Thursday, April 6, 2017

Proverbs 13 continues to contrast the life of the righteous man with that of a wicked man.  Over and over again the writer teaches that there are great benefits to living in the Wisdom of the Lord and there are horrible consequences for going the way of wickedness.  We each have a choice as to which life we want to live. This book of wisdom is spelling it out for us plainly and explicitly.  It is very practical and reasonable.

To live for the Lord is to walk by the Spirit, in wisdom and truth.  It is to:
accept discipline
desire good
guard our mouth
be diligent
guard our way
be humble
rejoice in righteousness
receive counsel
work hard
keep God's commandments
teach wisdom
gain understanding
act with knowledge
be faithful in our messages to others
listen to reproof
walk with the wise
leave a legacy
love and diligently discipline our children

Some of the benefits of righteous living are:
enjoying good v2
preserving life v3
finding satisfaction v4, 25
having desires fulfilled v12
rewards v13
prosperity v21

Delight, satisfaction, fulfilled desires, sweetness in the soul, -- all that we need and want are found in the way of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.  While the way of the world, the way of unrighteousness is filled with ruin, want, failure, poverty, and shame.

Father in heaven, Your Word is truth and brings Light into our lives. Thank You.  I love You Lord and desire to live according to Your Word and will.  Help me to hear and to obey.  Help me to keep seeking and finding You as I seek You with all my heart. Once again I turn my eyes upon Jesus and confess my need, my desire for You to fill me, surround me, take me, melt me and mold me, that I might be all that You have purposed for me to be.
In the beautiful name of Jesus I pray,

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