Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Proverbs 21-22   I feel as if every one of these verses would make a great poster or bumper sticker -

" He who guards his mouth and his tongue,
 guards his soul from troubles!"
Proverbs 21:23 


"The rich and the poor have a common bond,
the Lord is the maker of them all."
Proverbs 22:2

" A man who wanders from the way of understanding
 will rest in the assembly of the dead." 

Proverbs 21:16

Each one is worth meditating on and living by.  Each one gives us truth to digest into our souls.  Proverbs 22:20-21 says, "Have I not written to you excellent things, of counsels and knowledge, to make you know the certainty of the words of truth, that you may answer to him who sent you?" 
These are indeed "excellent things" - "words of truth"... that lead us to the narrow gate and along the narrow way, in harmony with our Lord.

" To do righteousness and justice is desired by the Lord rather than sacrifice ." (21:3)   "To do" - to practice, exercise, accomplish, commit, work at, yield to, or provide - righteousness.  This is what the Lord desires for each of us.  Righteousness - the Hebrew word is "tsdaqah" - rightness, justice, virtue.  The root word means "to be... right", morally, legally, to do justice.  Justice - has to do with every part of the law: the act, the place, the suit, the crime, and the penalty... done right.  

This concept of righteousness - to do what is right and to be right - is exactly what the proverbs are defining in very practical and specific words.   The Lord "weighs the hearts", determining not just if we "do" right,  but if we "are" right.   He searches our "innermost" beings.  So, it is more than just what we do that counts, but, like Jesus said, " You will know them by their fruits." 

Some of these "fruits" listed in these proverbs are:

Diligent planning, as opposed to acting hastily. (v5)
Honest work, as opposed to dishonest gain. ( v6)
Upright conduct, (v7)
Receiving knowledge and instruction. (v11)
Being cautious around those who are wicked. ( v12)
Joyful in executing justice. (v15) 
Pursuing righteousness and loyalty. ( v21)
Guarding the tongue. ( v23) 
Generous giving. ( v26)
Listening to and speaking truth ( v28)
Faithful, steady and sure to walk uprightly (v29)
Keeps a good reputation . (22:1)
Avoids evil ( v3)
Humility and fear of the Lord ( v4)
Guards himself from perversity. (v5)
Trains his children to walk in righteousness (v6)
Loves purity and speaks graciously, (v11)
Listens to wisdom ( v17) 
Trusts in the Lord ( v19)

And so much more.... 

Father in heaven, we give You  all our praise for  You have saved us, forgiving our sins and making us righteous through the death of Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  It is only by Him that we can "be" righteous at all.  Sanctify us through and through, entirely, that we may be "preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ".  May the fruit of righteousness be produced in our hearts and seen in our lives,  by Your Spirit so that You will be forever glorified as we walk in Your ways and share Your grace and mercy with our world.  amen. 

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