Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Matthew 4

The next 40 days and nights for Jesus were days of fasting.  The Old Testament gives us 2 other men who had spent 40 days without food or water:  Moses "was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights...and he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments." ( Ex. 34:28); and Elijah "arose in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mountain of God." ( 1 Kings 19:8)  Here, he went into the cave and had an encounter with God in the gentle wind.

Jesus' priority was His time with His Father.  In preparation for the coming test and the ministry ahead, 40 days of complete surrender and reliance on the One Who sits on the throne was essential.
When hunger began to strike, Satan was ready to use it.

Jesus overcame the temptation to turn stones into bread by acknowledging the Word of God which is more vital than food.
Jesus overcame the temptation to prove  Himself by refusing to test the One Who is in control.
Jesus overcame the temptation to receive the kingdoms of the world from the hand of Satan in exchange for worshiping him.. by casting him out and proclaiming His devotion to the Lord alone.

Truths that we can stand on are found here:
God's Word is more essential than any physical need.
God Himself is totally in control of our lives, our futures, and our everything - we can rest in that without trying to make Him prove it!
Only God is worthy of our worship. Anything less... even great power, authority, or honor - is from Satan.

Verses 12-25 give us significant facts:
John was imprisoned.
Jesus moved from Nazareth to Capernaum.
He began to preach the good news that "the kingdom of  heaven is at hand"
He chose his first disciples.
Many multitudes began to follow Him as He preached and miraculously healed all that were brought to Him.

We are told that there was great darkness in the land... "those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death" ( v16) until Jesus came - "a Great Light".  Sometimes we become overwhelmed with the troubles of our world, mass killings, evil threats, or inane politics;  sometimes we become overwhelmed with the troubles a lot closer to home - financial, emotional, or physical trials. Sometimes darkness itself is a struggle - there is a reason that so many people are depressed and suicidal in our land today.  Our culture has tried to snuff out the Light of the World.  But, it cannot overcome!!  Praise the Lord!!

Dear Jesus, may we once again see  "a Light dawn" .  Fill us with Your glorious power, O Spirit of God!  Make us fishers of men and women, proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom.  Father of all glory and might - we want to encounter You, even as Elijah and Moses did at Sinai.  May we know the glory of Your Presence with us now.  May the radiance of Your presence shine in us and through us.   In the Name of Jesus we ask this. Amen.

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