Friday, April 10, 2015

Acts 9 Saul's encounter with Jesus happens on the road to Damascus... while Saul is on his way to arrest believers there.  Saul was " breathing threats and murder against the disciples" .  A man who seemed the least likely to become a Christian, becomes one in a matter of moments as Jesus reveals Himself to him.   Saul spent 3 days - blind, fasting, and praying.  When Ananias is sent to lay his hands on Saul, his eyes are opened and he is baptized with water and with the Holy Spirit.

"Immediately".. Saul becomes an evangelist!  His message is simple - Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ.  This message is the only one he will ever preach.

Our conversions may not have been this dramatic, but it would have to be the same in some ways - for we meet Jesus and we become convinced that He is the Son of God.  Because He lived and died and rose again, we can encounter Him along the road of our lives and become His disciples, His followers.. and our lives are never the same again.

But, many of us fail to proclaim Him wherever we go.  We don't "prove" that He is the Christ.  We are afraid of arguing with people like Saul did - we don't want to offend or challenge others.

I don't know about you, but I want to do that more.  To proclaim Christ wherever I go.

Father, fill us with Your Spirit and anoint us to be Your instruments wherever we go.  May we always be ready to proclaim Christ Jesus, the Son of God. Help us to fear You and not others.  Open our eyes and use our mouths to tell others this Good News.  Amen.

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