Monday, October 31, 2016

Psalm 83  The psalmist calls upon the Lord to deal with the enemies of Israel.  He wants them made like "whirling dust".   He calls upon God to use wind, fire, and storms to bring them to their knees.
"That they may know that Thou alone, whose name is the Lord, are the Most High over all the earth." 

James 3.  James has been writing about true faith which is accompanied by actions of love.  In this next section he focuses on the tongue.  " So speak and act, as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty." ( 2:12) What we say is just as important as what we do.
The tongue is:
a fire
a "world of iniquity"
 able to set " on fire the course of our life"
" set on fire by hell"
restless evil
full of deadly poison
able to bless and curse

It is of such importance that if one can "not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man." 
James compares the tongue to a small bit that controls a large horse, or a small rudder that controls a large ship.  Small but powerful.

Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 12: 34-37.  "... for the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart."  A man who has a "good treasure" will speak good.  One who has "evil treasure" will speak evil.  Words are so important, Jesus says, that we will render an account before the Lord for every "careless word".  " For by your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned." 

Like true faith is revealed by the works we do.. it is also revealed by the words we speak. 
Both works and words reveal what is in our hearts. 

There are 2 kinds of "wisdom" , James teaches.  One is "earthly, natural, and demonic" - the heart is full of "bitter jealousy and selfish ambition". It is arrogant and deceitful.  It is causes disorder and evil.
But, true wisdom is that which comes from the Lord.  " .. the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy." 

The New World Dictionary defines wisdom as, " the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience, understanding, etc.
The word wise is defined as " to see, to know, having or showing good judgement.. informed... "

So, if we have only earthly wisdom, we will make judgements based on what we know and understand naturally.  James tells us that this is driven by our sinful selves and will result in evil.

But, if we ask for and receive wisdom from God, Who freely and generously gives it.. we will make good judgements based on His Truth.  God's wisdom is pure, without sin.  It is unselfish.  It is full of peace, mercy, and gentleness. It bears fruit.. righteousness and peace.

Our words and works will prove or reveal what kind of wisdom we are operating our lives by - if our hearts are driven by natural wisdom they will be  arrogant, selfish, and deceitful  and our words and actions will be too.  But, if we have received true wisdom from above and live accordingly than our works and words will show it.  We need to keep our hearts filled up with the Good wisdom and live it out in our words and deeds. 

Father in heaven, fill us with Your wisdom today.  Let Your Word sink deep into our hearts and saturate our lives so that all that we do and all that we say will be pure and peaceable, gentle and reasonable, merciful and good.. We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Psalm 81   Hear the voice of God as He calls for His people:

" Hear, O My people, and I will admonish you; O Israel , if you would listen to Me!" ( v8)
 "Oh, that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways!" ( v13)

But they wouldn't listen...
He commanded them to have no strange gods,  no idols, no foreign gods...
but they didn't trust Him enough to give us their superstitions and false beliefs.

If they would obey He would relieve their burdens, subdue their enemies, provide for their needs, and satisfy them completely.. ( v6, 10, 14, 16)

Psalm 82 continues to spell out God's desire for all of His people.

Judge justly. v2
Don't favor the wicked.
"Vindicate the weak and fatherless.
Do justice to the afflicted and destitute."v3
"Rescue the weak and needy;
Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked." v4

Which takes me back to James 2 and the definition of true faith -faith that "is pure and undefiled" (James 1:27)
"Faith.. if it has no works, is dead, being by itself" (v17)
True faith results in action including all the things in Psalms 82 and 83.
As "sons of the Most High" we are called to listen to Him and do as He says.
He is the judge of all the earth.. and ultimately the only standards that really matter are His.

Father in Heaven, forgive us for failing to do as You have commanded.  May our faith be  shown by our works.. our works of justice and compassion;  of love for the weak, the afflicted, the destitute, and the fatherless.  Help us to hear Your voice calling us to live according to Your Word and then to be doers of that Word.  May we walk in Your ways and bring glory to Your Name.  Fill us again with Your Holy Spirit we pray, in the Name of the glorious Son, Jesus.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Psalm 80   Always, in times of trouble, the psalmist calls upon the Lord.  The need is great and the only solution is God's face.  ".. cause Thy face to shine upon us, and we will be saved:"

It is the prayer that we need to repeat here, now, in our nation. "Restore us", o Lord!
We are nation that has squandered her wealth, her wisdom, and her heritage.  We have forsaken the face of God and the result is great darkness.  Shine Your face upon us, O Lord, and we will be saved!
He is still enthroned above the cherubim.
He is still the Lord God of hosts..
He is the only Hope of salvation.

