Wednesday, April 20, 2016

II Timothy 2

To be "strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus" - Paul tells us, we must be like:

A good soldier - willing to suffer hardship, not entangled in the world's affairs, and singularly focused on pleasing Christ Jesus;

An olympic athlete - competing for the winning prize; following the rules;

A hard-working farmer - knowing his life and family depend on the fruit of his work;

An unashamed worker - diligent, self-approved, accurately handling the Word of God;

A "vessel of honor" - cleansed, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for good work;

A mature bondservant - pursuing righteousness and not "youthful lusts";  pursuing faith, love and peace; being kind, patient, gentle,

We, like Timothy, can teach the Word accurately, entrusting the Truth to others who are faithful to teach also.  We need to avoid "worldly and empty chatter";  "foolish and ignorant speculations"; and any other false teaching that lead to ungodliness, quarrels.  The devil desires to snare us by making us stray from the Truth of God's Word.   We must know the Word and hold ourselves steadfast on that firm foundation given to us by the Lord. 

Father, thank You for the Word, the Truth that You have given to us.  Fill our hearts and minds with the pure water, the Bread of Life, for we have no other hope.  Cleanse us from all unrighteousness and set us in the center of Your love.  In Jesus' name I ask this, Amen .

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