Monday, April 25, 2016


This book tells a story of a young woman who has a most unusual life.  She is orphaned as a young child and raised by her cousin Mordecai, a Benjamite.  Esther is a beautiful woman and is taken into the harem of the Persian king Ahasuerus.  We can assume that this would not have been her choice.

Esther was a woman who found favor wherever she went.  She had obeyed her cousin Mordecai as he raised her and she followed carefully the instructions of Hegai, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the harem.  Esther also found favor with the king and became his queen.

When Haman became angry at Mordecai and the Jews, he manipulated the king into the destruction of them all.  It was only through the intervention of Mordecai and Queen Esther that the Jews were saved.   Haman's plots were turned against him.  He was made to honor Mordecai, whom he hated.  He was hung on the gallows he had built to hang Mordecai,  and his sons were hung also when the Jews were given permission to fight against those who had been waiting to kill them.

This book shows us this about God - His purposes will be fulfilled.. despite the wickedness and evil of men's hearts.  And His grace is sufficient even in the midst of terrible circumstances.

We can be encouraged that God will always find a way for us when we turn to Him and pray.
We also can learn to be obedient, to the Lord, to those who care for us, and to those in authority over us... even if they are not believers.

The Jews today still celebrate Purim, remembering God's favor in the days of Esther and Mordecai.
We should also celebrate God's grace and favor upon us, giving thanks and praising Him for the salvation that He has provide by sending His only begotten Son.

Father in heaven, You are Mighty to save.  In Your lovingkindness and compassion You have allowed us to live and to rejoice and to know You as our Redeemer and our God.  We worship You and give all our praise to You.  Teach us Your ways Lord, and may we find favor in Your sight today.  Amen.

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