We must pray... seriously pray to our God Most High.

 James 2:1-13
James is teaching practical truths of the faith.
Faith that endures trials because we trust God to make us complete in Him.
Faith that knows that everything good has been given by the Father.
Faith that has received His Word humbly and endeavors to do it, not just hear it.
Faith that is pure and undefiled and full of love for those in need.
Faith that is not biased.
Faith that is full of grace and mercy in words and action.

God has chosen us, "the poor",  "to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him..." To do less than what He has called us to do, dishonors His Name.
He calls us to "... love your neighbor as yourself".  James calls this the "royal law".  He says that when we are doing this we "are doing well."

Father, restore Your people, to truth and love and faith.  You have given us everything we need to walk in Your Light.  Help us to be faithful and to live by your Word.  We seek Your Face, Lord.  You are our everything.  May Your will be done in us today, I pray in the glorious Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Psalm 79  The enemies of Israel - invaded, defiled, ruined, poured out, scoffed, derided, and fed their dead bodies to the wild birds and beasts.  The psalmist calls out to the Lord for vengeance on them, yet mercy on Israel.  His prayer focuses on the glory of the Name of the Lord.   For if the people of God and the nation of God are destroyed, the nations would say, "Where is their God?"

In our days, we hear something similar.  When there is war, violence, or natural disasters, people want to lash out at God or refuse to believe that a good God exists that could allow it.  But, we know that God is good and even when there are trials, even horrid atrocities... it is the result of the wickedness in men's hearts, not God's will.  He allows destruction, as He did in Israel, because of their sin and rebellion.

James 1

" Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials."  James tells us.
Trials of all kinds are part of life. It is how we deal with them that makes the difference.
Trials do test our faith.  We can endure... or we can turn away.
If we choose to keep trusting in the Lord, He will bring about completeness in us.
If we turn away from Him, we lose....everything.
"Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he is approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."  ( v12)

How do we persevere?
We ask for wisdom and receive it from His generous hand.
If we are poor, we thank Him for making us His children.
If we are rich, we thank Him for making us His servant.
We recognize that temptation comes from within ourselves, not from God.
We recognize that lust in our hearts, if allowed, will lead to sin and death.
We recognize and acknowledge that " every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow."
So we can completely trust Him!
We must live according to His Word.. "the word of Truth".
We must learn to be quick to hear and slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
We must put aside everything filthy, wicked, and deceptive.
We must "in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls." 
We must be doers of the word.
We must look intently at  the words that  God has given us to live by, and then do what it says. 
We must understand that true religion is not what is on the outside, but what is in the heart,  what is pure and acceptable and good in His eyes.

Father, Shepherd of your people,  lead us in Your paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.   May we, Your people, never cause others to question where You are.  Help us to make Your Name known and glorified in our nation.  Help us to persevere.  Help us to live by Your word and do Your will.  Help us to be pure and blameless before You.  You are good and we put our trust in You today.  Praise Your holy Name. amen.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Psalm 78  This psalm is a history lesson for the people of Israel.  "Listen, O my people, to my instructions."

Here are the words that should be taught to every child.. so that they will know God and praise Him. 
"But tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done." 

v1- 7  God established a covenant with His people.  He gave them  the Law.  He commanded them to teach it to their children.  "That they should put their confidence in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments." In other words, so that they can have a right relationship with Him.

But Israel failed to keep the covenant with the Lord.
They were stubborn and rebellious.
They did not "prepare" or put right their hearts.
They were unfaithful to Him.
They refused to walk in HIs ways.
They forgot His deeds.

