Friday, April 8, 2016

I Timothy 5:1-2

Paul instructs Timothy to treat his congregation like family -
"appeal to ( an older man) as a father";
treat a younger man like you would your brother;
treat an older woman like you would your mother;
and younger women like you would your sister.

If only pastors and elders etc, would take this advice to heart.  Several years ago there was a situation that affected me personally.  An "elder", younger than my husband, took it upon himself to rebuke my husband.  It was an unfounded accusation.  It was not done according to Scripture.  It was hurtful and has remained unresolved to this day. The pastor, also a younger man,  also was involved, and again there was no appeal like you would a father.  I would dare say that none of the folks involved took this scripture to heart.

Verses 3-16 deal with widows.  Widows in those days had no pensions, no social security, no assets and no way to provide for themselves, especially if they still had young children to care for.  God's word commanded over and over that caring for widows was something that should be done.  It is one of His priorities!  But, evidently there were some issues that had come up in the early church, so Paul gave some instructions here.

A woman who is a "widow indeed" -  has been left alone.  She has no children or grandchildren who can provide for her needs.  She has "fixed her hope on God, and continues in entreaties and prayers night and day".  She should also be  "above reproach" with a "reputation for good works" and over the age of 60. ( v9) This woman was to be helped by the church.

A widow who had family that could provide for her, would not need help from the church.  A family was to take care of their own. This is "acceptable in the sight of God".  

Then there were the widows who were younger.  Some pledged themselves to serving the Lord, but more than likely they wanted to get remarried.  Paul urged them to do so.  Otherwise, Satan would use those desires to turn them away from Christ.  The temptation to seek "wanton pleasures" or to be "idle" or "gossips" and "busybodies",  all would be destructive to their lives and to the church. These widows were not to be assisted by the church at all.

Father in heaven, I am so thankful that You have given us Your Word so that we can know what is right and acceptable to You.  Help us to take heed of every Word that You have preserved for us.
May we be faithful to know and to do Your perfect will.  And may we seek Your forgiveness when we fail to do so.  Thank You for loving us and for leading us into Your Love, so that we can love one another as You have commanded us. Be glorified in my life today I pray, in Jesus' name, amen.

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