Monday, April 17, 2017

Proverbs 18-20

Many of these proverbs repeat the truths already stated... warning about the ways of wickedness, laziness, and foolishness and showing the ways of righteousness, wisdom, and favor found in the fear of the Lord.

What has struck me most about reading through this book this time, is how much it talks about our speech . "The words of a man's mouth are deep waters." 18:4 states.  They can bring ruin or victory, life or death, satisfaction or poverty.

The other truth that stands out to me is the vital importance of knowledge.  We are told to seek knowledge, acquire knowledge, keep understanding, listen to counsel, don't stray from knowledge, and to consider knowledge to be precious.

The title that my Bible uses for chapters 19-23 is "On Life and Conduct".  Those who love the Lord and want to walk in His wisdom will have a change in their lives and it will be seen in their conduct. Some character traits that we should see in a Christian's life.. in our own lives are:

hard work
good control of the tongue
respect for discipline

And most of all we must know the Lord.  To know Him and to bow before Him in complete surrender and worship.  "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe." (18:10)  Just in these 3 chapters we are reminded that:
The Lord shows favor to those who find a good, prudent wife. (18:22, 19:14)
His counsel will always "stand" (19:21)
"The fear of the Lord leads to life." (19:23)
He makes a "hearing ear and the seeing eye." (20:12)
He saves those who wait for Him.  ( 20:22)
He ordains our steps. (20:24)
He searches our innermost parts. (v27)

Father in heaven, how great and wonderful are Your words to us! Wonderful words of life!  The promises You have given us are more than we can understand sometimes.  You  bless us with families and give us strength to live righteous and holy lives by Your grace.  You ordain our steps and know our hearts, forgiving and sanctifying us by Your own Spirit within us.  And You brought us into this blessed relationship through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, shed on a cruel cross.  Hallelujah for the cross and praise to the One who rose from the dead!  You lead us in a procession of triumph, Your word tells us.  Thank You.  Amen.

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