Thursday, April 27, 2017

Matthew 8  Jesus finishes teaching and comes down from where He was sitting and encounters a multitude of people, yet, He interacts individually with three of them specifically.

The first encounter is with a leper.  This man recognizes the power of Christ to heal him, but appeals to His willingness to do so.  " Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean."  Jesus responds with a touch and a decision, " I am willing;...."  Both the leper and Jesus speak of cleansing instead of healing... " his leprosy was cleansed".  In the Bible, any open or raw wound on the skin might be considered leprosy.  We know it is an actual disease, but until tested, they would not know if it was contagious or not. So, the law required the priest to make the determination of whether or not the person was clean or unclean.  To be unclean would mean that the individual would be contagious, and need to be isolated from others.  Those that came into contact with someone who carried the disease would also be kept isolated so as to not infect anyone else.  The priests were especially vulnerable to the contagions since they had to examine the sores.  Jesus not only healed the man's wounds but freed him from isolation, scorn, fear, and the disgust of others.   Jesus sent the man to the priest so that he would be " a testimony".

Leprosy has been compared with sin. Leprosy starts with a small spot on the skin, it grows, it festers, and it spreads. It is a horrible disease.  Sin starts with a small act of disobedience to God's word - a lie, a theft, a prideful attitude, etc. But, it grows, it festers, and it spreads.. Like leprosy, sin is contagious.  Our acts of rebellion influence those around us.  Like calls to like and before long there is a community of lepers or sinners.

The good news that Jesus brings to us is that He is willing to cleanse us!  He is not afraid to touch us or to come into contact with our sins... in fact, He takes them upon Himself willingly.  Thank You Lord Jesus!  May our cleansed lives be a testimony to others as we walk through this journey of life.

Father in heaven,  Your Word to me today fills my heart with thankfulness.  You are willing!  You will cleanse us from all unrighteousness as we confess our sins to You.   We have to acknowledge that we have an infection.. a serious disease of the soul, for that is what sin really is. We praise You for giving Your Son to be our healer and to take all our "infirmities and to carry away all our diseases." and to pardon all our iniquities. Remove every spot today O Lord that we might have clean hands and pure hearts to worship You.

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