So, the psalmist reminds them of what they have forgotten:
God " wrought wonders before their fathers", He displayed His power and strength -
He -
 "divided the sea"
" made the waters stand up like a heap"
" led them with the cloud by day, and all the night with a light of fire."
"split the rocks" and gave them water.
"rained down manna upon them to eat"
"rained meat upon them like the dust"

And He did all this while they mumbled, whined, rebelled, and sinned against Him.
They failed to believe in Him and they did not trust Him.
He gave them the promised land.
He forgave them.
He had compassion on them.
He knew their weakness.

There came a time when their rebellion against Him resulted in filling God with wrath.
Then He sent them into captivity .
Yet even then, God did not abandon them.  He brought them back to the land and chose the tribe of Judah, His servant David, to shepherd His people.

God gave a specific set of Laws that were meant for every generation. ( Yes, including us)
The people of Israel failed to even come close to keeping these laws. ( Us too)
In order to once again be the people of the Lord they needed to remember their history.
Specifically, they needed to go over again all that God did in order that they could become a nation.
Every miracle needs to be acknowledged.
Every failure to believe and trust, needs to be confessed. 

The truth of Who God is needs to be remembered and praised. 
God understands our failures and weaknesses.
God will forgive our iniquities.
God will redeem us from the adversary.
God holds us accountable for our rebellion and unbelief.
God's wrath will not be held back forever.
God desires to lead us into His paths.

We must choose to follow Him. 

Father in heaven, praise to the everlasting God, the God Most High, who has given to us such a great salvation. Thank You for redeeming us with the blood of Christ. Thank You for forgiving our sins and making us Your own. Help us to be faithful and true to You always. Strengthen Your people, O Lord and help us to never forget how Great You are!  You are the God who does wonders and mighty works and You have not changed.  I put my trust in You.  I will follow You and obey Your word, by the power of Your Spirit in me.  Help me to do this Lord, in the power of the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Psalm 77

Verses 1- 10  draw a picture of the psalmists desperate situation - he was:
crying out to God
seeking the Lord day and night
reaching out his hands to the Lord
unable to sleep
unable to speak
trying to connect with God, but feeling rejected and unloved.

Had God rejected him?
Had He ceased loving him?
Were His promises broken?
Had God forgotten His grace?
Was He so angry that He was no longer compassionate?

v10 "Then I said, 'It is my grief, that the right hand of the Most High has changed,'"
God does not change, but in our infirmities, grief, and suffering, it seems that He has.

v11-20  The psalmist determines to remember the Truth about the Lord.
 He thinks of the deeds that God has done.
He ponders the works of God's hands.
He remembers that God's ways are holy.
He declares that no god is great "like our God". 
God is the "God who workest wonders."
God makes known His strength to us.
God redeems His people by His own power.
Even the waters of the ocean tremble before God.
The clouds, the skies, the lightning, and the whirlwinds.. obey Him.
The earth itself trembles before God.
God led His people through the sea,  " and Thy paths in the mighty waters, and Thy footprints may not be known.  Thou didst lead Thy people like a flock.." 

God left His footprints in the bed of the Red Sea as He led the people of Israel through to the promised land.  God, Who never changes, will surely lead us through grief, through illness, through problems, and through the uncertainties of life. 
He will not cease to hear us when we call out to Him... even if it doesn't seem like it.
He will not reject us or stay angry with us if we repent and obey Him.
His promises are always true.
His grace is always sufficient.
His compassion never fails.
He is faithful.
He is powerful.
He is strong.
He is worthy of our praise and worship.

Father in heaven, my Shepherd, who leads me in green pastures and beside still waters.  You will never leave me nor forsake me.  I praise Your Name.  Thank You for reminding me that You are unchanging.. always good, always in control,  always compassionate and full of grace.  You are slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  Your kingdom is glorious and full of Your majesty.  It is everlasting.  I cling to You, Lord.  Fill me with Your Spirit even now, that I might see Your glory.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Psalm 76  Praise to the God of Jacob,  the Only True God who :

Is known in Judah.
Shelters in Jerusalem .
Dwells in Zion.
Breaks all the weapons of war.
Is "resplendent"!
Is more majestic than the mountains.
Who defeats every enemy.
With a mere word.. He shuts down every "rider and horse".

