Thursday, April 28, 2016

Job 4-5  Eliphaz speaks to Job first.  He is probably the oldest of the group and would have the most authority.  Yet, he is not correct about Job.  His philosophy is simple.  Troubles come because of sin.
Therefore Job, who has suffered greatly, must have sinned greatly.  If Job would just repent, everything would be great again.  Period.

I always struggle with these passages.  These words are contained in THE WORD of God.  How do we treat it... is it truth?  But, it is not really, is it?  For we know that troubles come to all men at one time or another and it is not always because of sin.  Job's troubles had nothing to do with sin.  Not that he was perfect, but in this case God had allowed this from Satan.

But also, there are some truths that we can find here. Job 5:8-10 " But as for me, I would seek God, and I would place my cause before God; Who does great and unsearchable things, wonders without number, He gives rain on the earth and sends water on the fields... "  This is true.  So in some ways Eliphaz did have knowledge of the Lord. Also, it is true that God disciplines His children.  It is true that He restores souls and redeems our lives.

So, I go back to the 3 questions.

What does this passage teach us about the Lord?  I would say that it shows us that God is beyond our understanding and greater than our philosophies.

What encouragement can we gain from this passage?   We can be encouraged that God knows the truth.  He knows our hearts.  He looks beyond our circumstances.  No matter what others may say.
He will defend us.

What actions of obedience should we do in light of this passage?  We must be careful not to judge others because of their circumstances.  We must not be rigid in our own philosophies and understandings,  but  seek the Lord and give Him charge over our words.

Father,  speak into our hearts today, in the midst or our circumstances, and lead us in Your ways.  Fill us Holy Spirit with love and grace towards others, for the sake of our Lord Jesus and the glory of the Father, amen.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Job 3

After Job's 3 friends come to sit and mourn with him, Job begins to speak.  Job laments the day of his birth.  Life has become his enemy and he would rather die than keep on living.

Two thoughts jump out to me -

First, the one thing that the Lord would not allow Satan to do, to take Job's life,  is what Job longs for!

Second, Satan had accused the Lord of making a "hedge about" Job in Chapter 1:10,  protecting him.
Job feels "hedged in" by God ( 3:23) in a negative way - feeling no way to escape his pain and sorrow.

In his pain and sorrow, Job could not see the Lord or know His purposes.  Yet, we know that God delighted in Job.  He considered Job to be like no other man, blameless and upright, a man who feared Him and who turned away from evil.  Job "did not sin nor did he blame God" ( 1:22) we are told.  But, he did despair and wish that he had never been born.  We know that by the end of the story, Job will rejoice in the Lord once again... but at this point he is truly suffering from the darkest place in his life.

Father,  we are thankful that no matter what our circumstances, no matter how alone and desperate we may feel... You have not forsaken us and You never will.  I know friends who suffer, some from physical issues and some from deep depression.  Help them through these times, to remain faithful to You in spite of this.  Open their eyes to the light, even as You did for Job.  Remind us in times of suffering that when You hedge us about, it is a wonderful thing, not a reason to despair.  Lord God, our world is so dark, that sometimes we feel hopeless.  We are fearful for our children and grandchildren.  Help us to trust Your heart even when we cannot see Your hand.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Job 1-2

God Himself testified about Job, His servant , " .. For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil."  Even as He allowed Satan to take all that Job owned and then to ruin his physical health, God spoke of Job's integrity.

He knows us each, just like He knew Job.  He knew the questions that Job would ask.  He knew the sorrow and depression that would come.  He knew the arguments that would be given.  He knew that in the end, Job would remain His servant, blameless and upright.   God knows when we suffer.  He knows that we will question His love for us,  that we will become sorrowful or depressed.  He knows that we might become angry with Him or that we will doubt Him.  But, He is also aware of the outcome... and His purpose is always for our good.

We can be encouraged by this passage for it reveals that Satan is restrained by God's word, always !
Like Job we can accept the good and the adversity from His Hands, for He is trustworthy.  That doesn't mean it will be easy.  But, He will get us through it.

We must learn to keep on trusting the Lord as Job did.  He was steadfast in his faith. We are called to persevere and to overcome through Christ;  to stand firm, like Job.   God has given to us His armor- the belt of Truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of  faith, the shoes of peace, the sword of the Spirit - so that we may stand in His strength and keep standing against the enemy.

Father in heaven,  hallowed be Your Name.  Your kingdom has come and we long for all to come and bow before You, our Sovereign King.  May Your will be done here, on earth as it is in heaven.  Let Your will be done in my life, that I may stand firm in Christ.  Lead me Lord, to fight the good fight, finish the course, and keep the faith, I pray in Jesus' Name, amen.

Monday, April 25, 2016


This book tells a story of a young woman who has a most unusual life.  She is orphaned as a young child and raised by her cousin Mordecai, a Benjamite.  Esther is a beautiful woman and is taken into the harem of the Persian king Ahasuerus.  We can assume that this would not have been her choice.

