Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Acts 11    As Peter returns to Jerusalem, the news goes before him that the Gentiles are being saved.  Of course, this is questioned, but as Peter tells what happened, their doubts turn to joy.  "God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance that leads to life." v18  ( O thank You Father!)

In Antioch, the church takes on new life as both Jews and Greeks ( Gentiles) join together as one body of believers.  Barnabas is sent to Antioch where he "witnessed the grace of God, he rejoiced and began to encourage them all with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord." v23  Then he goes to Tarsus to find Saul and brings him back to Antioch where they work together teaching and serving the church.

Acts 12 - key events:

Herod has James, the apostle, killed.
He has Peter arrested, but an angel of the Lord comes and releases Peter in the middle of the night.
Peter goes to the house of Mary and John Mark and tells them what happened.
Herod cannot find Peter, orders the guard's execution and leaves for Caesarea.
Herod dies at the hand of the angel of the Lord when he does not "give God the glory", but allows himself to be called a god.

 Father in heaven,  You have a plan and purpose for each of us, just as you did for Barnabas, Saul , and Peter.... and even Herod.   O Lord, may we always be true to You and always give You glory.
Lead us in paths of righteousness today, Lord. May we not be tempted by the evil one, who always seeks our destruction, for his plan is always to make us not believe Your Word and to disobey.  Deliver us from all evil.  Keep our eyes and hearts pure as we seek You first today.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.  amen.

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