Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Revelation 3:7-13  The letter to Philadelphia.   Here, Jesus describes Himself as holy and true, and as the One who holds the key of David.  He has the power to open and shut.. and no one can oppose Him.   The church is noted for their deeds.  ( Ephesus and Thyatira and Sardis letters also have this statement, " I know your deeds")  In this case, the Lord commends them for keeping His word and not denying His name. He promises them an open door and victory over Satan.
Because of their perseverance , He promises deliverance from the severe testing to come on the earth.
Jesus promises His quick return and exhorts them to hold on.  Those who overcome will dwell with God.  They will be a pillar in His temple, they will have His Name written on them, and they will experience the joy of the new Jerusalem.

3:14-22 The letter to Laodicea.  Jesus, "The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God," again says, " I know your deeds".  But, the deeds recognized here are "lukewarm". 

The deeds in Ephesus were good, but lacked love.
The deeds in Thyatira were good, but lacked purity.
The deeds in Sardis were uncompleted.
The deeds in Philadelphia had little power but were unstoppable.
To Smyrna, Jesus said, " I know your tribulation.." 
To Pergamum, He said, " I know where you dwell... " 

Lukewarmness is offensive to the Lord.  He is ready to spit them out because of it.  The church in Laodicea needed to humble itself and realize the depth of its poverty.  They needed to be refined and reproved.  They needed to repent.   The call to open the door and allow Christ in is found here.  Once again there is a promise to the overcomer - " He who overcomes, I will grant him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on HIs throne." 

What does Christ have to say about our deeds?  Personally or corporately?
Are my deeds lacking love?
Is the church lacking purity?
Are we leaving the work of Christ undone?
Are we keeping His word and known as those loved by God?
Jesus knows the testing we will go through.
He knows the place that we dwell.
Is the Lord, the Amen, the faithful and true witness, testifying of our faithfulness or our lukewarmness?

Father in Heaven,  draw us into Your holy Presence and refine us again until we are pure gold, until we are overcomers and have Your Name written on us!  Forgive our blindness and unworthiness.  Change our hearts forever Jesus as we hear Your voice and open the door so that You can come in and dine with us.  Help us to hold fast until You come.  We look to You Jesus, for You are our all in all. In Your Name we pray, Amen.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Revelation 3:1-6  The letter to Sardis.  This time the Lord refers to Himself as the One "who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars."   We know from 1:20 that the seven stars are the "angels of the seven churches".  Jesus holds these "angels" - who seem to be the pastors of these churches.  In 5:6 John sees " a Lamb standing, as if slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth."  From what I gather from the commentaries, the seven horns represent the fulness of strength and authority given to the Lord.  The seven Spirits... or seven eyes - are mysterious to me.  Zechariah 4:10 talks about "the eyes of the Lord which range to and fro throughout the earth."  and in 3:9 he talks about the Branch ( Jesus) and a stone which is engraved with seven eyes.  In Isaiah 11:1-2 the "stem of Jesse" will produce a branch "from his roots" which will bear fruit, "And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him. The spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord..." But, this lists only 6 aspects of the Spirit.    Whatever this really means is beyond me.. however it is enough to know that it is Jesus who has them.

The church in Sardis is in bad shape.  It has a reputation for life, but is really dead.  Their deeds are incomplete. All the strength that remains is seeping out.  It is on its death bed and time is running out.
Jesus tells them to "Wake up" and to "Remember... what you have received and heard; and keep it and repent." 

There are a few who " have not soiled their garments; and they will walk with Me in white; for they are worthy."   For these few faithful ones, Jesus has words of encouragement.  They will be "clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels."   

To overcome, we must remain unsoiled. We need life, which we find in the Word of God through the Spirit of God.   We need the Spirit of God, Who grants us wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge and the fear of the Lord.  We need to hear and to heed His instructions.  We need to make sure that we are staying awake, alert and remembering all that we have received.

Father in heaven, thank You for the Word of God, and for the Spirit of God given to us by the Son. Fill us once again that we might stay awake and alive in You!  May we never be blinded like the church in Sardis, thinking we are alive, but really on our deathbeds.. in danger of being left behind.  Keep us walking in Light and Truth, in a worthy manner, we pray, in the Name of Jesus who has all authority and power and glory. Amen!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Revelation 2:18-29 The letter to Thyatira focuses on purity.   Jesus, " who has eyes like a flame of fire and His feet are like burnished bronze" ... "searches the minds and hearts; and .. will give to each one of you according to  [his] deeds." 

