Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I Timothy 3 Paul writes these instructions specifically for leaders in the church, but they serve as a great reminder for all believers.  The characteristics of true followers of Jesus Christ are:

Temperate - self-controlled
Prudent- sound in mind, not out of control
Respectable- orderly, modest, well behaved
Able to teach
Not addicted to anything
Not pugnacious ( quarrelsome, combative, ready to fight)
Free from the love of money
A good parent
Not conceited
Have a good reputation outside of the church
Not a gossip
Faithful in all things

We all must hold "to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience". ( v9)
Supporting the truth:

" He who was revealed in the flesh" - the incarnation
"Was vindicated in the Spirit" - the resurrection 
"Beheld by the angels" - exaltation
"Proclaimed among the nations" - proclamation
"Believed on in the world" - redemption
"Taken up in glory" - ascension 
( Verse 16)

It is in our faith in Christ Jesus, whom we confess as the Son of God, our Lord and Savior, that we become the individuals and together the church that bears His likeness, His characteristics that are reflected in the attitudes listed above.  It is indeed a great mystery and a wonderful truth !

Father in heaven, how kind and merciful You are to us, that You should send Your Son to be our Savior.  We hold to the truth of the gospel of Christ Jesus.  He came to us, to live as one of us, so that He could save us.  He arose from the dead as the first fruits of the resurrection.  He is exalted and proclaimed in heaven and on earth.  We believe in Him and are saved!  One day soon, we will be with You forever in glory.  What a day that will be!  Do Your divine work in us today Lord, conforming us to Your perfect plan, in love and holiness.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus, amen. 

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