Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Acts 6-7  Stephen was one of 7 men chosen to serve those in need.  Yet his ministry went far beyond serving tables.  Anointed by the Holy Spirit, " full of grace and power",  Stephen's life took a turn when he began to defend the Gospel.  Arrested and standing before the Council, Stephen preached:

The God of glory spoke to Abraham.
God was with Joseph in Egypt.
Moses was made " ruler and judge" and a deliverer for Israel.
David found favor with God.
Solomon built the temple. ...

Stephen reviews the history of Israel and speaks right to the hearts of the men he was standing before:
"Which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who had previously announced the coming of the Righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become;"  (v 52)

They were "cut to the quick" we are told.  But  instead of repenting, they murdered again.  Stephen was driven out of the city and stoned to death,  all the while gazing at the face of the God of glory and of the Son standing at His right hand. " Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" Stephen had no doubts about giving his life up for Jesus.  His last words were a prayer for his killers, " Lord, do not hold this sin against them!" ( v60)

I want to be more like Stephen, living life fully for my Lord.

Father in heaven, the God of glory, may we also be full of grace and power and faith like Stephen.  May we also remind others of all that You have done.  You revealed Yourself to Abraham, to Moses, to David.. to many prophets and to us... You are worthy of every sacrifice that we can offer, including our own lives.  It will be worth it all when we see You.  No matter what You ask of us, You will be with us through it all if we keep our eyes on You. Draw us nearer to Your heart.  Fill us with Your Spirit.  You are our Lord and King . amen

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