Esther was a woman who found favor wherever she went.  She had obeyed her cousin Mordecai as he raised her and she followed carefully the instructions of Hegai, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the harem.  Esther also found favor with the king and became his queen.

When Haman became angry at Mordecai and the Jews, he manipulated the king into the destruction of them all.  It was only through the intervention of Mordecai and Queen Esther that the Jews were saved.   Haman's plots were turned against him.  He was made to honor Mordecai, whom he hated.  He was hung on the gallows he had built to hang Mordecai,  and his sons were hung also when the Jews were given permission to fight against those who had been waiting to kill them.

This book shows us this about God - His purposes will be fulfilled.. despite the wickedness and evil of men's hearts.  And His grace is sufficient even in the midst of terrible circumstances.

We can be encouraged that God will always find a way for us when we turn to Him and pray.
We also can learn to be obedient, to the Lord, to those who care for us, and to those in authority over us... even if they are not believers.

The Jews today still celebrate Purim, remembering God's favor in the days of Esther and Mordecai.
We should also celebrate God's grace and favor upon us, giving thanks and praising Him for the salvation that He has provide by sending His only begotten Son.

Father in heaven, You are Mighty to save.  In Your lovingkindness and compassion You have allowed us to live and to rejoice and to know You as our Redeemer and our God.  We worship You and give all our praise to You.  Teach us Your ways Lord, and may we find favor in Your sight today.  Amen.

Friday, April 22, 2016

II Timothy 4

Paul ends this letter to his friend and "son" Timothy with a final charge to " preach the word".

There is nothing more important! Sound teaching from the inspired Word of God is the only source of Truth that we can absolutely rely on.  Be ready, be prepared, and keep true to God's Word, no matter what.

Paul is able to say this, " I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith."

These words sum up his life from the time he met Jesus on the road to Damascus.

Lord of heaven and earth, let these words be true of us also.  Lead us into the fullness of Your love and the steadfastness of Jesus Christ, I pray.  Amen.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

II Timothy 3

Paul gives a very clear picture here, contrasting the worldly man with the godly man.

The worldly man:

loves himself ( selfish)
loves money
is boastful
is arrogant
is a reviler ( a blasphemer against God and a slanderer against men)
is disobedient to parents
is ungrateful,
is a malicious gossip
has no self-control,
hates good,
is treacherous,
loves pleasure rather than God;
claims to be godly but "denies its power".
He preys upon the weak,
He never comes to know the truth, even though he may be quite "learned".

Paul says that these men are depraved and their "folly will be obvious to all".  They will go from bad to worse.  They are deceived and will deceive others.

The godly man:

Follows the Word taught and the example given.  His conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, and perseverance  are evidence of his life in Christ. 

He expects persecution and sufferings because of his faith in Jesus.  He also trusts in Christ's deliverance.

He continues in the Truth, finding wisdom and salvation through faith in Jesus.   He knows that the Word has been inspired by God and he is taught, reproved, corrected, and trained in righteousness by it.

He is adequately equipped for every good work. 

Once again, I find that the Word of God is so important to Christian living.  We must read and study and know the Word!  We must fill our hearts and minds with His Truth or we cannot in any way be united with the Lord as He desires us to be.

God, the Creator of all the earth and all of the heavens, of every creature and every planet - has inspired -breathed out - His Word, for us!  We must breath it in, into our heart and soul.

O Father God, You are so kind and wise and wonderful to me.  You have given me the joy of reading and knowing and learning through Your Word and by Your own Spirit.  You continually teach me, reprove me, correct me and train me.  You equip me for the work that You have prepared for me.  Whether I am singing a worship song, leading a Bible study, or talking with my grandchildren,  I pray that it will be Your Truth that I breathe out.  Make me to walk in Your paths of righteousness today, I pray.  In Christ Jesus my Lord, my Shepherd, I come, Amen.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

II Timothy 2

To be "strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus" - Paul tells us, we must be like:

A good soldier - willing to suffer hardship, not entangled in the world's affairs, and singularly focused on pleasing Christ Jesus;

An olympic athlete - competing for the winning prize; following the rules;

A hard-working farmer - knowing his life and family depend on the fruit of his work;

An unashamed worker - diligent, self-approved, accurately handling the Word of God;

A "vessel of honor" - cleansed, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for good work;

A mature bondservant - pursuing righteousness and not "youthful lusts";  pursuing faith, love and peace; being kind, patient, gentle,

We, like Timothy, can teach the Word accurately, entrusting the Truth to others who are faithful to teach also.  We need to avoid "worldly and empty chatter";  "foolish and ignorant speculations"; and any other false teaching that lead to ungodliness, quarrels.  The devil desires to snare us by making us stray from the Truth of God's Word.   We must know the Word and hold ourselves steadfast on that firm foundation given to us by the Lord. 

