Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Acts 8 Saul is introduced as the young man who stood over the robes of those who stoned Stephen.  Saul became inflamed with the desire to persecute the Christians. He ravaged house after house we are told, "dragging off men and women" to prison.   The result of this persecution was a scattering of the christians from Jerusalem.  But, as they went they preached!

Philip was one of the 7 deacons chosen to help serve the church.  He went to Samaria and began preaching there, starting a great revival.  Peter and John end up coming to Samaria and praying for those who were baptized to receive the Holy Spirit.  Peter sees right through Simon, who wants the power and authority, but whose heart is in " the galls of bitterness and in the bondage of iniquity".    Simon had believed and was baptized, but there was still need of repentance in his heart.

I wonder how many "Christians"  are like Simon?  They have gone through the motions... they have been baptized and go to church... they call themselves christians; but they have not received the Holy Spirit and have not repented of their bitterness and bondage to sin?   Peter tells Simon to pray "that, if possible, the intention of your heart may be forgiven you."  Simon asks Peter to pray for him.  This may be a humble request because he realized his own weakness, or maybe it was a turning away from his own responsibility to deal with his heart's sinfulness.   We are not told which.

Father in heaven,  You are worthy of all our praise and blessings.  We honor You.  You see our hearts and You know our needs.  Lord, expose any false beliefs or bitterness that we need to repent of.  You have made us whole in Christ our Lord, we know, but may we be fully yielded to You, filled with Your Spirit and  walking in Your ways every day.  Come and move us where we need to be and use us to tell others the Good News of Jesus. Amen

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