"Thou, even Thou, are to be feared; and who may stand in Thy presence when once Thou art angry?"

His judgement will be "heard from heaven."
The earth itself will fear and be "still".
God will once again rise in judgement, "to save all the humble of the earth".
Even the "wrath of man" will praise Him.

We need to fulfill our vows to the Lord.
We need to bring gifts "to Him who is to be feared".. the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.

No prince or king can stand before the Lord God Almighty!

America needs to know that God is to be feared.  The sins of our country.. the immorality, the slaughter of unborn children,  the lies, the violence, the oppression against others.. these sins are stacking up against us as a nation.  God's wrath will fall upon us... is falling upon us even now.
God's judgement is absolutely just.  His anger is perfectly righteous.

Father in heaven, we hallow Your Name.  Your holy and wonderful Name. You are our Creator, our great and mighty Lord, Who rules over all heaven and earth and there is none like You.  You are the Judge and when You rise to judge, none can stand before You.  O how thankful we are for the mercy we find in Jesus Christ our Mediator and Savior.  How we pray for the lost, that they might seek refuge in Him.  For we know, that the time of judgement is drawing near and those outside of Your kingdom will be cut off forever.  May the fear of the Lord descend upon our country once again, Lord.  May Your Word run freely and spread rapidly throughout the earth that many more will be saved before it is too late. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Psalm 75

We give thanks to God and forever declare His praise because:

He is near. v1
He does wondrous works.
He judges the earth with equity. v2
He created, rules, and controls the whole earth and everything and everyone in it. v3
He has established righteousness and condemns boasting, pride, and wickedness.v4
He alone is exalted and no other should be. v6
He alone is the Judge. v7
He decides who is lifted up and who is put down!
He will distribute the cup of His wrath and the wicked will "drain" it and "drink down its dregs". v8
He will "cut off" .."the horns of the wicked." ( They will lose their strength )
He will lift up "the horns of the righteous." ( They will be given strength).

Father, Righteous Judge, You alone are King and Your reign is forever.  We declare Your greatness.
Father, may You be exalted over all the earth!  Thank You for being near to us when we call on You.
Father,  You decide who will be put down or lifted up.  In this election ahead of us, we see two people who are boastful, proud, and who have done wicked things.  Your word says that You judge with equity. You alone know their hearts and plans for our country.  Please put down the wicked and raise up the righteous for the sake of our nation and for the sake of Your people.  We pray in the Name of Jesus our Savior. amen.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Psalm 74  When the enemy strikes and devastation fills our lives and homes and families... when we feel as if God has forgotten us, abandoned us, and we can no longer find hope... then we must remember:

God is our King from of old.
He "works deeds of deliverance in the midst of the earth"( v12)
He can divide the seas.
He can break the heads of "sea monsters" ( v13)
He can crush monsters and use them as food for the creatures in the wilderness.( v14)
He can provide springs or torrents.
He can dry up streams. ( v15)
He owns the day and the night.
He controls the light and the sun. (v16)
He "established all the boundaries of the earth." 
He created and controls summer and winter. (V17)

Because God is God... we can rest in His power, trust His promises, and praise His name. 
The enemy will not succeed.
The wicked will not go unpunished.
The righteous will not be forgotten.
His covenants will be completed.
The afflicted and needy will praise Him.

Father, we choose to honor You and hallow Your name. We submit to Your rule as our King and desire that Your good, acceptable, and perfect will be done in us today.  All belongs to You, Lord, so we humbly ask for daily bread from Your gracious hand.  We pray for forgiveness for every sin and let go of all trespasses, all who have crossed the line, against us.   Lead us in Your paths today and deliver us from the evil enemy.  We ask this in the precious name of the Savior, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Psalm 73

Like the psalmist, Asaph, we must be careful to discern the truth.  God is good to those who belong to Him.

V2-12 -These verses describe the "wicked", those who seem to prosper and thrive in spite of their lack of fear of the Lord.
They are arrogant and prosperous.
They don't seem to suffer even when they die.
They are fat from rich food and wealth.
They seem isolated from the normal trials of life.
They are prideful.
They are violent.
They have vivid imaginations.
They mock others.
They oppress others.
They even mock God.
They seem to have it all.. and flaunt it before the believers.

