Monday, April 27, 2015

Acts20-23  Paul leaves behind his missionary travels and heads to Jerusalem, knowing that he will be arrested there.  Paul is determined to do what God has called him to do... testify of the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ before men, Jews and Gentiles, kings and slaves.  The most important thing to Paul, was that people hear the Good News and repent from their sins, receiving Jesus as Lord.  He didn't know exactly what would happen, but he was determined to trust God and obey His voice.

When Paul testifies of his encounter with Christ he simply tells what he saw and heard. This is his witness.... he was a zealous sinner who met Jesus on the road to Damascus... and his life was forever changed.   Our testimonies are similar... for we were all sinners, on the road to somewhere.. when we met Jesus and our lives were forever changed.  And this is what we need to simply tell others.

Father, thank You for taking me from the dominion of darkness and transferring me into the Kingdom of Your Son.  I may not have had the same kind of encounter that Paul did, but I did meet Jesus and I am determined to follow Him all the days of my life. Give me courage and help me to be faithful to tell of what I have seen and heard from You.  Once again I dedicate myself to You, in the Name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.  Amen

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