the mercy of the demons who filled them.  Until Jesus came and sent the demons into the pigs and drowned them in the sea.  Oh what freedom these men experienced!  Perhaps for the first time in their lives.

In Warren Wiersbe's study on the book of Exodus, he writes in the Afterword 6 summary statements.
Basically they say this:
God wants us to be free - from self, from sin, and from the world.
God's purpose for us in that freedom is for us to serve in responsibly and obediently.
As we go through struggles and learn to trust Him more and more we mature and become more responsible in our freedom.
God wants us to go deeper with Him.  As we learn to confess our sins and find forgiveness in Christ, we draw closer to Him.
We are His priests - our job is to worship and please Him and to minister to one another as well as to tell others about Him.
Our most important goal is " to be able to stand before God one day and say sincerely, 'I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given me to do.' "

We are as helpless as Peter's mother-in-law, as hopeless as the disciples in the storm, and as bound as the men in Gadarenes... without Jesus.  Oh thanks be to God Who gave His only begotten Son to die in our place, to set us free, to draw us near the throne of Grace, and to make us His own!

Thank You Father for the grace You have "freely bestowed on us in the Beloved" ( Eph. 1:6).  We praise the glory of Your grace!  You chose us, You adopted us, You redeemed us, and You lavished  upon us the riches of Your grace and love.  You have made known Your will to us.  You have sealed us by Your Holy Spirit.  Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name.