Father, thank You for the Word, the Truth that You have given to us.  Fill our hearts and minds with the pure water, the Bread of Life, for we have no other hope.  Cleanse us from all unrighteousness and set us in the center of Your love.  In Jesus' name I ask this, Amen .

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

II Timothy 1

What do we learn from this passage about God?

Verse 7  He "has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline" ( or sound judgement).
Verse 9 - He "has saved us; and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity." 
Verse 10  He revealed His purposes "by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life  and immortality to light through the gospel." 

What encouragement can we receive from this passage?

Verse 12 - We do not need to be ashamed - for we also believe and are convince that He is able to guard what we entrust to Him "until that day". 
Verse 14 - The Holy Spirit who "dwells in us" will help us guard "the treasure which has been entrusted to" us. 

What actions do we need to take in light of this passage?

Verse 6 - We need to "kindle afresh the gift of God" in us - to keep the fire burning in our hearts by relying on His power, His love, and His sound judgement.
Verse 8  - We need to "not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord" and unafraid to suffer "for the gospel"
Verse 13 We need to "Retain the standard of sound words... in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus"

Verses 15-18  Paul gives two examples - Phygelus and Hermogenes, who proved to be unfaithful, turning away from Paul and the Lord;  and Onesiphorus, who proved faithful to Paul and to the Lord.

Faithfulness to the God Who saved us and called us to live for Him and with Him is Paul's message to Timothy and to us:
We are faithful when we serve Him and keep fanning the flame of His gifts to us.
We are faithful when we serve Him with power, love, and self-discipline - supplied by the Holy Spirit.
We are faithful when we have courage to suffer for the gospel and are not ashamed of it.
We are faithful when we understand that God has entrusted us with the Truth and we openly share it with others.
We are faithful when we entrust God with our individual destinies;  believing that all that He promised will happen - that we will have life, eternal life, with Him!
We are faithful when we guard the Truth, the treasure that He has given to us, being careful to not distort, corrupt, delete, or add to it, with the help of His Holy Spirit.

Oh Father in heaven, may I be found faithful,  take me by the hand and lead me into Your love and into the steadfastness of Christ Jesus, my Lord. Amen.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Nehemiah 11-13   Nehemiah was instrumental in getting Jerusalem resettled and repopulated .  He was a great leader and a faithful man of God.  Even after the rebuilding of the wall and the reorganization of worship at the temple, Nehemiah worked hard to keep everything on track.  After 12 years in Jerusalem, Nehemiah went back to Babylon for a little while.  When he returned to Jerusalem once again he found that they had already backslid.

Although they had learned that foreigners were not allowed in the temple, one of the priests had allowed Tobiah to actually use a room in the temple for his own personal use!  Nehemiah was outraged by this and threw out all of Tobiah's stuff out and had the room cleansed.

 He also found out that the people had stopped bringing in the tithes and offerings as they were supposed to.  The Levites could not feed their families so they left their temple service to go farm.  Nehemiah rebuked the leaders for allowing this to happen and set them straight.

Then Nehemiah found that they were allowing work and commerce on the sabbath, so he took action against that.

Finally, Nehemiah discovered that there were many mixed marriages, and even some of the priests had married outsiders.  Their children were speaking foreign languages and unable to speak Hebrew!

Nehemiah's constant prayer was "Remember me, O my God, ...".    He prayed for God's compassion and favor as he tried to do what was right in God's eyes.

Father, we live in this world where there are always temptations to do things our own ways instead of yours.  We are weak and worldly.  We are followers of the world instead of followers of Christ.  Forgive us Lord!  Raise up more godly and faithful men like Nehemiah.  Men unafraid to rebuke the careless and sinful attitudes of people who call themselves believers, but fail to obey Your Word.
I know we are no longer under the law, but under grace.  Yet, we are still called to be holy and set apart for You.  We are commanded to not be conformed to this world but to be transformed by You.
Renew our minds, and transform us into Your likeness, O God.  Remember us and have compassion on us.  Help us to do only what is right in Your eyes, I pray, in the Name of Jesus, Who died for us. Amen.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Nehemiah 6-10

Nehemiah's enemies did not give up their plots to stop the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls.  Their verbal attacks and their planned raids had failed, but they began a campaign of threats, trying to frighten Nehemiah and the people.

6:1-4  Five times Sanballat and Tobiah and their cronies sent messengers to Nehemiah trying to get him to leave the work of rebuilding and come down to where they could attack him.   Nehemiah refused.

v5-9  Sanballat then tried to accuse Nehemiah of rebellion against he king of Babylon, speaking lies.  Nehemiah was neither frightened or discouraged, but kept praying and working.

v 10-14  They then hired false prophets to tempt Nehemiah to act out of fear instead of by faith.  This also failed.

v15-19  Even as they finished rebuilding the wall, the attacks did not let up.  Tobiah sent letters to the nobles of Judah getting them to tell Nehemiah what good things he was doing... all the time sending letters to Nehemiah trying to frighten him.

