Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Proverbs 17

Quietness is better than strife.
Acting wisely is better than acting shamefully.

 The Lord tests our hearts - as surely as a refining pot tests silver and a furnace tests gold.

Listening to wicked lips and paying attention to destructive tongues- leads to becoming evil.
Being a mocker offends our Lord.
Rejoicing at another's problems will bring punishment to you.

"Grandchildren are the crown of old men."  ( and old women!) Verse 6

A fool should not be giving speeches and a prince should not be telling lies.
A bribe is like a charm...
Covering another's sins ... is love in action.
Telling about it.. is not.

A fool won't listen to a rebuke, but a man of understanding will take it in deeply.
A rebellious man is seeking evil and will find it.
It is better to meet up with a mama bear separated from her cubs than a fool.
Returning evil for good will only multiply evil to yourself.

Get control of strife while it is just a drip,  before it becomes a flood. (v14)
The Lord finds it disgusting when someone justifies the wicked and condemns the righteous.
A fool might try to buy wisdom, but it is worthless to him.
A real friend will love you no matter what.  A brother will stick with you through the hard times.
It is foolish to pledge / commit yourself for someone else when you don't know what they will do.

To love sin is to love trouble.
To let in the world is to seek destruction.
To dwell on what is crooked will bring "no good".
To speak what is perverted is to "fall into evil."

The most sorrowful thing is to see your children walk in foolishness instead of wisdom.  ( v21, 25)

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." verse 22

Wicked men give and receive bribes in order to pervert justice.

"Wisdom is in the presence of the one who has understanding, but the eyes of the fool are on the ends of the earth." v24
A man with knowledge restrains his mouth.
A man of understanding keeps his cool.
Even a foolish man seems wise when he is silent.

Wisdom. Understanding. Knowledge. These proverbs spell it out for us. We need to have understanding in order to gain the knowledge so that we can become wise.  It is only by a righteous fear of the Lord do we begin to understand.  It is all a gift! Grace!

Father in heaven, God of grace and mercy,  how holy and wonderful You are!  You give us the desire to know You, to receive Your Word, and to walk in Your wisdom.  You give us Your Spirit to dwell in us and make us able to even receive this truth.  You give us salvation through the blood of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, so that we can know You.  All is a gift. Thank You.  Help us to live according to these words.  May we know that Your wisdom is here, right here in You... and may we stop looking anywhere else to find it. Great are You Lord and highly to be praised!  Your greatness is unending, unsearchable, unfathomable... blessed be Your holy Name. Amen.

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