It seems as if the people of God have been betrayed, for in spite of trying to remain pure and faithful, they suffer. Until...

v17- 20  "Until I came into the sanctuary of God; then I perceived their end."

There is a day of righteous judgement.  God has warned us that it will come.  Those who have denied Him, rebelled against Him, and refuse to repent, will face Him at His judgement seat.  And they will face His wrath.

God sets them in "slippery places."
He casts them "down to destruction". 
They will be "destroyed in a moment ".
"They are utterly swept away by sudden terror." 

This truth brings repentance to the writer - his jealousy and bitterness against the prospering wicked, is just as sinful as their sin.  "I was pierced within, then I was senseless and ignorant; I was like a beast before Thee." 

Turning back to the Lord, he proclaims his faith in God's goodness to him.
" I am continually with Thee; Thou hast taken hold of my right hand.  With Thy counsel Thou wilt guide me, and afterward receive me to glory.  Whom have I in  heaven but Thee? And besides Thee, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." ( 23-26)

Those "far from" God will perish.  All the unfaithful are included here. 
"But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, That I may tell of all They works."

Oh Father in heaven, be near to me, to us, who call on You and repent of our failures and bitterness and unrighteous judgements.  Forgive us and help us to be people who forgive others.  Lead us in Your ways that we might share the good news of Jesus to all we can.  I pray for those who are headed to destruction because of their unfaithfulness and wickedness.  O, God, our only Savior , have mercy on us.. on this nation.  Bring repentance and revival to Your people we pray in the name of the Glorious One, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Psalm 72 is titled " A Psalm of Solomon".   Here we have a description of a perfect King...

Although Solomon was given the gift of wisdom and knew these truths, he failed to fulfill these traits. Christ alone is the King of Righteousness.

Jesus has the "judgements" of God.
He has absolute "righteousness".
He judges perfectly.
He brings justice for the afflicted.
He brings peace to His people.
He vindicates the afflicted.
He saves the needy children.
He crushes the oppressors.
He endures for all generations.
He is like the rain, providing for the needs of His people.
His kingdom will flourish with peace and righteousness.
His rule extends over all the earth.
Every nation, tribe, and people will bow before Him.. from the nomad to the king,  from the wilderness to the farthest island.

Jesus "will deliver the needy when he cries for help.."
He comes to the aid of those who have no other help.
"He will have compassion on the poor and needy." 
He is our rescuer from oppression and violence.
Our blood is precious in his sight.
In the Kingdom of God there will be abundance forever.
His Name will endure.
He is call Blessed.
He "alone works wonders." 
"..May the whole earth be filled with His Glory."
Amen and amen.

There has never been, nor will there ever be a human king that can stand up to this standard.
We can only pray that the Lord will have mercy on us and that He will bring the hearts of our leaders into alignment with His will.

Father, we pray for Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven .  We put our hope and trust in You, the only Righteous God and Your anointed Son, King Jesus.  May the whole earth be filled with Your glory. Amen.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Psalm 70-71

Even as the psalmist prays for God to hurry up and help him, he offers us praise and thanksgiving in worship.

"Let all who seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee." (70:4)
Seeking God precedes joy and gladness in Him.   God has promised that if we seek Him with whole hearts that He will let us find Him.  It is in the Presence of God that we find joy.

"Let those who love Thy salvation say continually, 'Let God be magnified'" 

Magnify God because:

He is our refuge in trouble ( 71:1)
He is righteous.
He delivers and rescues us. (v2)
He inclines His ear to us and saves us.
He is a "rock of habitation, to which I may continually come." (v3)
He has commanded our salvation.
He is a rock and fortress.
He rescues us right out of the hand of the enemy. ( v4)
He is our hope! (v5)
He knows us from the time we are in our mother's womb until old age. ( v6-9)
He is not "far from me"!( v12)
He will handle the enemy of our souls.(v13)

We worship God appropriately as we:
Hope in Him continually.
Praise Him more and more.
Tell of His righteousness, which "reaches to the heavens".
Speak of His salvation "all day long".
Declare His mighty deeds, for He has "done great things". 
Bring up His righteousness whenever we can.
Proclaim His "wondrous deeds"
Declare His "strength to this generation" and His "power to all who are to come".

