Thursday, April 14, 2016

Nehemiah 5

Nehemiah found that some of the Jewish people had been taken advantage of by others, having to sell their land and even their children to pay the taxes demanded by the governors before Nehemiah.  When he heard this, Nehemiah became very angry.  He brought in the nobles and demanded that they stopped this sinful behavior, give the people back their land, and stop taking their money.  The offenders had nothing to say about their greedy behavior, but agreed to do what Nehemiah told them.

Nehemiah was appointed governor of Judah and ruled there for 12 years.  He was a godly example that whole time.  He did not tax the people in order to have his needs met, even though it was rightfully due to him.  He worked right alongside the rest of the people.  He had his own servants work on the wall also.  Beyond that he hosted 150 plus people at his table every day, using his own resources.   In every way, Nehemiah aimed to please the Lord and not himself or others.

Father, let us follow this godly example by acting righteously "because of the fear of God".  Let us be kind and generous.  Let us look out for those who have been burdened by the greed of  others.  Let us come to the aid of those who have been misused.  All we have comes from You and belongs to You. Keep us ever mindful and thankful.  Lead us deeper into Your perfect love.  Amen.

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