Nehemiah could have been discouraged or afraid, but he was not.  His eyes and heart were fully fixed on the Lord.

Chapter 7  is a list of all those who could prove their genealogy.  There is also a list of gifts given for the support of the temple.

Chapter 8  All the people of Israel gathered in Jerusalem and Ezra stood up to read the book of the Law.  They had to begin over again, so to speak, establishing a new covenant between them and the Lord.  It was the time for the Feast of Booths, so they, for the first time since the days of Joshua, celebrated this feast for seven days.

Chapter 9 This is a wonderful national prayer led by the Levites.  A prayer of worship and of confession.  Together they blessed the Lord and together they confessed their sins of rebellion.  They acknowledged how time after time the Lord had admonished them for their sins, and forgiven them when they returned to Him.   "For Thou are a God of forgiveness, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness; and Thou didst not forsake them. "  They reviewed the history of the nation of Israel, from Abraham to  their present day.  Then they renewed their vows to the Lord.

Chapter 10 The Israelites signed a document, their renewed covenant with God, promising to "walk in God's law.. and to keep and to observe all the commandments of God our Lord and His ordinances and  His statutes."   They also pledged to bring in their tithes and offerings, their first fruits, and all that was needed for the house of God.

Recently I heard a radio message about reading the Word of God.  The speaker said that as we read we should ask ourselves 3 questions:
1.  What does it say about God?
2. What promises can we take hold of?
3. What actions do we need to take.. to obey?

From this passage in Nehemiah, I would say that :

1. God never changes and His Word continually and consistently reveals that He is  gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.   God is love.  He always acts out of His love.

2.  God forgives us from our sins.  He does not give up on us.  Praise His glorious Name!

3. God desires us to seek Him and to obey His word.  In these chapters there are several things:
Like Nehemiah, I need to stand in faith and not in fear, even when the enemy keeps attacking.
Like Ezra, I need to speak the Word of God, and like the Levites, make sure that I help others to understand what the Word is saying. 
Like the people I need to worship God and confess my sins and the sins of my nation.  I must remember all that God has done and continually stay in a covenant relationship with Him.   Obedience to His Word and faithfulness to His house are important parts of living according to His ways.

Father in heaven,   You alone are the Lord, You made the heavens, the heaven of heaven  and the earth and all that is on it.  You made the seas and all that is in them. You alone give life to all.  The heavenly hosts bow down before You. ( 9:5b-6)  Thank You for being a God of forgiveness , gracious and compassionate.  Thank You for not forsaking us when we refuse to listen , when we harden our hearts, or even when we forget Your kindness towards us.  Father, lead us, lead me, in Your ways.   I want to be always faithful to hear Your voice, through Your Word and by Your Spirit.  To hear and to do.  Take me, all of me, as I once again offer my body, a living sacrifice , acceptable to You, my spiritual service of worship.  In Jesus' Name, I pray, amen.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Nehemiah 5

Nehemiah found that some of the Jewish people had been taken advantage of by others, having to sell their land and even their children to pay the taxes demanded by the governors before Nehemiah.  When he heard this, Nehemiah became very angry.  He brought in the nobles and demanded that they stopped this sinful behavior, give the people back their land, and stop taking their money.  The offenders had nothing to say about their greedy behavior, but agreed to do what Nehemiah told them.

Nehemiah was appointed governor of Judah and ruled there for 12 years.  He was a godly example that whole time.  He did not tax the people in order to have his needs met, even though it was rightfully due to him.  He worked right alongside the rest of the people.  He had his own servants work on the wall also.  Beyond that he hosted 150 plus people at his table every day, using his own resources.   In every way, Nehemiah aimed to please the Lord and not himself or others.

Father, let us follow this godly example by acting righteously "because of the fear of God".  Let us be kind and generous.  Let us look out for those who have been burdened by the greed of  others.  Let us come to the aid of those who have been misused.  All we have comes from You and belongs to You. Keep us ever mindful and thankful.  Lead us deeper into Your perfect love.  Amen.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Nehemiah 2-4

Nehemiah had prayed and fasted for about 4 months over the condition of his beloved Jerusalem.  As he came before the king one day, he was so sad that the king noticed and asked him about it.  As Nehemiah sent up another quick prayer, he answered the king. Nehemiah was able to give the king a definite answer as to how much time he would like to have to go and see to the repair of Jerusalem's walls.  He also knew to ask for letters and supplies.  

In other words, as he prayed, Nehemiah also did his research.  He did not know when God would answer his prayer, but he was ready! Nehemiah continually testified that the "good hand of (his) God"  was on him to accomplish these things.