In times of trouble, we hope in Him who revives us.
In times of need, we praise Him who prosper us.
In times of confusion, we sing to the One who comforts us with His Truth.
May our lips shout for joy and sing praises to our God.
May we praise His salvation, for He has redeemed our souls.
May His righteousness be ever on our lips.

Father in heaven,  You are wonderful beyond description and too marvelous for words,  but we find in Your word the Truth that helps us voice our praise.  How gracious You are to us!  You are righteous.  You are always on the side of what is right and good and just. No matter what,  we can count on You.
All power is Yours.  Do in us what You will, Lord.  For we hope in You.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Psalm 69  We all have felt at times that we are " in over our heads"... and this is how David felt.  What he faced in his life is hundreds of times worse than anything I have faced, but  I can relate.
David's faith in God continues to encourage us as he shares his sorrows and his joys through his songs.

Lessons to learn:
No matter what, we can call out to God to save us. (v1)
God knows all about how foolish we have been, can be, and will be again..(v 5)
Nothing we do, think, or plan is hidden from God. (v5)
Our wrongs,  might bring shame upon other Christians.. we need to ask Him to keep that from happening. (v6)
We may be reproached, dishonored, or rejected for doing what is right in the Lord's eyes.  ( v7,8)
Those who hate the Lord, will hate us too. (v9)

God hears our prayers.
God's lovingkindness is great.
God's truth is saving.
God alone can deliver us.  ( v13-14)
His lovingkindness is good.
His compassion is great. (v16)
He is the God who sees us.
He is the God who draws near to us.
He is the God who redeems our soul and ransoms us. ( v17-18)

When all others turn away from us.. God does not. (v20)
God will deal with each person, good or evil, with justice and mercy.
Even when we are afflicted and in pain, we can worship Him who saves us, lifts us up,  and loves us.
Praise and thanksgiving magnify God and is pleasing to Him. (v30-31)
The Lord hears the humble and needy. ( v32-33)
God is preparing a place for His people and we will dwell in it. ( v35-36)

Father in heaven, Mighty God and Everlasting King,  we praise You.  You are our help, our salvation, and our deliverer.  This world overwhelms us sometimes.  Some days we do feel the weight of the world.. sin, rebellion, foolishness, violence, and pain.  How it must grieve Your heart.  Daily You bear our burdens, Your word says.. and we thank You.  Thank You for seeing us, for knowing us, for loving us, and for saving us.  We praise You, mighty Redeemer, for You have paid our ransom.  You have revived our hearts. You have heard our prayers.  Thank You.
Jesus, Lord and Master, we pray in Your Name,

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Psalm 68  David writes this song of praise to God to tell of His awesome works.

When God rises, His enemies are scattered.
Those who hate Him, flee before Him.
The wicked will perish before Him.

The righteous are glad and exult Him.
They sing praises to His name.

He rides through the deserts.
He is a Father to the fatherless.
He is a judge for the widow.
He makes a home for the lonely.
He leads prisoners into prosperity.

He lets the rebellious live in a "parched land".

God went with His people into the wilderness.
The earth quaked and the rain fell at His presence.
He provided for His people.
He provided for His creatures.
He provided for the poor.

Kings of armies flee before Him.
But women proclaim good tidings.
He is the Good Shepherd who lies down with His flock.
He covers us with His wings.

"The chariots of God are myriads, thousands upon thousands;"
The Lord's presence is just as powerful in His sanctuary as it was at Sinai...
He "daily bears our burden"
He is our salvation.
He is the God of deliverance.
He is able to bring escape from death.
He will shatter the enemy.
He acts on our behalf.
He rides upon the highest heavens.
He speaks forth with a mighty voice.
His majesty is over Israel.
He is awesome.
He gives strength and power to His people.

Ascribe to Him strength .
Praise Him.
Bless Him.
Exult in Him.

We can find comfort, encouragement, and strength in these truths.

