Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Matthew 5-7  This one sermon, recorded here by Matthew, gives us the core of Jesus's preaching and teaching as He ministered to Israel. I've heard numerous sermons and attended Bible studies that dig deeply into these words of wisdom and truth. I've written about them before in the past.  Today, I am asking the Lord for a new Word from Him through this passage.

My thoughts go back to a book that I am re-reading... A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23.  On the phrase "surely goodness and mercy shall follow me" the author says this:

 " Just as God's goodness and mercy flow to me all the days of my life, so goodness and mercy should follow me, should be left behind me as a legacy to others wherever I go."  He asks these questions:

" Do I leave a blessing and benediction behind me?"
"Do I leave behind peace in lives -or turmoil?"
"Do I leave behind forgiveness - or bitterness?"
"Do I leave behind contentment - or conflict?"
"Do I leave behind flowers of joy - or frustration ?"
" Do I leave behind love - or rancor?"

"For the true child of God, the one under the Shepherd's care, there should never be any sense of shame or fear in going back to where they have lived or been before. Why? Because there they have left a legacy of uplift, encouragement, and inspiration to others. "

And, " The only real, practical measure of my appreciation for the goodness and mercy of God to me is the extent to which I am , in turn, prepared to show goodness and mercy to others. " 
This... the writer says ... satisfies our Shepherd.  He has cared for His sheep with love and tenderness, with goodness and mercy.. and is satisfied when He sees us flourish under His loving care.  He is blessed to see the fruit of goodness and mercy flowing from our lives. 

This is the message of Jesus' s sermon.
"Blessed" - fully satisfied.  "Blessedness is that basic condition created by Christ's indwelling in man's heart which brings a fundamental satisfaction in the life of a believer." ( from my study Bible).

We are blessed as we receive goodness and mercy from our Good Shepherd.
In our spiritual poverty, He gives us His Kingdom.
In our mourning, He gives us comfort.
In our humility,  He gives us an inheritance.
In our hunger and thirst for righteousness , He gives us satisfaction.
As we become merciful, He gives us mercy.
As we become pure in heart, He gives us eyes to see Himself.
As we become peacemakers, He takes us into His family.
As we are persecuted for His sake, He gives us a seat in the Kingdom.
As we are slandered or cursed or falsely accused... He gives us hope and joy!

All that He gives us... will fully satisfy us!
And, as we are satisfied with Him... filled by His goodness and mercy... we in turn begin to produce "good fruit".  We are salt that has not lost its flavor, we are light that is not hidden.
Christ Himself shines through... it is His legacy that we leave behind... one full of goodness and mercy.

Father in heaven,  Hallowed is Your name.
May Your Kingdom come!
May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give to us today our daily bread.. You know what we need.
Forgive us for the debts we owe You and can never repay.
We let go of all that is owed us by others. We forgive those who have sinned against us.
Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from all evil.
We praise You, the Sovereign King, the Omnipotent Ruler, the Majestic and Eternal God,

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