After arriving in Jerusalem, Nehemiah rested and observed the situation for 3 days.  Then, during the night he took a few men with him and inspected the walls, carefully evaluating the needed repairs. Then he approached those living in Jerusalem and gave them the good news that the king had allowed them to come and repair the walls.   Immediately the officials agreed and everyone got to work.

Chapter 3 gives a list of all those involved in the rebuilding of the walls.  Each group took responsibility for a section and got to work.  Some groups finished one section and moved to another, until all the wall was covered.

Chapter 4 As is true often, some people are not happy when God is at work!  Sanballat and his buddies were furious about the rebuilding of the wall.  They began to harass the people and to mock the efforts of the builders.  "What are those feeble Jews doing?  Are they going to restore it for themselves? Can they offer sacrifices?  Can they finish in a day?... "   Doesn't that just sound like the devil?  When God is at work in us and we are doing what He has told us to do.. often the evil one comes and mocks us,  sometimes in our own thoughts it seems, and sometimes through others.  "Can you really be a missionary?  Can you really sing to the Lord?  Can you really serve the Lord?"
He tries to make us thing that our efforts will never be enough... just like they tried to belittle the Jews for rebuilding the wall.

But, Nehemiah was a man of prayer!  " Hear O God... return their reproach on their own heads..."
And they continued on!  When the enemy's words did not stop the Jews, they made plans to attack the people by fighting.  But again, this was thwarted as Nehemiah prayed!  He set up guards against the attackers.  People carried weapons as they continued working on the wall.  Even though they were frightened, they kept on as Nehemiah continually urged them to remember that this was God's work and He would fight for them.  "Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses."

  Father in heaven,  You are great and awesome and You are on our side.  We who put our faith in You and know You,  can be assured that You will fight for us.  Thank You for this truth!  Lord, lead us on to do the work that You have called us to do.  May we not listen to the mockers.  May we not be unprepared for the battles.  But may we stand firm "against the schemes of the devil".  May we be strong in the strength of Your might.  We take up Your full armor Lord - Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Spirit and the Word of God.  Make us like Nehemiah, who prayed and prepared.
Help us to be bold to make known Your gospel, to proclaim Your Word as we ought to.   We ask this in the Name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Nehemiah 1 When Nehemiah's brother and some other men came from Judah to Susa, the capital,  the first thing that Nehemiah asked was about how those in Jerusalem were doing.  It grieved him greatly to hear of the "distress and reproach" in his beloved home country.  Nehemiah immediately began to mourn and then pray and fast before God on behalf of his people.  Nehemiah knew the Word of God and prayed according to God's promises.  His prayer is recorded here in verses 5-11.

"I beseech Thee, O God of heaven, the great and awesome God,
who preserves the covenant and lovingkindness
for those who love Him and keep His commandments,

Let Thine ear now be attentive and Thine eyes open to hear
the prayer of Thy servant which I am praying
before Thee now, day and night 
on behalf of the sons of Israel, Thy servants,
confessing the sins of the sons of Israel
which we have sinned against Thee;
I and my father's house have sinned.

We have acted very corruptly against Thee
and have not kept the commandments,
nor the statutes, nor the ordinances
which Thou didst command They servant Moses.

Remember the word which Thou didst command Thy servant Moses,
saying 'If you are unfaithful I will scatter you among the peoples;
but if you return to Me and keep My commandments and do them,
though those of you who have been scattered were in the remote
parts of the heavens, 
I will gather them from there and will bring them to the 
place where I have chosen to cause My name to dwell'

And they are Thy servants and Thy people
whom Thou didst redeem by Thy great power
and by Thy strong hand. 

O Lord, I beseech Thee,
may Thine ear be attentive to the prayer of Thy servant
and the prayer of Thy servants who delight
to revere Thy name,
and make Thy servant successful today,
and grant him compassion before this man."

Nehemiah's prayer begins with acknowledging the glory and honor of God, just as the Lord's prayer does - "Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name."  He refers to the covenant between God and the people of Israel - God's will for His people and the kingdom that was promised them depended on the keeping of His commandments. 

Nehemiah's prayer includes confession - personal and corporate - acknowledging the sin of disobedience. 

Then, Nehemiah asks the Lord to remember His Word and the promise to bring them back, once again as His redeemed people. 

Lastly, Nehemiah asks for God to make him personally successful before the king. 

Four months later - four months of fasting and praying - Nehemiah's prayer is answered. 

Every prayer recorded in the Bible is an example for us.  This prayer is preserved for a reason.
We can use Nehemiah's prayer for our own appeals to our heavenly Father. 

Father, we beseech You, the great and awesome God, Who loves us and has made us Your own, through the new covenant, established by Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. 
Open Your ears and eyes towards us, and towards our prayers Lord God. 
We confess the sins, of our nation and of our families, and of our own.  We have sinned against You, Lord, acting corruptly. 
But, remember Your Word once again, O Lord, and as we return to You, gather us back to Yourself. 
O Lord, let Your people have open hearts to return to You and love You and serve You with all their heart and all their soul and all their strength. 
Hear our prayers for this nation and for the nations of the earth,  revive us again, O Lord, 

Monday, April 11, 2016

I Timothy 5:17-6:21   Paul gives Timothy, as a minister of the Gospel, instructions for the management of the church.  The underlining theme is to keep or guard the truth, the principles that are scriptural and eternal, " conforming to godliness".  

