Friday, April 15, 2016

Nehemiah 6-10

Nehemiah's enemies did not give up their plots to stop the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls.  Their verbal attacks and their planned raids had failed, but they began a campaign of threats, trying to frighten Nehemiah and the people.

6:1-4  Five times Sanballat and Tobiah and their cronies sent messengers to Nehemiah trying to get him to leave the work of rebuilding and come down to where they could attack him.   Nehemiah refused.

v5-9  Sanballat then tried to accuse Nehemiah of rebellion against he king of Babylon, speaking lies.  Nehemiah was neither frightened or discouraged, but kept praying and working.

v 10-14  They then hired false prophets to tempt Nehemiah to act out of fear instead of by faith.  This also failed.

v15-19  Even as they finished rebuilding the wall, the attacks did not let up.  Tobiah sent letters to the nobles of Judah getting them to tell Nehemiah what good things he was doing... all the time sending letters to Nehemiah trying to frighten him.

Nehemiah could have been discouraged or afraid, but he was not.  His eyes and heart were fully fixed on the Lord.

Chapter 7  is a list of all those who could prove their genealogy.  There is also a list of gifts given for the support of the temple.

Chapter 8  All the people of Israel gathered in Jerusalem and Ezra stood up to read the book of the Law.  They had to begin over again, so to speak, establishing a new covenant between them and the Lord.  It was the time for the Feast of Booths, so they, for the first time since the days of Joshua, celebrated this feast for seven days.

Chapter 9 This is a wonderful national prayer led by the Levites.  A prayer of worship and of confession.  Together they blessed the Lord and together they confessed their sins of rebellion.  They acknowledged how time after time the Lord had admonished them for their sins, and forgiven them when they returned to Him.   "For Thou are a God of forgiveness, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness; and Thou didst not forsake them. "  They reviewed the history of the nation of Israel, from Abraham to  their present day.  Then they renewed their vows to the Lord.

Chapter 10 The Israelites signed a document, their renewed covenant with God, promising to "walk in God's law.. and to keep and to observe all the commandments of God our Lord and His ordinances and  His statutes."   They also pledged to bring in their tithes and offerings, their first fruits, and all that was needed for the house of God.

Recently I heard a radio message about reading the Word of God.  The speaker said that as we read we should ask ourselves 3 questions:
1.  What does it say about God?
2. What promises can we take hold of?
3. What actions do we need to take.. to obey?

From this passage in Nehemiah, I would say that :

1. God never changes and His Word continually and consistently reveals that He is  gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.   God is love.  He always acts out of His love.

2.  God forgives us from our sins.  He does not give up on us.  Praise His glorious Name!

3. God desires us to seek Him and to obey His word.  In these chapters there are several things:
Like Nehemiah, I need to stand in faith and not in fear, even when the enemy keeps attacking.
Like Ezra, I need to speak the Word of God, and like the Levites, make sure that I help others to understand what the Word is saying. 
Like the people I need to worship God and confess my sins and the sins of my nation.  I must remember all that God has done and continually stay in a covenant relationship with Him.   Obedience to His Word and faithfulness to His house are important parts of living according to His ways.

Father in heaven,   You alone are the Lord, You made the heavens, the heaven of heaven  and the earth and all that is on it.  You made the seas and all that is in them. You alone give life to all.  The heavenly hosts bow down before You. ( 9:5b-6)  Thank You for being a God of forgiveness , gracious and compassionate.  Thank You for not forsaking us when we refuse to listen , when we harden our hearts, or even when we forget Your kindness towards us.  Father, lead us, lead me, in Your ways.   I want to be always faithful to hear Your voice, through Your Word and by Your Spirit.  To hear and to do.  Take me, all of me, as I once again offer my body, a living sacrifice , acceptable to You, my spiritual service of worship.  In Jesus' Name, I pray, amen.

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