Friday, April 3, 2015

Acts 4 The miracle of healing - a man crippled since birth, made completely whole - stunned everyone who witnessed it.  The people rejoiced and praised God; many believed the message and were saved!  But the priests and the elders "were greatly disturbed".  After placing Peter and John in jail overnight, they question them.. but cannot reply... cannot deny... and cannot stop Peter and John from testifying of what they had " seen and heard"

When released, the apostles meet again with the group of believers and together they pray.  Their prayer is that " ... Thy bond servants may speak Thy word with confidence, while Thou dost extend Thy hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Thy holy servant Jesus." 
This prayer is followed by another powerful movement of the Holy Spirit... and answered as those filled with the Spirit "speak the word of God with boldness."

Both "power" and "grace" are given to the apostles as they "were giving witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus."  ( v33)

As we observe Good Friday today and look forward to Sunday, the Resurrection Day, may we be stirred, moved, and filled by the Holy Spirit.. may our prayer be like the prayer of the apostles...

Father God, the Creator of Heaven and earth, You have moved Your Hand and done what You have purposed and predestined to do.  You have expanded Your kingdom and built Your church.  You have claimed a people and called us to follow Jesus Christ our Lord.  May we also speak Your Word with confidence and see Your hand heal and do the wonderful works that only You can do.. that many more will come to believe in Jesus.  Give us boldness to speak of the resurrected Jesus by the power of Your Spirit.  Fill us once again we pray, in the Name of Jesus,  amen.

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