Overall the church was solid - their "deeds.. love and faith.. service and perseverance.." pleased the Lord.  But, there was an issue.  They were tolerating "Jezebel".  A false prophetess who was immoral and was leading others in the church into that immorality.  The Lord was ready to not only cast her into a "bed of sickness"  but to bring sickness and death to her followers, unless they repented.

Hold fast, overcome, "keep My deeds".. the Lord exhorts the church.
Those who do will be given authority over nations and  "the morning star".

The world, especially in our nation, condemns those that they consider intolerant.  We are biased if we speak the truth about sin.  Immorality especially.  Here is the express will of God in the matter.
We must not tolerate immorality in the church.  We will be condemned by the Lord if we do.
Instead, we must hold fast to the truth, we must seek to be pure of heart, allowing Christ , who searches minds and hearts, to purify us thoroughly. 

This is what I read this morning from The Imitation of Christ, " By two wings a man is lifted up from things earthly, namely Simplicity and Purity. Simplicity ought to be in our intention; purity in our affections. Simplicity doth tend towards God; purity doth apprehend and taste Him."   To seek the will of God and the good of your neighbor.. simplicity and purity.  

So far, the letters have called us to overcome by:
always acting out of our love relationship with the Lord;
remembering that Life is given to those who are faithful ;
holding to the vital truth ;
and being pure (not tolerating immorality in the church);

Father, hear our prayers for Your church, for we are Your possession.  May our deeds be out of our deep love for You, which we received through the great love You have shown us through Christ our Savior.  May we be faithful to the point of death, standing firm in the Word.  May we not allow false teaching to water down or pollute the doctrines that You have built Your church upon.  May we never tolerate immorality in our midst, but repent and be pure before You.  Thank You for the Word that sheds Your Light on our paths.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Revelation 2: 8-11 Letter to the church in Smyrna.
Jesus, "the first and the last, who was dead and has come to life.."  speaks to the church about life. 

He knows their troubles.
He knows their poverty.
He knows their future.
He knows their enemy.
He knows that death is a real possibility in the near future for some of them.

"Be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life."  Jesus promises them.

Hear this promise. Count on it and overcome. The second death.. judgement and eternal punishment is what really hurts... but when you stay faithful to the Lord,  you will never die again.

Verses 12-17  Letter to the church in Pergamum
Jesus, "The One who has the sharp two-edged sword"... speaks about Truth. 
They were being faithful to His name.
They were witnesses of the faith.
They were being persecuted in a place known as Satan's dwelling.

This city still exists. It is known as Bergama, Turkey.  There are ancient ruins, past temples for false gods such as Athena, and a large altar for Zeus.  False religion permeated this city from top to bottom. The church was struggling.
Some "held the teaching of Balaam."
Some followed the Nicolaitians.
Both of these joined with the idol worshippers in gross immorality. The church was guilty of tolerating such sinfulness.

Jesus called the church to repent.  He warns them that unless they do He will "war agains them with the sword of [His] mouth."  But, if they do repent and overcome He will give them two incredible gifts:  hidden manna and a white stone that is inscribed with a new name.

I am not sure what all of that means.  But, I know that I do not want to be at war with Jesus and I do want to receive from Him the gifts of life, manna, and a new name.  I want to know Him in all the fulness of Who He is. ... as the One who was dead and now lives.. and as the One whose sword sharply divides the truth from the lies.

Thank You Father for the gifts You freely have given to us as Your children.  Teach us how to keep walking in Your ways and to be free of the lies of our enemy.  Thank You for victory in Jesus.  Thank You that we are overcomers in Christ!  Thank You that we have true life in Jesus.  All praise and glory we give to Your Name. Amen!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Revelation 2:1-7  The letter to Ephesus begins with an encouraging word.. " I know your deeds.. your toil and perseverance ..."  The Lord is pleased with this work of the church.  They are being diligent to protect the truth.  They are discerning between evil, false teachers and those who have the truth.