The "good fight of faith"  is challenged by the doctrines of this world, " a different doctrine", Paul calls it.   Those doctrines are "worldly and empty chatter" and are " falsely called knowledge".  They come from the conceited ones, who have a "morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive languish and evil suspicions ".  They have a desire to get rich and resort to evil.

Paul tells Timothy how to keep on the right path, as a man and as a leader in the church. We can all benefit from this advice;

We need to honor those who deserve honor and rebuke those who "continue in sin".  The principle here is to be without bias or partiality.  ( 5:21)  We need to have spiritual discernment.  For sometimes a person's sinful lifestyle is easily seen, but sometimes we only see it later ( v24).

We need to have respect for others, living in a way that God's Name is not dishonored by our behavior.  ( 6:1-2)

We need to learn contentment. (v6-10)

We need to "pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance , and gentleness". (v11)

We need to "take hold of the eternal life to which" we are called. (v12) Our lives should reflect the confession that we have made, "without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ." (v14)

We need to "fix (our) hope... on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy." ( v17)

We need to "do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for 
( ourselves) the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that (we) may take hold of that which is life indeed" ( v19)

Father in heaven, You are the blessed One , the only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords.  You alone possess immortality and dwell in unapproachable light.  No man has seen or can see You.   To You all honor is due.  This is our confession of faith.  You are the Good Shepherd and we are Your sheep, and we seek Your constant care, Lord Jesus.  Lead us in the paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  Make our feet to stay on Your path, in love and holiness, in perseverance and gentleness.  We do fix our hope on You alone. Let our hearts be filled with Your Word, Your Spirit,  and Your love so that we may live without stain or reproach until the day of Christ's return. For we ask it in His Wonderful Name, amen.

Friday, April 8, 2016

I Timothy 5:1-2

Paul instructs Timothy to treat his congregation like family -
"appeal to ( an older man) as a father";
treat a younger man like you would your brother;
treat an older woman like you would your mother;
and younger women like you would your sister.

If only pastors and elders etc, would take this advice to heart.  Several years ago there was a situation that affected me personally.  An "elder", younger than my husband, took it upon himself to rebuke my husband.  It was an unfounded accusation.  It was not done according to Scripture.  It was hurtful and has remained unresolved to this day. The pastor, also a younger man,  also was involved, and again there was no appeal like you would a father.  I would dare say that none of the folks involved took this scripture to heart.

Verses 3-16 deal with widows.  Widows in those days had no pensions, no social security, no assets and no way to provide for themselves, especially if they still had young children to care for.  God's word commanded over and over that caring for widows was something that should be done.  It is one of His priorities!  But, evidently there were some issues that had come up in the early church, so Paul gave some instructions here.

A woman who is a "widow indeed" -  has been left alone.  She has no children or grandchildren who can provide for her needs.  She has "fixed her hope on God, and continues in entreaties and prayers night and day".  She should also be  "above reproach" with a "reputation for good works" and over the age of 60. ( v9) This woman was to be helped by the church.

A widow who had family that could provide for her, would not need help from the church.  A family was to take care of their own. This is "acceptable in the sight of God".  

Then there were the widows who were younger.  Some pledged themselves to serving the Lord, but more than likely they wanted to get remarried.  Paul urged them to do so.  Otherwise, Satan would use those desires to turn them away from Christ.  The temptation to seek "wanton pleasures" or to be "idle" or "gossips" and "busybodies",  all would be destructive to their lives and to the church. These widows were not to be assisted by the church at all.

Father in heaven, I am so thankful that You have given us Your Word so that we can know what is right and acceptable to You.  Help us to take heed of every Word that You have preserved for us.
May we be faithful to know and to do Your perfect will.  And may we seek Your forgiveness when we fail to do so.  Thank You for loving us and for leading us into Your Love, so that we can love one another as You have commanded us. Be glorified in my life today I pray, in Jesus' name, amen.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I Timothy 4

In the midst of a world where hypocrisy and the lies of satan are more valued than the truth, Paul tells Timothy and us - "pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things; for as you do this you will insure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you." (v. 16)

What things? These truths:

That "everything created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer." (v4-5)

That we are "nourished on the words of faith and of the sound doctrine" ( v6)

That when we discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness we will find it is "profitable for all things" ( v8)

That we fix "our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers" (v 10)

That we should show ourselves examples of those who believe in our "speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity".

That we should give attention to reading the Word, to  " the exhortation and teaching" of the Word.  (v13)

Paul urges Timothy to be "absorbed " in these things.

