Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I Timothy 2 :9-15

Paul instructs women in the early church.  Some like to take offense at Paul's words, but they really are wise and helpful.

As a godly woman,  I should dress properly - in an orderly arrangement, with decorum, and modestly - respectful of men and honoring to God, revealing my awe of Him!

I don't need fancy beauty products, or expensive hair stylists and I don't need gold or pearls to please the Lord.  I don't need to spend a lot of money on expensive clothing.   In other words, I don't need to worry about my outward appearance. For God is looking at my heart!

As a godly woman, I should be motivated to do "good works".  Instead of being focused on how I look and what I wear,  I will focus on doing what is good - that which is acceptable before the Lord. It is the same thing that Paul teaches in Romans 12:2 " And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of you mind that you may prove (discern) what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."  

As a godly woman, I will quietly ( in stillness) receive instruction.  I want to learn and know the Word and will of my Lord.  And I will do so with an attitude of "submissiveness".  (That's the part our culture has a problem with.. ) Yet, we do this willingly and freely,  out of love and honor for those that God has given us to teach His Word.  Women are not less than men, nor or we any less able to learn the Word of God.  But, if we want to be all that God desires for us to be - and I do - then I will be willing to listen and learn without causing disruptions.

As a godly woman,  a woman after God's heart, I do not need to be in authority over men, especially over my husband. I am a teacher.  It is a gift that God has given to me.  I love to teach the Word of God and I have been able to do that from time to time in our church.  Is this wrong?  I don't think so. For I do this under the authority of my pastor and with the approval of my husband.  It is not a power trip or a rebellion against those in charge.  Again, I submit willingly to the Lord, who directs me in His ways.  

As a godly woman, I am to "continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint."  My desire is to love the Lord my God with all my heart and all my soul and all my might.  That is God's desire for me above anything else.  Paul's teaching helps us to see what that looks like in practice:

I will dress in a way that is honoring to the Lord.  With modesty and simplicity. 
I will have an attitude of godliness and dignity. 
I will have a knowledge of the Word without pride or boasting about it. 
I will use my time and energy and money for doing the good that the Lord has prepared for me to do. 

Father in heaven,  transform me by renewing my mind with Your Word, by Your Spirit, who teaches me all truth.  Thank You Jesus for being the mediator who has brought me into fellowship and unity with the Father.  Continue to sanctify me through and through as I seek Your Face. May I walk in faith, love, sanctity and self-control today, for the glory and honor of Your Holy Name. Amen.

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