But,  there is a big part of Truth that is missing.. and that is love.  The kind of love that they had at first.  Their love for the Lord had grown cold.  They were now acting out of a sense of right and wrong instead of out of love for the Lord who saved them from sin and death and hell.  They were in danger of becoming like the Pharisees... self-righteous and judgmental.  They were right to condemn the Nicolaitans who were immoral and profane.  But, they needed to repent of their lack of love for the Lord and for each other.  ( Reminds me of I Corinthians 13:2 "and if I have the gift of prophesy and know all mysteries and all knowledge; ... but do not love, I am nothing.")

Hear this Truth, Jesus says, hear and overcome!

What can we learn from this message.. this warning to the church.. to us individually?
Are we so busy judging those who have a different opinion.. even a false ideology.. that we forget that they need to know the Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and save those who are lost?

Are we taking for granted the love of our heavenly Father that we forget to humble ourselves in worship and thanksgiving that He has chosen to give us His unconditional love at the price of the spilt blood of the only Begotten Son?

Have we lost the passion of our first love for Christ who died for us and freely forgives our great debts of sin?

Truth is vital. Love is essential.

Father, You have taught us the truth and we desire to live and walk in Your Light by the faith that You have granted us. Let us not grow weary in that, even as You told the Ephesians.  But, even more so, help us to not neglect Your love. Let us not forget that You have commanded us to first love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and then to love our neighbor as ourselves.  You are not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.. the truth of Your love for the world.  No matter who we come across, no matter their political opinions, their false religion, or their hatred of us... out of love for You.. may we love them and may our deeds not only be based on truth, but filled with love.  We ask this in the name of the Jesus, the lover of our souls. Amen.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Revelation 1 To begin once again to read this book.. I have a sense of awe, like entering a grand and beautiful cathedral .  There is a stillness, a reverence.  The atmosphere is.. holy.  This is the revelation of Jesus Christ,  "which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants."  We are blessed to read it and to heed it, verse 3 tells us, " for the time is near."

The message is to the churches from " Him who is and who was and who is to come."
It is from the "seven Spirit who are before the throne." and
 It is "from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the first born of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth."
The One who loves us.
The One who "released us from our sins."
The One who made us a kingdom.
The One who is coming with the clouds.
The One who was pierced.
The One who is Alpha and Omega.
The Almighty.

There can be no mistaking John's emphasis here.. this is God speaking.  Listen carefully!

Verses 9-20 describe John's vision on Patmos.
He heard a sound and turned around.. and fell on his face, for there stood the glorified Jesus.
He stood in the middle of seven golden lamp stands.
He was covered in a long robe with a golden sash.
His head and hair were white like snow.
His eyes burned like fire.
His feet glowed like bronze in a fire.
His voice was like the roar of an ocean.
He held seven stars in His hand.
His face was like the sun.
His mouth produced a sword.

But He gently lifted John up off of his face, saying those words that John had heard before, " Do not be afraid;"

To see Him who is "the first and the last .. the living One" who was dead but is alive; who "holds the keys of death and of Hades".  Imagine it.  How long will we spend falling on our faces on that day that we behold Him?

Father in heaven, we bless Your holy name and give You thanks for Your words to us.  Grant us ears to hear and to heed Your message to us through this book.. through the Bible.  Help us to remember that You are the Almighty , who was and is and will be! Everything is in Your hands.  Jesus is Lord of all and we are His bondservants. Praise the Lord.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Jude identifies himself as the servant of Jesus and the brother of James.  He addresses his audience as "the called, the beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ."   
To those of us in this abiding relationship with our Lord, Jude prays for multiplied mercy, peace, and love.  What a precious prayer of blessing!

Verse 3 strikes me today in a way that makes me perk up my ears... Jude says he really was planning on writing about "our common salvation"... but instead, " felt the necessity to write you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith.."  God changed the direction of Jude's letter.  It takes on a more serious tone.. a urgent message, a life or death warning.  One that is just as important to us today as it was for the readers back then.

"Contend earnestly for the faith".   Fight the good fight...
For an enemy has come in:
They are ungodly people who creep in unnoticed.
They turn grace into "licentiousness"... into filth.
They deny Christ. ( v4)
They "defile the flesh";
They "reject authority";
They "revile angelic majesties." (v8)
They are ungodly people who do ungodly things in an ungodly way. (v15)
They are grumblers.
They are fault finders.
They follow their own lusts.
They speak arrogantly. ( v16)

Remember, Jude teaches, that the Lord is Judge.
He brought the people of Israel out of Egypt, but destroyed the unbelievers in the wilderness. (v5)
He removed the unfaithful angels from glory and "has kept [them] in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgement of the great day."
He made Sodom and Gomorrah an example of judgement when they "indulged in gross immorality.."