The world is absorbed in "fables" , but we are to be absorbed in the Truth. 
The world believes that it can save itself by following a list of do's and don'ts... but we know that salvation only comes through grace, by faith in Jesus Christ. 
The world believes that physical discipline will make us successful, but we know that it is spiritual discipline that more necessary, for it is our eternal welfare that is more important.
The world fixes its hope on works, money, politicians, etc. but we fix our hope on the LIVING GOD!
The world's speech is crude, corrupt, and full of evil... our speech is to be gentle, pure, and good. 
The world's conduct is superstitious, fearful, and frightening... our conduct must be righteous and loving. 
The world's love is selfish and self-serving,  our love must be selfless and authentic. 
The world's faith is in itself,  but our faith is in our Savior. 
The world does not know or care about purity, but we are made pure, by His love, for Jesus gave Himself up for us, to sanctify us, having "cleansed us by the washing of water with the Word"

It is the Word of God, the Truth, that makes the difference between salvation and destruction.
Paul is teaching us to be grateful for all God has given us, to give our full attention to the Word, to place our focus on what is going on inside ourselves - on godliness - more than on the outside. We can then become examples to others and perhaps lead them to salvation through Jesus too.

Father in heaven, I fix my hope on You. You alone are God.  You alone have the Words of life.  Lead me in the way of Truth, and let be absorbed in all that You have revealed. Keep me on Your narrow way and away from the temptations that the world might offer. May I ever be an example of faith to those I meet, to bring praise and glory to Your Name.  I pray this in the precious Name of Jesus, amen.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I Timothy 3 Paul writes these instructions specifically for leaders in the church, but they serve as a great reminder for all believers.  The characteristics of true followers of Jesus Christ are:

Temperate - self-controlled
Prudent- sound in mind, not out of control
Respectable- orderly, modest, well behaved
Able to teach
Not addicted to anything
Not pugnacious ( quarrelsome, combative, ready to fight)
Free from the love of money
A good parent
Not conceited
Have a good reputation outside of the church
Not a gossip
Faithful in all things

We all must hold "to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience". ( v9)
Supporting the truth:

" He who was revealed in the flesh" - the incarnation
"Was vindicated in the Spirit" - the resurrection 
"Beheld by the angels" - exaltation
"Proclaimed among the nations" - proclamation
"Believed on in the world" - redemption
"Taken up in glory" - ascension 
( Verse 16)

It is in our faith in Christ Jesus, whom we confess as the Son of God, our Lord and Savior, that we become the individuals and together the church that bears His likeness, His characteristics that are reflected in the attitudes listed above.  It is indeed a great mystery and a wonderful truth !

Father in heaven, how kind and merciful You are to us, that You should send Your Son to be our Savior.  We hold to the truth of the gospel of Christ Jesus.  He came to us, to live as one of us, so that He could save us.  He arose from the dead as the first fruits of the resurrection.  He is exalted and proclaimed in heaven and on earth.  We believe in Him and are saved!  One day soon, we will be with You forever in glory.  What a day that will be!  Do Your divine work in us today Lord, conforming us to Your perfect plan, in love and holiness.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus, amen. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I Timothy 2 :9-15

Paul instructs women in the early church.  Some like to take offense at Paul's words, but they really are wise and helpful.

As a godly woman,  I should dress properly - in an orderly arrangement, with decorum, and modestly - respectful of men and honoring to God, revealing my awe of Him!

I don't need fancy beauty products, or expensive hair stylists and I don't need gold or pearls to please the Lord.  I don't need to spend a lot of money on expensive clothing.   In other words, I don't need to worry about my outward appearance. For God is looking at my heart!

As a godly woman, I should be motivated to do "good works".  Instead of being focused on how I look and what I wear,  I will focus on doing what is good - that which is acceptable before the Lord. It is the same thing that Paul teaches in Romans 12:2 " And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of you mind that you may prove (discern) what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."  

As a godly woman, I will quietly ( in stillness) receive instruction.  I want to learn and know the Word and will of my Lord.  And I will do so with an attitude of "submissiveness".  (That's the part our culture has a problem with.. ) Yet, we do this willingly and freely,  out of love and honor for those that God has given us to teach His Word.  Women are not less than men, nor or we any less able to learn the Word of God.  But, if we want to be all that God desires for us to be - and I do - then I will be willing to listen and learn without causing disruptions.

As a godly woman,  a woman after God's heart, I do not need to be in authority over men, especially over my husband. I am a teacher.  It is a gift that God has given to me.  I love to teach the Word of God and I have been able to do that from time to time in our church.  Is this wrong?  I don't think so. For I do this under the authority of my pastor and with the approval of my husband.  It is not a power trip or a rebellion against those in charge.  Again, I submit willingly to the Lord, who directs me in His ways.  

