Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Acts 24-26  Paul goes to trial before Felix, then Festus, and then before King Agrippa.  Each time the Jews make accusations but have no proof.  Each time Paul defends himself by simply telling the truth of the Gospel.  Paul states several times that his conscience is blameless " both before God and before men. "  For 2 years Paul is imprisoned by Felix, who would often send for him and converse with him.   After Felix was succeeded by Festus, the Jews once again started making their accusations against Paul and demanded another trial.  Festus asked Paul if he would be willing to go to Jerusalem, but Paul knew the plots against him there and appealed to Caesar.   Festus brought Paul before King Agrippa and his wife Bernice and again Paul speaks out, telling them all about Jesus.  Agrippa himself states that Paul's message is so persuasive that " ... In a short time you will persuade me to become a Christian." 

They would have set Paul free, but for his appeal to Caesar.  But now the events have been set in motion and Paul will go to Rome, just as he was told by Jesus.   The " sober words of truth" , the truth of Jesus, the Resurrected and Living Christ would be preached before "both small and great", so that they  would " open their eyes.. turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith.." in Christ.

Paul's testimony and his heart's cry was that "all who hear me this day, might become such as I am, except for these chains."  

Paul was willing to speak the truth to slaves, to kings, and to those who hated him.  He spoke to idol worshipers and to devout Jews.  It didn't matter who they were or what they did to him, Paul knew that they needed Jesus.  It was his constant prayer that all who heard him would meet Jesus. That needs to resonate with our hearts too...

Father in Heaven, You are Almighty God, and we hallow Your Name.  We pray for Your will to be done and for Your Kingdom to come.  We see the great need for Jesus in our world today and pray that You would send workers into Your harvest field, that many more would meet Jesus Christ and have their eyes opened, that they may turn from darkness to Light, from death to Life.  Lead us in Your paths and give us the courage and wisdom to speak the sober words of truth faithfully, wherever we go.  We pray this in the Name of our living Lord Jesus Christ. amen

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