He will execute judgement upon the ungodly people who have come in like "hidden reefs".
They take part in our communion fearlessly, though they are full of wickedness.
Jude calls them:
"clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars for who the black darkness has been reserved forever." (v12-13)
They are mockers.
They are dividers.
They are worldly.
They are "void of the Spirit" (v19)

These are who we must fight against, not in our own power.. but like Michael, the archangel, we say, "The Lord rebuke you.". 
In these "last days" we must be " building yourselves up on the most holy faith; praying in the Holy Spirit; keeping yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life."  

And as we wait, we minister.
We have mercy on those who doubt.
We snatch the lost out of the fire when we can.
We fearfully and mercifully help those who are so polluted with sin that we dare not even touch them.
For we walk in faith that He.. "is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy."

".. to the only God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen". 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

II John and III John are letters to individuals.. the first to a church, addresses as "the chosen lady and her children" and the second to Gaius.   Both letters encourage the believers to keep walking in the truth.  The churches were being targeted by false teachers who were denying that Jesus had come in the flesh.  Over and over John stresses how vital it is to cling to the truth. 

II John
John loves the church "in truth". v1
All who "know the truth "  love the church also.
"the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever"  - Jesus ! v2
"Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Son of the Father, in truth and love." v3

To find the believers "walking in truth" brings joy to John. v4
Those walking in the truth will obey the Lord's commandments.. loving one another and  abiding in the teaching "of Christ". (v6, 9)

III John

"I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." v4  John writes to his beloved friend.
Witnesses came to John and testified that Gaius was:
"acting faithfully" (v5)
showing "love" for the brethren. (v5-6)
supporting and sending out those  who "went out for the sake of the Name."(v6-8)

In contrast, Diotrephes, who was also in the church, does not appear to be walking in the truth.
He "loves to be first" (v9)
He "does not accept" what John or the apostles say.
His "deeds" are evil. ( v10-11)
He " unjustly " accused the apostles "with wicked words". (v10)

"Beloved do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God." (v11)

One more example is given , that of Demetrius. ( v12)
Demetrius "has received a good testimony from everyone, and from the truth itself."
John also bears witness of Demetrius' good walk.

Our deeds and words... bear witness of what is in our heart.  If we are walking in the truth then our deeds and words will testify that we are "of God".  We will be like Gaius... faithful, loving, generous towards God's ministers of the truth.  If we are not walking in the truth we will be more like Diotrephes, self-centered, proud, wicked.

We must be careful to keep abiding in Jesus, who is the Truth, and who lives in us forever and ever!
We must also be discerning, to "watch ourselves" so that we don't imitate what is evil, but only what is good.

Lord, keep us walking in the truth.  Keep our hearts pure and our minds and wills humbly yielded to Your Spirit's leading in the way of Jesus, our Savior.  Thank You. Amen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I John 5  John repeats the words, "..we know".. 6 times in this passage.  His focus seems to be that we KNOW what we believe.

"Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God..." (v1)  The phrase "born of God" was also used in I John 4:7, " .. and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."  Both believing and loving, then, have their beginning.. their genesis, if you will, their birth ... in God.. "of" God.  Verse 1 of chapter 5 goes on to say, " and whoever loves the Father loves the child born of Him." 

"By this we know..."  Here is the first of John's "we know" statements.  Love for others, for the "children of God" is produced when we "love God and observe His commandments." (v2).
Loving God is defined by John ( and by Jesus.. John 14:21) as keeping His commandments.
This is what we do when we are "born of God". 