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. You are our hope and salvation, our rock and stronghold. We come to ask You to let Your kingdom come in its fulness. We ask that Your will be done completely in us.  We ask for Your provision, Your forgiveness, and Your guidance.  Deliver us from the enemy.  Correct the rebellious and chasten the sinner.  Remove those who lead others into evil and fill innocent hearts with wickedness.  Help us we pray.  amen.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Psalm 67 "God be gracious to us and bless us.."  the psalmist sings.
Gracious - chanan-  to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior; to favor; to bestow, to be merciful; to take pity on...  God of heaven and earth, will You step down from Your throne on high and in pity, come to bestow kindness to us?   How perfectly this prayer was answered in Christ Jesus!
He did "bless us" - abundantly providing every blessing in Christ .  " Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ..." (Ephesians 1:3)
He chose us.
He adopted us.
He bestowed His grace on us.
He redeemed us.
He forgave us.
He made known "the mystery of His will" to us.
He gave us an inheritance.
He gave His Spirit to us , and a "spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him." 

God did shine His face upon us.
He did  help us know His way on the earth.
He has made known His salvation among every nation.

"Let the peoples praise Thee, O God; Let all the peoples praise Thee." 
Picture all the nations singing to the Lord. Acknowledging that He has blessed us. That by His great kindness, the earth provides produce, and people find joy.

" God blesses us, that all the ends of the earth may fear Him." v7
Ephesians 1: 14 "... with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory" 

There are two purposes presented here for God's blessings - they are not an end in themselves.
First, we are blessed that "all the ends of the earth may fear Him."  Our blessings are to lead others to know Him, to revere Him, to serve Him, to become His people too.
Second, our blessings are given "to the praise of His glory".  

Father, You have given to us love, salvation, and righteousness, richly and freely, that we might praise Your glory and shine Your light, Your glory, to the nations.  Help us Lord, to get ourselves out of the way, so that You will be exalted and lifted up and draw all men to Yourself.  We have so much darkness in this world, and in our nation Lord.  Cause Your face to shine on us once more so that Your salvation will be "among all nations."  In the name of Jesus, the Light of the World, we pray, Amen.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Psalm 66  This is a song of pure praise to the Lord.  It makes our best hymns and choruses seem impotent is some ways.

v1 How should we praise?  JOYFULLY!  Shouting or singing... robustly, passionately, with our whole being.

Who should we praise?  The God of all the earth!

v2 What should we praise?  The glory of His Name!
We are called to make His praise glorious!

We are to praise God by saying to Him, " How awesome are Thy works!" (v3)
His great power conquers the enemies.( Our God has power over darkness and wickedness)
He makes the sea turn into dry land.( Our God has power over nature)
He rules the whole earth by His might.( Our God has power over planets)
He sees every nation. ( Our God has power over nations - governments, races, tribes, and people groups)
He controls life... and death. ( Our God has power over our individual lives.. our births, our deaths, and everything in between)
He tries us and refines us to our benefit. ( Our God is focused on our future and wants us holy and blameless, and pure)
He leads us, provides for us, and protects us. ( Our God is for us and is always working in our lives)
Our God hears our prayers. ( Our God connects with us personally.)

The psalmist says that the conquered enemy will have to obey the Lord.
The whole earth will worship Him.
He calls all to "come and see the works of God." 
He pledges to keep his vows to the Lord... every word that he promised in the middle of the battle or distress, must be fulfilled.
He will offer the sacrifices... the required and the voluntary ones.
He can't keep from telling all that "He has done for my soul". 

v18  Here is a warning, " If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear;" 
But, God did hear his prayer, gave heed to his voice, did not turn away from him, but turned His lovingkindness towards him.

Father in heaven,  You are Mighty! You are Perfect!  You are Compassionate towards us, even when we don't deserve it.  How can we thank You?  "How awesome are Your works!"
Father, have Your way in my life and in our family.  Lord, let Your Name be praised in this nation!
Forgive us Lord. Bring revival, please.  We are going further and further from Your truth.  It is sad and frightening to see the moral and civil failures that are pulling us down into the pit.  Help us to speak up and give You praise for all You have done for us.. You are the authority over the all the earth, every nation, tongue, and tribe.  Let Your Kingdom come, Lord.  Let the Name of the Lord be praised.  amen