Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Nehemiah 2-4

Nehemiah had prayed and fasted for about 4 months over the condition of his beloved Jerusalem.  As he came before the king one day, he was so sad that the king noticed and asked him about it.  As Nehemiah sent up another quick prayer, he answered the king. Nehemiah was able to give the king a definite answer as to how much time he would like to have to go and see to the repair of Jerusalem's walls.  He also knew to ask for letters and supplies.  

In other words, as he prayed, Nehemiah also did his research.  He did not know when God would answer his prayer, but he was ready! Nehemiah continually testified that the "good hand of (his) God"  was on him to accomplish these things.

After arriving in Jerusalem, Nehemiah rested and observed the situation for 3 days.  Then, during the night he took a few men with him and inspected the walls, carefully evaluating the needed repairs. Then he approached those living in Jerusalem and gave them the good news that the king had allowed them to come and repair the walls.   Immediately the officials agreed and everyone got to work.

Chapter 3 gives a list of all those involved in the rebuilding of the walls.  Each group took responsibility for a section and got to work.  Some groups finished one section and moved to another, until all the wall was covered.

Chapter 4 As is true often, some people are not happy when God is at work!  Sanballat and his buddies were furious about the rebuilding of the wall.  They began to harass the people and to mock the efforts of the builders.  "What are those feeble Jews doing?  Are they going to restore it for themselves? Can they offer sacrifices?  Can they finish in a day?... "   Doesn't that just sound like the devil?  When God is at work in us and we are doing what He has told us to do.. often the evil one comes and mocks us,  sometimes in our own thoughts it seems, and sometimes through others.  "Can you really be a missionary?  Can you really sing to the Lord?  Can you really serve the Lord?"
He tries to make us thing that our efforts will never be enough... just like they tried to belittle the Jews for rebuilding the wall.

But, Nehemiah was a man of prayer!  " Hear O God... return their reproach on their own heads..."
And they continued on!  When the enemy's words did not stop the Jews, they made plans to attack the people by fighting.  But again, this was thwarted as Nehemiah prayed!  He set up guards against the attackers.  People carried weapons as they continued working on the wall.  Even though they were frightened, they kept on as Nehemiah continually urged them to remember that this was God's work and He would fight for them.  "Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses."

  Father in heaven,  You are great and awesome and You are on our side.  We who put our faith in You and know You,  can be assured that You will fight for us.  Thank You for this truth!  Lord, lead us on to do the work that You have called us to do.  May we not listen to the mockers.  May we not be unprepared for the battles.  But may we stand firm "against the schemes of the devil".  May we be strong in the strength of Your might.  We take up Your full armor Lord - Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Spirit and the Word of God.  Make us like Nehemiah, who prayed and prepared.
Help us to be bold to make known Your gospel, to proclaim Your Word as we ought to.   We ask this in the Name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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