As those born of God we:
"overcome the world" ( v4)
"receive the witness of God"(v9)
have "eternal life" (v11)
have "confidence.. before Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." (v14)
stop sinning continually ( v18)
are protected by Christ from the evil one (v18)
are given "understanding... to know Him who is true", to be in Him ( the Father) and in Jesus. (v20)

As those born of God we know.. 
that sins loses its power over us (v18)
we are of God (v19)
"that the Son of God has come" (v20)
We know Him.. (v20b)

Father, once again we come before You, humbly seeking understanding and grace, to know You, to be filled with Your Presence, by the Spirit of God.. in all truth, wisdom, and love.  Thank You for loving us completely.  May our lives be one with Christ and with You, our Father, in mutual abiding.  May we know Whom we have believed!  May we love You with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies.  May we obey Your commandments.  May we love others as You do. Take us deeper, draw us nearer and help us live so as to please You. For we ask it according to Your will and in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, February 13, 2017

I John 4:7-21  Love... John wants his readers to understand the truth about love.  It's like he can't say enough about it.. it is so important that we really GET it!
Point # 1
"Love is from God." v7
"God IS love" v8
God manifested His love by sending His Son. v9
God loves us. v10
God perfects or completes His love IN us. v12
Abiding in Love = abiding in God. v16

He is the source of love, the spring that flows into the river, that pours out into the ocean... Love began with Him and ends in Him.  Love is vital in our lives, because it is vital to Him.

Point #2
Because He loves us He:
manifested His love - made it known, brought it to light.
sent His Son - so that we might have life
made it a command because without it we can have no relationship with Him or with anyone.

Point #3
Love for each other:
proves our birth from God
proves that we know God
comes from His love for us
brings His abiding presence in us
makes us a witness of the Truth "that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world."
gives us confidence in the day of judgement
removes the fear of punishment
completes us
reveals our love for God

Father, thank You for loving us, for revealing Your great love for each of us individually so that we might know You.  Thank You for sending Your Son to be my Savior. Thank You for letting me "come to know and [believe] the love which God has for " me.  Lead me into that love.  Deeper and deeper.
Let my heart overflow with Your river of Love.  Help me to love my brother and my neighbor.  Help me to love my enemy as well as my friend.  Help me to be complete in Your great Love.

Friday, February 10, 2017

I John 4:1-6  The Light has shone into the darkness and revealed sin.. the truth that was in the shadows.. that we love less... and in effect that it is hatred that is in our hearts.  The Light, Jesus Christ, reveals and exposes this and waits to see if we will deny it or confess it.  And when we acknowledge it and confess it.. He forgives completely! He cleanses us perfectly!

Jesus calls us to abide in the Light, in the Truth, in Him.  To abide and to love... to love Him and to love one another.  He gives us His Spirit to abide within us, to help us, to light the way, to counsel us, to fill us with His love that overcomes the hate.

Chapter 4 begins with another vital truth that we need to see in His Light.  There are spirits that are false.. spirits of antichrist.. spirits of error, from the world.  We need to "test the spirits" John tells us.
We need to discern. We need to listen carefully to what men say... to distinguish what is from God and what is not.
Jeremiah 29:8 "For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, 'Do not let your prophets who are in your midst and your diviners deceive you, and do not listen to the dreams which they dream. "
Paul lists the gift of "distinguishing of spirits" in I Corinthians 12:10 and tells us in I Thessalonians 5:20-21 to " not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good. "
John gives us the precise test to apply to every "spirit"; every principle, every breath; every prophecy spoken.  "By this you know the Spirit of God; every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; ..." ( v2-3)

Twice in this passage John reminds us " You are from God" . 
Since we are His, "greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." (v4)
We can overcome the spiritual deceptions because He gives us the ability to discern "the spirit of truth and the spirit of error." ( v6)

It all depends on the fellowship that we have with the Father and the Son.  It depends on us abiding in the Light that Jesus has given us. Here is truth. Here is life.

Father, abide in us!  Fill us with Your Spirit and keep us from the evil one.  Let our minds and hearts be filled with truth, with Jesus Christ who came in the flesh and who has brought us into fellowship with You. Give us discernment.  May we not listen to the dreams and lies of the world. Thank You for delivering us out of the darkness and into the marvelous Light, the Light of Jesus.  Blessed be Your Name in all the earth. Amen.

Constantly abiding. Jesus is mine.
Constantly abiding, rapture divine; 
He never leaves me lonely,
whispers oh, so kind
"I will never leave thee,"
Jesus is mine. 
( Anne S. Murphy 1942)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I John 3

Psalm 145: 11-12 " They shall speak of the  glory of the kingdom, and talk of Thy power; to make known to the sons of men Thy mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of Thy kingdom."   The kingdom of God - is everlasting and His dominion endures to all generations.. ( verse13).

