Friday, April 21, 2017

Matthew 1-2

The Good News, the Gospel, that Matthew wrote begins with a testimony to God's faithfulness and purpose.  Beginning with Abraham, God carefully chose and mercifully led a family, generation to generation, to become a unique nation, that would produce a Man, Who is God's Son and Mary's child...

God chose Mary to be the child's mother.  He chose Joseph to be her husband.
He chose Bethlehem to be His birthplace.
He chose the wise men to come and worship Him.
God even chose Herod to threaten their lives and cause them to go to Egypt.

Nothing happened, the good things, the bad things, and the terrible things... that God did not know about.  From the beginning, our God planned the way of salvation... Jesus, "for it is He who will save His people from their sins." ( 1:21)

Thank You Father, for sending us Your Son. amen

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