As a godly woman, I am to "continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint."  My desire is to love the Lord my God with all my heart and all my soul and all my might.  That is God's desire for me above anything else.  Paul's teaching helps us to see what that looks like in practice:

I will dress in a way that is honoring to the Lord.  With modesty and simplicity. 
I will have an attitude of godliness and dignity. 
I will have a knowledge of the Word without pride or boasting about it. 
I will use my time and energy and money for doing the good that the Lord has prepared for me to do. 

Father in heaven,  transform me by renewing my mind with Your Word, by Your Spirit, who teaches me all truth.  Thank You Jesus for being the mediator who has brought me into fellowship and unity with the Father.  Continue to sanctify me through and through as I seek Your Face. May I walk in faith, love, sanctity and self-control today, for the glory and honor of Your Holy Name. Amen.

Monday, April 4, 2016

I Timothy 2

Verses 1-8  "First of all" Paul tells Timothy and us,  we need to pray.   We need to petition God,  we need to be in earnest worship,  we need to be intercessors, and we need to have thankful hearts.. as we pray for ALL men.  As we enter into communion with our Heavenly Father, we need to include prayer for those in authority " in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." 

"This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 

The truth that God desires all men to know?  ".. there is one God and one mediator also between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all.. "

So PRAY! Pray "lifting up holy hands".. pray " without wrath and dissension" .  Pray from a "pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith"

Although Paul addresses men in particular with this instruction,  I think that women also are included in this command to pray.  Elsewhere Paul has already given instructions for all believers to pray always.  This is such an important part of our walk with our Lord, we need to take heed and do it!

Could it be that the reason we do not lead tranquil and quiet lives, is because we have not prayed?
Could it be that the lack of godliness and dignity among believers.. is because we have not entered into earnest worship and intercession as we have prayed?  Do we really believe that God desires "all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth" ?  Are we doing this "first of all" command that God finds "good and acceptable" with pure hearts and sincere faith?

Lord God, You are the God of heaven above and on the earth below and there is no other!  That You desire all men to be saved and to come to know the truth.. is such a wonder to us!  You desire us to come to You through Jesus our Redeemer. You desire us to live in godliness and dignity, leading tranquil and quiet lives;  resting in Your peace and grace. You desire to perfect Your love in us.  Father,  I bow before You and proclaim the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whom You sent to become the propitiation for my sin.  I plead with You, God of all creation, to direct the hearts of those in authority in this country to turn back to You, to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with You, their God.  I pray for the upcoming elections, asking for You to give us the president of You own choosing, so that we will be able to live tranquil and quiet lives, with godliness and dignity.
I thank You that You are faithful and that You will accomplish Your perfect plan and purpose in each of us. Thank You for being merciful and gracious to us. Amen.

Friday, April 1, 2016

I know, I should be on I Timothy 2,  but I find myself meditating instead on I John 4:18 "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear..."  This comes from thinking about the lessons of the heart - and particularly about God's commandment that we love Him with all our heart, and all our soul, and all our strength.   I wonder if I do that, is it even possible ?  Can we keep our hearts completely loving Him?   He even tells us that there are secret things in our hearts - do I even know those things myself?  I do not want to be deceived!  I do want to love Him with all my heart.  I am still praying
II Thessalonians 3:5  -" and may the Lord direct you hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ."   And then I Timothy 1:5 " But the goal... is love from a pure heart, and a good conscience and a sincere faith"

Love from a pure heart has to be "perfect love", right?  How can we claim  such a love? That's why I went searching in I John 4.  Here's what I found:

Verse 7  Love is from God...  (and verse 19 " We love because He first loved us")
"Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God".   It starts with Him!

Verse 9-10 "By this"... His love is "manifested" , made apparent to us,  "that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His son to be the propitiation for our sins."  Here is the proof of His love.

Verse 12-15 - if we love one another - "God abides in us and His love is perfected in us" 
And we can know this, because He "has given us of His Spirit"
And.. "we have beheld and bear witness that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world." 
And "whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him and he in God." 

Verse 16 When we come to know and believe "the love which God has for us" .. when we know that He is love and we abide in love.. we abide in Him and He in us!

Verse 17 "By this, love is perfected in us... "  

By coming to know HIS perfect love, revealed by His provision, the sending of His Son, who has averted His wrath due us because of our sin, we are brought into this "abiding" relationship.  He in us and we in Him.  We stay in His Presence.. we dwell together, and this makes love complete - perfect.
Then we are confident in the day of judgement.
Then we have no fear of punishment.
Because this abiding in perfect love throws that fear right out the window.

Our love is perfected, made complete, by knowing and believing His love.

Father, thank You for sending Your Son, to be the propitiation for my sin.  Thank You for loving me and desiring to save me from my sin and to know the truth.  Perfect Your love in me, O Lord.  Take my hand and lead me into Your love, more and more.  Abide in me and may I always abide in You.
Cast out every fear and fill me with confidence in Your perfect love, I pray in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God, Amen.