We are currently caught up in the political debates of our country that focus on our new president's agenda, which is quite different than our former president's agenda.  But, the agenda that really counts is the One that belongs to the King of Glory.  As I was thinking about that a few days ago, it occurred to me that His agenda has always been summed up in one word - Love.
The greatest commandment.. in His kingdom,  to accomplish His agenda, is to love the Lord with all our hearts , souls, minds, and strength .
The second, is to love our neighbors like ourselves.

John's message continues to focus on this Kingdom agenda.
The Light has shone to reveal this truth - the glory of the majesty of God's kingdom is love - love for the Father, who has bestowed His love on us and called us His children; and love for each other - in fellowship.. in communion.. in koinonia.

The world does not "know" this... this love..  it can't comprehend it, can't receive it, can't understand it.. or us, "because it did not know Him." ( v1)
But, we do.  We are not perfect yet... but we have the hope that is fixed on Him.. and there will be a day when we will see Him perfectly and be "like Him" .. and this hope "purifies" us. ( v2-3)

 A life based on this Truth and drawn into this love partnership is one that has recognized the sin and lawlessness in his own heart, and has come to know that Jesus "appeared in order to take away sins." 
In His kingdom, we abide in Him, we fellowship with Him, we partner with the One who has NO sin.  He is righteous  and brings us into His righteousness.  He changes our practices... from sinful living that started with the devil, into righteous living which is most obvious by the presence of love. 

John says that the "children of the devil" are obvious - by their unrighteousness and their lack of love.
They are like Cain.. who hated his brother and killed him. In God's sight hatred equals murder.
Hate - misos.. to detest.. to love less. ...
It goes further than just not being tolerant or despising someone... for John continues, " But, whoever has the world's goods and beholds his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in Him?" 

God's definition of love, this love that is His topmost priority on His kingdom agenda is revealed, brought to light, and displayed in the flesh is this, " We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." ( v16)
Love like this comes only in the abiding.. in the partnership and communion with the Father and the Son.  We must have His love.. abiding in us.  Anything less that this.. is misos.. hate.

In Christ, we can go beyond loving with words and tongues, to loving in "deed and truth."  We will find assurance in our hearts and confidence before God when we live this way.  We will pray and receive, we will obey His commands and please Him by doing the deeds of love in truth.  He commands us to" believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another.. "  This is abiding.. this is love.  This is His agenda for each of us individually and for His church altogether.

Father in heaven, great Father of Lights, I am Your child and I worship You. I want to abide in You and I desire that You abide in me. Take my heart and mind and will.. and make it Your own.  Forgive my lack of love.. my misos... and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of love, that I might fully love as You do.  Cut away... prune.. the dead pieces of this branch, so that I might bear fruit.. much fruit to the glory of the Vine and the Vinedresser.  I need You, Lord.  Come and breath on me once again.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ my Master. amen.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

I John 2  John writes... shining the light into the darkness, to reveal the Truth.  He exposes the sin that hides in the shadows of every heart.  Don't be fooled, he warns us... don't deceive yourself that you're ok, that you haven't sinned.  Instead, confess it.. acknowledge it.. for we have One who forgives and cleanses and makes righteous.

Jesus Christ.. our "Advocate with the Father" - the intercessor, the paracletos.  The consoler.
Jesus Christ the "propitiation for our sins" - the atonement, the expiator who pays the penalty.

It is in knowing Him and abiding in Him, that Life is manifested... brought out of the shadows and into the true light.
When we know Him, John says, then we will "keep His commandments" and we will "walk in the same manner as He walked."  We will be in "fellowship" with the Father and the Son.  We will be in communion with them. We will communicate with them.  We will partner with them.  We will share with them.

Light will expose the sin in this fellowship... and the biggest, baddest, deadliest sin that it will expose is hatred.
Hatred hides in the shadows.
Hatred causes stumbling.
Hatred causes blindness.
But, the Light comes and shines and tells us again and again, " your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake."!  Your hatred is forgiven you.. for His name's  sake.
When you come to know Him, you will overcome evil. You will overcome hatred.
Stay strong and keep overcoming... by keeping fellowship with the Father and the Son.

Abide in God, not in the world.. John counsels us.
The world is "passing away".  It is temporary.
So don't waste your time lusting after what is flesh.
Don't get sucked into those things that tempt your eyes.
Don't fall into the trap of pride.
Those things are the same tricks that the devil has used since the beginning .
By the Holy Spirit, we can know the Truth that is found in Jesus Christ and keep in partnership with Him.

