Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Job 3

After Job's 3 friends come to sit and mourn with him, Job begins to speak.  Job laments the day of his birth.  Life has become his enemy and he would rather die than keep on living.

Two thoughts jump out to me -

First, the one thing that the Lord would not allow Satan to do, to take Job's life,  is what Job longs for!

Second, Satan had accused the Lord of making a "hedge about" Job in Chapter 1:10,  protecting him.
Job feels "hedged in" by God ( 3:23) in a negative way - feeling no way to escape his pain and sorrow.

In his pain and sorrow, Job could not see the Lord or know His purposes.  Yet, we know that God delighted in Job.  He considered Job to be like no other man, blameless and upright, a man who feared Him and who turned away from evil.  Job "did not sin nor did he blame God" ( 1:22) we are told.  But, he did despair and wish that he had never been born.  We know that by the end of the story, Job will rejoice in the Lord once again... but at this point he is truly suffering from the darkest place in his life.

Father,  we are thankful that no matter what our circumstances, no matter how alone and desperate we may feel... You have not forsaken us and You never will.  I know friends who suffer, some from physical issues and some from deep depression.  Help them through these times, to remain faithful to You in spite of this.  Open their eyes to the light, even as You did for Job.  Remind us in times of suffering that when You hedge us about, it is a wonderful thing, not a reason to despair.  Lord God, our world is so dark, that sometimes we feel hopeless.  We are fearful for our children and grandchildren.  Help us to trust Your heart even when we cannot see Your hand.  Amen.

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