Thursday, April 21, 2016

II Timothy 3

Paul gives a very clear picture here, contrasting the worldly man with the godly man.

The worldly man:

loves himself ( selfish)
loves money
is boastful
is arrogant
is a reviler ( a blasphemer against God and a slanderer against men)
is disobedient to parents
is ungrateful,
is a malicious gossip
has no self-control,
hates good,
is treacherous,
loves pleasure rather than God;
claims to be godly but "denies its power".
He preys upon the weak,
He never comes to know the truth, even though he may be quite "learned".

Paul says that these men are depraved and their "folly will be obvious to all".  They will go from bad to worse.  They are deceived and will deceive others.

The godly man:

Follows the Word taught and the example given.  His conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, and perseverance  are evidence of his life in Christ. 

He expects persecution and sufferings because of his faith in Jesus.  He also trusts in Christ's deliverance.

He continues in the Truth, finding wisdom and salvation through faith in Jesus.   He knows that the Word has been inspired by God and he is taught, reproved, corrected, and trained in righteousness by it.

He is adequately equipped for every good work. 

Once again, I find that the Word of God is so important to Christian living.  We must read and study and know the Word!  We must fill our hearts and minds with His Truth or we cannot in any way be united with the Lord as He desires us to be.

God, the Creator of all the earth and all of the heavens, of every creature and every planet - has inspired -breathed out - His Word, for us!  We must breath it in, into our heart and soul.

O Father God, You are so kind and wise and wonderful to me.  You have given me the joy of reading and knowing and learning through Your Word and by Your own Spirit.  You continually teach me, reprove me, correct me and train me.  You equip me for the work that You have prepared for me.  Whether I am singing a worship song, leading a Bible study, or talking with my grandchildren,  I pray that it will be Your Truth that I breathe out.  Make me to walk in Your paths of righteousness today, I pray.  In Christ Jesus my Lord, my Shepherd, I come, Amen.

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