There are those who are "antichrists" who deny Jesus and deny God.
They are pretenders.
They are liars.
They try to deceive the children of God.
But, we have no need to fall into their traps.  We have the Holy Spirit so that we can discern the Truth. We do not need to shrink back. We are secure in His righteousness.

Oh, what great love!  What amazing grace!

Father, O Holy and Glorious God who shines Your light into our darkness and reveals all truth, how we praise You. Give us ears to hear and eyes to see Your glory, Your Truth, and your Love.  Come fill us again with Your Spirit and abide with us.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus our Advocate. Amen.

Monday, February 6, 2017

I John 1

John spent time at the feet of Jesus.  He knew Him in a way that we can only imagine.  His testimony begins with this, " what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled...."  

John and his fellow disciples walked with Jesus on dusty roads and grassy hills.  They heard His stories and His prayers.  They saw the miracles.. of bread, multiplied in their own hands; of lepers being made spotless; of a withered hand restored to normal use... They touched the hand of Jesus and felt the nail prints with their own fingers.  They saw and felt and heard.. and now they proclaim, "the Word of Life". 

Jesus was and is Life - "manifested to us".  Eternal life. He who was "with the Father" was made known, rendered apparent; openly revealed; to mankind. The Greek word for manifested is phaneroo, from the base word phaino - to lighten or shine.   The Invisible was made visible. The Immortal was made human.  He who is Light, came to shine in the darkness.  Life is revealed in Light.

This is the essence of John's message.. " God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all." 
Light - phos.. to shine; to make manifest; luminousness. Light makes known... reveals.. manifests.  It makes apparent what is already there... although it may have once been hidden in the darkness.  Darkness - skotos - shadiness; obscurity;  shadow... absence of light.

"If we say that we have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness ( in the shadows.. in the absence of light), we lie and do not practice the truth."

The Truth is that Jesus is Light.
The Truth is that none of us is without sin.  " If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us." 
The Truth is that  " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 
The Truth is that if we say we are not sinners, we are the liars, not God.

John writes "so that our joy may be made complete."  He writes so that the Truth, which was personally  made known to him, could be also made apparent to us.  Life, real life, is obscured  by darkness.. and is only made known when the Light comes to chase away every shadow. That Truth is absolute and complete joy!

Father in heaven, how we thank You for the gift of Light, in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Thank You that He came to cleanse us from all sin, by the shedding of His blood.  Let Your Light shine on us and flow over us, chasing away every shadow, that we might walk in the Light as He is in the Light. Forgive us our sins. Purify our hearts. Help us to have fellowship with one another in truth and in love. Help us to obey Your Word with whole hearts.  Thank You. Amen.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Psalm 147-150  This hymn book of sacred songs comes to a beautiful crescendo with these words of praise to the Lord, our God.

Psalm 147 continues the unending list of His great grace towards mankind.  We praise Him because He:
Gathers outcasts.
Heals the brokenhearted.
Binds up our wounds.
and He numbers the stars and calls them by name.

Our great God is "abundant in strength ". 
He has infinite understanding.
He sees and cares for the afflicted.
He tackles the wicked.

Our God "provides rain for the earth."
He makes grass grow.
He feeds the animals. Even the ravens.
He isn't impressed with the strength of a horse or a man...
But, He "favors those who fear Him."

God strengthens ...
He blesses...
He makes peace.
He satisfies.
He commands nature... the snow is His, the wind is His.

Psalm 148 is a call for all of creation to praise the Lord.  Everything from the highest heavens to the lowest depth of the sea.  Everyone from the angels in glory to the child in your arms...
"For HIs name alone is exalted; His glory is above earth and heaven."

Psalm 149 shows us how to praise Him...
With new songs..
With congregations.
With dancing.
With instruments.
With joy and gladness...
 Sing praises everywhere and always.. "For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the afflicted ones with salvation." 

Psalm 150 Praise to the Lord comes from hearts that recognize His "excellent greatness".  The final note rings out with clear beauty and majesty.. " Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" 

Father,  You are great, with unsearchable, boundless greatness.  You are gracious and compassionate, You are powerful and awesome.  We praise You with our every breath..  even as You give us breath.  Praise the Lord!  You have healed our broken hearts.  You have set us free from sin, death, and the devil.  You have given us salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord.  You have brought us near to Yourself.  You have forgiven us and cleansed us and made us righteous by the blood of the Lamb.  We exalt You and bless Your name. You are worthy of our highest praise.  Praise the Lord! Amen.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Psalm 146

Psalm 145 exhorts us to "declare His mighty acts"(v4);  meditate on His " wonderful works"(v5);  speak of His "awesome acts"(v6) ; and "make known... [His] mighty acts" ( v12). Verses14-20 then tell us of what He does...  and this Psalm continues to proclaim His praise:

To this God, who is our Hope, we give praise with all our soul, because:

He "made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them;" v6
He "keeps faith forever".
He "executes justice for the oppressed" v7
He gives "food to the hungry".
He "sets the prisoners free." 
He "opens the eyes of the blind" v8
He "raises up those who are bowed down"
He "loves the righteous".
He "protects the strangers." v9
He "supports the fatherless and the widow". 
He "thwarts the way of the wicked".

He "will reign forever". v10

In Charles Spurgeon's book, The Fullness of Joy,  he writes a chapter titled "Marvelous Things".  The verses he cites are Psalm 98:1-2 " O sing unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done marvelous things; his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory. The Lord hath made known his salvation; his righteousness hath he openly showed in the sight of the heathen."  Spurgeon expounds on what is marvelous about what the Lord has done:
The marvelous things:
Christ overcame sin... the guilt of it and the power of it!
He overcame death. "... He has gone up into glory and left heaven's gate wide open to all believers".
He overcame Satan.
"Therefore, dearly beloved in Christ, this is the joyous news we have to bring sinners; sin and death and the Devil have all been vanquished by the great Captain of our salvation."
The marvelous ways:
Christ did this alone... He did it all. We can "throw [our] weight entirely upon Him"
He did it "so wisely".   "The design of salvation is the very perfection of wisdom, because all the attributes of God are equally glorified in it"  Mercy and justice both completely fulfilled in Christ!
"The hand that was pierced by the nails conquered sin; the hand that was fastened to the wood has fastened up the accusation that was written against us; the hand that bled has brought salvation to us, so that we are Christ's forever. Infinite wisdom shone through in our Lord's conquest of sin and death and the Devil."
He did it with absolute holiness.
He did it with perfect, amazing, unbiased grace.
The marvelous revelation:
" It is truly marvelous that the Holy Spirit, who is equally God with the Father and the Son, should come and reside in these bodies of ours and make them His temple."
We could not know Him any other way..

We come again and again to the Word  of God, to remember, to declare, to sing, and to praise His marvelous works! It is like daily bread.. manna from heaven... life giving.  To meditate and rejoice in His unfathomable greatness and unmeasurable love for us should lead us into songs of praise.
"Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!  I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being." ( Psalm 146:1-2)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Psalm 145... my favorite..   I memorized this psalm a few years ago and recited it in my head so often, meditating on all the truths found in it.. learning how to praise and bless and extol my Lord and King.  Unfortunately, my aging mind has betrayed me a bit, and I forget parts... but I want to learn it again.

Here are some things to think upon from this psalm:

To "bless" the Lord's name is to speak well of Him and to honor Him with our words.
To praise Him every day forever and ever will bless Him!
The Lord is great... His greatness is "unsearchable" - unfathomable; beyond what we can know.. Yes, He is worthy of the highest praise.
Each generation needs to.. NEEDS TO.. praise the works of God and declare His mighty acts to the next.
Each of us needs to meditate on His wonders and on His majesty.. and on His glorious splendor.
We need to speak.. we need to tell... we need to utter eagerly.. we need to shout joyfully... these truths about our God:
He is awesome!
He is great!
He is righteous!
He is gracious and merciful!
 He is slow to anger and great in lovingkindness!
He is good to all!
 He is compassionate about His creation!

We need to give Him thanks!
We need to talk about His kingdom.
We need to talk about His power.
We need to "make known" His works, His wonders, His everlasting kingdom.

It is the Lord who holds up those who are falling.
It is the Lord who raises up the humble.
It is the Lord who provides food for every creature.
It is the Lord who satisfies us.
It is the Lord who, in kindness and righteousness, is near when we call.
It it the Lord who hears us, saves us, keeps us, and loves us.
It is the Lord who justly deals with the wicked.

Yes, I will open my mouth to praise Him and to lead others to bless His Name forever!
